Content for dissemination of knowledge about anti-corruption laws for the period 2022-2025 in Hanoi, Vietnam

Content for dissemination of knowledge about anti-corruption laws for the period 2022-2025 in Hanoi, Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

The People's Committee of Hanoi, Vietnam provides guidance on the content for dissemination of knowledge about anti-corruption laws for the period 2022-2025

Legal  Policy  Content  on  Anti-Corruption  Propaganda  for  the  Period  2022-2025

Content for dissemination of knowledge about anti-corruption laws for the period 2022-2025 in Hanoi, Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

Content for dissemination of knowledge about anti-corruption laws for the period 2022-2025 in Hanoi, Vietnam

The content mentioned in Plan 243/KH-UBND of 2022 aims to enhance the dissemination of knowledge about anti-corruption laws in Hanoi, Vietnam (period 2022-2025).

The purpose of the Plan is to create a significant shift in awareness, compliance, learning, and understanding of the anti-corruption laws and integrity ethics; to build a lifestyle of integrity and adherence to anti-corruption laws among officials and public employees, workers, and residents of the capital; and to promote the pioneering and exemplary role of officials and public employees, especially leaders in agencies, organizations, and units, in implementing anti-corruption laws of Vietnam.

Continue to innovate, enhance, and improve the effectiveness of propaganda, dissemination, and education of anti-corruption laws both broadly and deeply, practically; integrating the propaganda on anti-corruption with practicing thrift and combating waste; implementing "Strengthening the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style" to every official and public employee, worker, and resident of the capital.

To be specific: the anti-corruption propaganda content for the period 2022-2025 in Hanoi, Vietnam includes:

- The current situation, causes, conditions of corruption, and solutions to combat corruption;

- The significance and importance of anti-corruption and building integrity ethics;

- Ho Chi Minh’s ideology on integrity ethics and anti-corruption;

- The viewpoints, guidelines, and policies of the Communist Party and the State, and the City regarding anti-corruption.

- Anti-Corruption Law 2018 and its guiding documents (Decree 59/2019/ND-CP dated July 1, 2019, detailing and implementing the anti-corruption law; Decree 134/2021/ND-CP dated December 30, 2021, amending and supplementing several clauses of Decree 59/2019/ND-CP dated July 1, 2019; Decree 130/2020/ND-CP dated October 30, 2020, about the control of assets and income of persons with positions and powers in agencies, organizations, and units...); related legal documents on anti-corruption; focusing on regulations: corruption acts in the public sector and corrupt acts in the private sector; anti-corruption in the private sector; responsibilities of agencies, organizations, units, businesses, and the non-state sector in anti-corruption; preventive measures against corruption; control of assets and income of persons with positions and powers; handling corruption and violations of anti-corruption laws...).

- Anti-corruption experiences in Vietnam’s history and the City; tasks and solutions for anti-corruption according to Resolutions, directives, evaluations, summaries... of Central and City’s anti-corruption works (Directives from the General Secretary, Head of the Central Committee on Anti-corruption, on summing up 10 years of anti-corruption work for 2012-2022; Resolutions of the 13th Party Congress and the 13th City Party Congress...).

- United Nations Convention against Corruption; international cooperation of Vietnam in anti-corruption; international experiences in anti-corruption.

- The status and results of implementing policies and laws on anti-corruption, results of inspections, examinations of cases, and investigations, prosecutions, trials of corruption cases; the results of handling anti-corruption cases nationwide and in the City...).

- Rights, obligations, and responsibilities of officials and public employees, workers, and citizens in anti-corruption and negative behaviors.

- Models, experiences, exemplary figures in anti-corruption and integrity ethics, criticizing negative manifestations, corruption in agencies, organizations, units, and localities...

- Events, political - legal - economic - cultural - social issues with themes and contents on anti-corruption and integrity ethics.

More details can be found in Plan 243/KH-UBND of 2022.


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    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
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