02:03 | 17/04/2024

What are the 32 Rules of Ethics and Conduct for Vietnamese Lawyers?

What are the 32 Rules of Ethics and Conduct for Vietnamese Lawyers? - asked Mr. B.V.M - Hanoi.

What are the 32 Rules of Ethics and Conduct for Vietnamese Lawyers?

The Code of Ethics and Conduct for Vietnamese Lawyers issued with Decision 201/QD-HDLSTQ in 2019 stipulates 32 Rules of Ethics and Conduct for Vietnamese Lawyers including:

Rule 1. Lawyer’s mission

Rule 2. Independence, honesty, respect for objective truth

Rule 3. Preserving honor, reputation and upholding lawyers’ traditions

Rule 4. Participation in community activities

Rule 5. Best protection of client’s legitimate rights and interests

Rule 6. Respecting clients

Rule 7. Confidentiality

Rule 8. Lawyer’s fees

Rule 9. Prohibited acts in relationship with clients

Rule 10. Take a case from client

Rule 11. Cases the lawyer must decline

Rule 12. Perform a case

Rule 13. Decline proceeding the case

Rule 14. Further actions upon unilateral termination of legal service performance by the lawyer

Rule 15. Conflict of interest

Rule 16. Notify result of performance of a case

Rule 17. Lawyer colleagueship

Rule 18. Respect and cooperate with colleagues

Rule 19. Professional competition

Rule 20. Proper conduct upon a conflict of interest with a colleague

Rule 21. Prohibited acts in relationship towards colleagues

Rule 22. Conduct for lawyers in legal-practicing organizations

Rule 23. Conduct for lawyers practicing as individuals

Rule 24. Relationship with legal trainees

Rule 25. Relationship with socio-professional organizations of lawyers

Rule 26. General rules when participating in proceedings

Rule 27. Conduct at court hearing

Rule 28. Prohibited acts in relationship with presiding agencies and persons

Rule 29. Conduct for lawyers in relationship with other regulatory agencies

Rule 30. Conduct in relationship with other organizations and individuals

Rule 31. Communications

Rule 32. Advertisements

What are the 32 Rules of Ethics and Conduct for Vietnamese Lawyers? (Image from the Internet)

What are the prohibited acts of Vietnamese laweyers when practicing law?

Prohibited acts for lawyers specified in Article 9 of the Law on Lawyers 2006 (amended by the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Lawyers 2012) include:

Lawyers are forbidden to commit the following acts:

- Providing legal services to clients who have conflicting interests in the same criminal, civil or administrative case or civil affair (hereinafter collectively referred to as cases and affairs) as provided for by law;

- Intentionally supplying forged or untruthful documents or material evidences; instigating detainees, the accused, defendants or involved persons to make untruthful declarations or instigating clients to make complaints, denunciations or petitions in contravention of law;

- Disclosing information on cases, affairs or clients they have acquired in the process of professional practice, unless it is agreed by clients in writing or otherwise provided for by law.

- Harassing or deceiving clients;

- Receiving or asking for any money amounts or benefits other than remunerations and charges agreed upon with clients in legal service contracts;

- Establishing contacts or relations with persons conducting or participating in legal proceedings or with cadres or civil servants to act in contravention of law in the settlement of cases or affairs;

- Abusing law practice or the lawyer's title to cause harms to national security, social order or safety, infringing upon the State's interests, public interests or legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations or individuals.

Agencies, organizations and individuals may not commit acts of obstructing lawyers from practicing their profession.

Who has the authority to issue the lawyer practicing certificates in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 3 Article 17 of the Law on Lawyers 2006 (amended by Clause 8 Article 1 of the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Lawyers 2012):

Issuing the lawyer practicing certificates
3. Within 07 working days as from receiving the complete and valid dossier, the Service of Justice shall check the dossier, verify the validity of the dossier if necessary, and send the written request enclosed with the dossier of application for the lawyer practicing certificate to the Ministry of Justice.
Within 20 days as from receiving the complete and valid dossier, the Minister of Justice shall decide the issue of the lawyer practicing certificate; the refusal must be explained and notified in writing to the applicant and the Service of Justice where the dossier of application is submitted.
The refused person may file complaints or lawsuits as prescribed by law.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the person with authority to decide on the issuance of a lawyer practicing certificate is the Minister of Justice.

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