Circular No. 02/2010/TT-NHNN of January 22, 2010, providing in details for the implementation of giving interest rate support to bank loans in 2010 for procurement of machine, equipment, materials to serve agricultural production and materials for building dwelling houses in rural areas

LawNet .vn

Circular No. 02/2010/TT-NHNN of January 22, 2010, providing in details for the implementation of giving interest rate support to bank loans in 2010 for procurement of machine, equipment, materials to serve agricultural production and materials for building dwelling houses in rural areas

Sign: 02/2010/TT-NHNN Document type: Circular
Promulgation place: The State Bank Signer: Nguyen Dong Tien
Promulgation day: 22/01/2010 Effect day: Known
Announcement day: Updating Announcement number: Updating
Status: Known
Sign: 02/2010/TT-NHNN
Document type: Circular
Promulgation place: The State Bank
Signer: Nguyen Dong Tien
Promulgation day: 22/01/2010
Effect day: Known
Announcement day: Updating
Announcement number: Updating
Status: Known

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