Vietnam: How are fines for violations against regulations on contracts signed with consumers?

Recently, the Government of Vietnam has issued the Decree No. 98/2020/NĐ-CP prescribing penalties for administrative violations against regulations on commerce, production and trade in counterfeit and prohibited goods, and protection of consumer rights.

Vi phạm về hợp đồng giao kết với người tiêu dùng, Nghị định 98/2020/NĐ-CP

According to Article 48 of the Decree No. 98/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, administrative penalties for violations against regulations on contracts signed with consumers are specified as follows:

1. A fine ranging from VND 5.000.000 to VND 10.000.000 shall be imposed for committing one of the following violations:

- Signing contracts with consumers in the form or by using language other than the prescribed ones;

- Failing to provide the entire contract to the consumer for consideration before it is signed by electronic means.

2. Remedial measure: The violating entity is compelled to modify signed contracts if the violation mentioned above is committed.

Besides, fine ranging from VND 30.000.000 to VND 50.000.000 shall be imposed for committing one of the following violations:

- Failing to carry out registration or re-registration of standard form contract or contract containing general terms and conditions with competent authorities in charge of protection of consumer rights;

- Failing to notify consumers of changes in the standard form contract or contract containing general terms and conditions;

- Failing to apply the standard form contract or contract containing general terms and conditions registered with competent authorities in charge of protection of consumer rights.

View more details at the Decree No. 98/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, effective from October 15, 2020.

Ty Na


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