07:44 | 23/07/2024

Application of Science and Technology in the Organization and Management of Traffic Operations to Optimize Vehicle Throughput

Could you please tell me what specific tasks the People’s Committees of cities have in strengthening the implementation of ensuring traffic order, safety, and combating traffic congestion in the period of 2022 - 2025? - Question from Mr. Duong from Vinh Long

Application of science and technology in organizing, managing, and operating traffic to optimize the vehicle passage capacity

Based on sub-section 14, Section II, Resolution 48/ND-CP of 2022 on tasks and specific solutions to implement the Resolution for the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities as follows:

- Firstly: Formulate plans to ensure traffic safety and prevent traffic congestion in the locality for the period 2022 - 2025 and annual implementation and budget estimates to be submitted to the People’s Council for approval to be implemented in accordance with the local conditions; use the administrative violation fine fund on traffic order and safety for the tasks of ensuring traffic order and safety, and preventing traffic congestion;

- Secondly:

+ Continue to identify the work of ensuring traffic order and safety, preventing traffic congestion and reducing environmental pollution from transportation activities as one of the important goals when implementing local plans;

+ Ensure resources for managing and maintaining traffic infrastructure, focusing on promptly eliminating black spots, and potential traffic accident spots;

- Thirdly:

+ Intensify propaganda, education, dissemination of legal regulations on traffic safety, congestion prevention, and environmental protection;

+ Promote the role of socio-political organizations, types of ethnic cultural art, and modern communication tools to create positive changes in the behavior of traffic participants;

- Fourthly:

+ Direct functional sectors to strengthen patrols, controls, and strictly handle violations of traffic order and safety regulations;

+ Use results obtained from technical means and equipment to detect administrative violations and impose administrative penalties;

+ Manage technical safety and environmental protection for road motor vehicles and inland waterway vehicles;

+ Ensure traffic order and safety in road and inland waterway transport activities;

+ Continue to direct and implement the work of controlling vehicle load according to the direction of promoting private investment in the investment of modern technology for scales and vehicle load control stations;

- Fifthly: Applying science and technology in organizing, managing, and operating traffic to optimize the vehicle passage capacity; focusing on developing intelligent transportation in cities, district-level towns, commune-level towns, contributing to reducing traffic congestion and environmental pollution;

- Sixthly:

+ Direct inspections on planning implementation, construction investment, and handling violations regarding traffic safety corridors under their authority; for roads parallel to railways through residential areas, build bypass roads to limit connections;

+ Develop a plan to eliminate unauthorized crossing of railways by 2030; increase investment in building automatic traffic monitoring systems at road-railway intersections;

- Seventhly: Organize and implement the construction of rest stations according to the plan to meet the essential needs of drivers, passengers, and vehicles along national and provincial roads, ensuring that drivers can take a rest after no more than 4 hours as prescribed;

- Eighthly:

+ Accelerate the development of the provincial traffic network (stations, parking lots, logistics centers, public transport hubs...) according to the plan;

+ Strengthen investment monitoring and prioritize the implementation of investment projects for parking lots using intelligent and modern parking technology;

- Ninthly:

+ Continue to apply modern technology in the management of training, testing, and issuing driving licenses;

+ Streamline the process, methods, and content of training, testing, and issuing road motor vehicle driving licenses to improve the quality of training and testing, ensuring transparency and fairness.

Tasks of the People’s Committee of the city to strengthen the implementation of ensuring traffic order and safety and preventing traffic congestion for the period 2022 - 2025

Application of science and technology in organizing, managing, and operating traffic to optimize the vehicle passage capacity? (Image from the Internet)

People’s Committees of the cities: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh to study building a scheme to restrict the activities of motorbikes in line with infrastructure?

In sub-section 15, Section II, Resolution 48/ND-CP of 2022 on tasks and specific solutions to implement the Resolution for the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities as follows:

In addition to implementing the above-prescribed contents, it is necessary to focus on implementing the following tasks:

- Firstly:

Based on the actual conditions of each city, review, and direct the competent authorities to advise the city People’s Council to promulgate Resolutions on prioritizing the development of a high-volume public passenger transport system, striving to reach the target percentage share of public passenger transport by 2025 at 30%-35%;

+ Apply intelligent transportation technology in organizing, managing, and operating urban traffic; strengthen the management of traffic means to reduce congestion and environmental pollution in the city;

- Secondly: Study and build a scheme to restrict the activities of motorbikes in line with the infrastructure and service capacity of the public passenger transport system, moving towards a plan to restrict or cease motorbike operations in some urban districts after 2030;

- Thirdly: Study and build a scheme to charge fees for motor vehicles entering certain areas of the city at risk of traffic congestion and environmental pollution to limit the number of motor vehicles entering;

- Fourthly:

+ Review, arrange static parking positions in the inner city and districts;

+ Invest in constructing transportation access systems for people with disabilities, the elderly in urban areas, and facilities ensuring traffic safety for vulnerable traffic participants; study piloting bicycle lanes;

- Fifthly:

+ Strengthen sidewalk and road order management to ensure pedestrian priority rights;

+ Strictly manage the temporary use of sidewalks and roads for vehicle parking, material transfer...;

+ Strictly implement traffic safety corridor regulations, preventing the occupation of sidewalks and roads for businesses, causing traffic obstructions;

- Sixthly:

+ Focus resources on immediately handling regularly congested points, preventing the emergence of new congested points; ensure there are no prolonged traffic congestion incidents over 30 minutes;

+ Approve investments in apartment complexes, high-rise buildings, shopping centers only when they comply with the planning and meet requirements and regulations on parking lots, traffic infrastructure, and connections to main urban roads.

Deadline for reporting the implementation results of the assigned tasks and solutions mentioned in the Resolution to summarize and report to the Prime Minister the Government of Vietnam?

In sub-section 2, Section III, Resolution 48/ND-CP of 2022 on policies for reporting:

- Quarterly, the ministries and central authorities, and the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities assess the implementation results of the tasks and solutions in this Resolution at the National Online Conference on ensuring traffic order and safety.

- Annually in December, the ministries and central authorities, and the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities send the National Traffic Safety Committee a report on the implementation results of the assigned tasks and solutions mentioned in the Resolution to summarize and report to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam.

Therefore, annually in December, the ministries and central authorities, and the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities send the National Traffic Safety Committee a report on the implementation results of the assigned tasks and solutions mentioned in the Resolution to summarize and report to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam.


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