Are some administrative procedures standardized and abolished in the field of civil judgment enforcement under the management of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam?

On May 30, 2022, the Ministry of Justice announced that administrative procedures have been standardized and abolished in the field of civil judgment enforcement, so how many procedures have been standardized and abolished? Administrative procedures have been standardized by the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam, can the locality be regulated in more detail? Thank you!

On May 30, 2022, the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam issued a decision to announce standardized and abolished administrative procedures in the field of civil judgment enforcement within the scope of the Ministry's management. Justice in Vietnam in which 12 administrative procedures are standardized and 3 administrative procedures at central level, 3 administrative procedures at provincial level and 2 administrative procedures at district level have been abolished.

What are the standardized administrative procedures in the field of civil judgment enforcement under the management function of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam?

Follow Decision 1247/QD-BTP in 2022 on the publication of standardized administrative procedures in the field of civil judgment enforcement under the management of the Ministry of Justice as follows:

- Provincial administrative procedures Department of civil judgment execution; The military zone-level Judgment Execution Division shall perform the following tasks:

+ Request for civil judgment enforcement

+ Receive distrained assets for deduction from judgment enforcement money

+ Request for change of

fee exemption or reduction Judgment enforcement

+ Request for exemption or reduction of coercive judgment enforcement expenses

+ Confirmation of judgment enforcement results

- District-level administrative procedures performed by the Civil Judgment Execution Sub-department include:

+ Judgment enforcement requestsenforcers

+ To receive distrained assets for deduction from money for judgment enforcement

+ Request for change of

exemption or reduction of judgment enforcement fees

+ Request for exemption or reduction of coercive judgment enforcement expenses

+ Confirmation Receiving judgment execution results

Are some administrative procedures standardized and abolished in the field of civil judgment enforcement under the management of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam?

Are some administrative procedures standardized and abolished in the field of civil judgment enforcement under the management of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam?

procedures abolished in the field of civil judgment enforcement under the management of the Ministry of Justice?

Follow Decision 1247/QD-BTP in 2022 on the announcement of annulled administrative procedures in the field of civil judgment enforcement under the management function of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam as follows:

- Administrative procedures The central level includes:

+ Settlement of denunciations about civil judgment enforcement

+ Settlement of complaints about civil judgment enforcement (1st time)

+ Settlement of complaints about civil judgment enforcement (2nd time)

- Procedures Provincial administration includes:

+ Settlement of denunciations about civil judgment enforcement

+ Settlement of complaints about civil judgment enforcement (1st time)

+ Settlement of complaints about civil judgment enforcement (2nd time)

- Prime Minister District-level administrative procedures include:

+ Settlement of denunciations about civil judgment enforcement

+ Settlement of complaints about civil judgment enforcement

Note: Reasons for annulment of administrative procedures: These procedures have been announced at Decision No. 1328/QD-BTP dated June 1, 2020. However, according to the provisions of Article 12, Article 142 and Article 159 of the Law on Civil Judgment Execution, Decree No. 92/2017/ND-CP issued by the Government on August 7, 2017 amending and supplementing some Articles of decrees related to control of administrative procedures, these procedures no longer satisfy the conditions of administrative procedures, so they are removed from the list of administrative procedures.

Administrative procedures have been standardized by the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam, can the locality be regulated in more detail?

According to Appendix X issued together with Circular 02/2017/TT-VPCP stipulating:

- Reviewing and assessing the conformity of administrative procedures and regulations related to administrative procedures with requirements. implementing online public services to create a basis for ministries, branches and localities to amend and complete regulations on administrative procedures and select administrative procedures to develop a roadmap for providing online public services. (DVCTT) feasible and effective.

- The review and evaluation focuses on 02 contents:

+ The conformity of the content of administrative procedures with requirements and standards for performing online public services according to different levels.

+ The influence of administrative procedures on complexity in design and performance, operational efficiency, and use of the online public service delivery system.

- The method of review and evaluation is carried out as follows:

- Review and evaluate the conformity of the contents of administrative procedures

- Based on the prescribed contents of the constituent parts of administrative procedures. Main and method of classifying online public services according to levels, agencies and units in charge of review shall review, evaluate and identify inappropriate administrative procedures for implementation. online public service.

- Based on the results of the review and evaluation, the agency or unit in charge of the review proposes solutions to:

+ Handle inadequacies with technical and technological solutions during the design process. online public service delivery system;

+ Handle inadequacies through amending and supplementing the contents of administrative procedures in relevant legal documents.

- The type of administrative procedures that have been standardized nationally and locally are not specified in more detail (applicable to the review by ministries and branches to register for the deployment of the nationwide public service provision system) .

Thus, for administrative procedures that have been standardized and uniformly applied to the review by ministries and localities, there are no further detailed regulations.


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