Vietnam: Failing to send result of personal dose recording in the prescribed deadline shall be fined up to VND 6 million

Recently, the Government of Vietnam has issued Decree No. 107/2013/NĐ-CP providing on sanctioning of administrative violations in atomic energy.

Không gửi kết quả đọc liều xạ cá nhân đúng thời hạn phạt đến 6 triệu, Nghị định 107/2013/NĐ-CP

Specifically, according to Decree No. 107/2013/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, a fine of between VND 3,000,000 and 6,000,000 for one of the following acts:

- Failing to formulate or failing to perform the program on ensuring the operational quality in examining X-ray equipment for medical diagnosis;

- Failing to have a process when measuring, examining radioactive sources, and radiation equipment;

- Failing to comply with the process which has been appraised by competent state agencies;

- Failing to send result of personal dose recording in the prescribed deadline;

- To be lack one of contents: name, address of organization carrying out the radiation jobs; name of person who is recorded dose; duration of measurement; measured value of dose, measurement unit; certification of agency providing service, in result slip of measuring personal dose;

- Recording insufficient and incorrect information in: minutes of examining quality, minutes of calibrating radiation equipment, nuclear equipment, equipment to record and measure radiation; minutes of radiation examination at the working area, safety assessment, assessment and verification for radiation technology, nuclear technology;

- Failing to provide instructions in writing for clients using the personal dose according to regulations.

Besides, a fine of between VND 4,000,000 and 5,000,000 for one of the following acts:

1. Failing to setup the control area, supervision area, and the restrained area when conducting test, calibration for radiation measurement equipment and radiological equipment, nuclear equipment; decontamination, installment of radioactive sources;

2. Failing to report to competent state agencies in case where radiological workers are irradiated overdose;

3. Failing to store types of documents on providing support service for the application of atomic energy;

4. Failing to enter data of personal occupational doses into national database of occupational exposure according to regulations;

View more details at Decree No. 107/2013/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, effective from November 15, 2013.

Ty Na


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