Notable new policies of Vietnam effective as of the middle of November 2023

Notable new policies of Vietnam effective as of the middle of November 2023
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

Entities eligible for 30% reduction of 2023 land rent; Persons ineligible for registering probationary notarization practice; Online information provision channels of Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam; General standards of quality of statistical officials, etc. are notable new policies that will be covered in this bulletin.

1. Entities eligible for 30% reduction of 2023 land rents in Vietnam

On October 3, 2023, the Prime Minister of Vietnam promulgated Decision No. 25/2023/QD-TTg on the reduction of 2023 land rents, which stipulates entities eligible for a 30% reduction of land rents as follows:  

Organizations, units, enterprises, households and individuals that are directly leasing land from the State under decisions or contracts or certificates of land use rights and rights to ownership of houses and other property on land issued by competent regulatory authorities via the method of land lease with annual rental payment (hereinafter referred to as "land lessees”).

This regulation is applicable to land lessees who are ineligible for exemption from or reduction in land rents, those whose exemption or reduction periods have expired and those whose land rents are reduced according to the regulations of land laws (Land Law and documents elaborating Land Law) and other relevant laws.

See more details in Decision No. 25/2023/QD-TTg, effective as of November 20, 2023.

2. Persons ineligible for registering probationary notarization practice in Vietnam

On October 2, 2023, the Minister of Justice of Vietnam promulgated Circular No. 08/2023/TT-BTP guiding the probationary notarization practice.

According to the Circular, persons that fall into one of the following cases shall not be eligible for registering probationary notarization practice:

- Persons who are criminally prosecuted or convicted by legally effective judgments of courts for unintentional crimes that have yet to spend such convictions or for intentional crimes;

- Persons subject to administrative handling measures according to administrative violation handling laws;

- Persons who are incapacitated or have limited legal capacity or difficulties in cognition and behavior control; 

- Persons who are officials, public employees (excluding public employees working in Authentication Offices), professional commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers and national defense employees in agencies and units under the People's Army; commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, and workers in agencies and units under the People's Public Security Force;

- Officials subject to disciplinary dismissal, officials or public employees subject to forced resignation as disciplinary actions or professional commissioned officers, soldiers, and workers and public employees in agencies and units under the People's Army, and commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, workers, and public employees in units under the People's Public Security Force that are stripped of military titles, People's Public Security titles or removed from the authority as disciplinary actions;  

- Persons working under labor contracts for agencies, organizations, and enterprises, excluding cases of persons working under labor contracts for authentication organizations where such persons are on probation, or the information in the labor contracts with agencies, organizations, and enterprises does not overlap the working day and hour of the authentication organizations accepting probationers.  

See more details in Circular No. 08/2023/TT-BTP, which comes into force as of 20/11/2023 and replaces Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BTP.

3. Online information provision channels of Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam

On September 29, 2023, the Minister of Public Security of Vietnam promulgated Circular No. 45/2023/TT-BCA on the provision of online information of the People’s Public Security Force, which stipulates the online information provision channels of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam as follows:    

- Web portal of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam.

- The Minister of Public Security of Vietnam shall, based on specific conditions, implement the following online information provision portals for organizations and individuals:

+ Data portal at the ministry level;

+ Social media;

+ Email;

+ Mobile application;

+ Telephone switchboard.

- Online information provision channels of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam shall ensure that the provision of information is synchronous and consistent with the information on the web portal of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam.

- Online information provision channels of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam shall meet the requirements prescribed in Clause 3 Article 5 of Decree No. 42/2022/ND-CP.

See more details in Circular No. 45/2023/TT-BCA comes into force as of November 15, 2023 and replaces Circular No. 98/2020/TT-BCA.

4. Vietnam’s general standards of quality of statistical officials

On October 2, 2023, the Minister of Planning and Investment of Vietnam promulgated Circular No. 08/2023/TT-BKHDT on codes, professional standards, and classification of pay grades for officials specializing in statistics, which stipulates the general standards of the quality of statistical officials as follows:

- Having strong political courage and steadfast adherence to Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's Ideology, grasping the CPV guidelines and policies; staying loyal to the Fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; protecting the benefits of the Fatherland and the People.

- Adequately performing tasks of officials as prescribed by laws; strictly complying with the task assignment of the superiors; complying with laws and maintaining discipline and administrative order; being the model in the implementation of regulations of authorities. 

- Having dedication, responsibility, integrity, honesty, objectivity, and fairness and being the model in the implementation of official work; having politeness and culture and following the standards in communicating and serving the People.

- Having a healthy, modest, and united lifestyle and living activities; practicing diligence, thrift, integrity, fairness, public-mindedness, and impartiality; not taking advantage of the official work for personal benefits; not conducting bureaucracy and corruption or creating waste and negativity.

- Consciously studying and training to improve quality, qualifications, and capacity.

See more details in Circular No. 08/2023/TT-BKHDT, effective as of November 15, 2023.


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