Detailed procedure for resolving social insurance and health insurance formalities via postal services in Vietnam

According to the recent guidance of Ho Chi Minh City Social Insurance in Decision 262/QD-BHXH, individuals carrying out administrative procedures such as registration, selecting social insurance policy dossiers, social insurance disbursement, notarization, social insurance book, health insurance card, health insurance payments, etc., through the public service system shall follow the process diagram below:

Step 1 INDIVIDUAL - Log in to the public service system, select the type of public service.

- Enter the service requester's information (full name, date of birth, ID card, etc.)

- Select the type of dossier in the following fields: Social Insurance schemes; Social Insurance expenditures; Certified copies; Social Insurance books, Health Insurance cards, Health Insurance payment, fields to be transacted according to the attached Dossier List.

- Select the form of service and confirm the service
Step 2
- Receive information from the public service system;

- Contact the individual to confirm information, the time for receiving the dossier, and request for dossier completion.
Step 3 INDIVIDUAL - Confirm information and the time for receiving the dossier with the Post Office staff

- Prepare documents and forms as per the prescribed Dossier List

- Hand over the dossier to the Post Office staff and sign the delivery receipt
Step 4 POST OFFICE - Receive the dossier from the individual, check the dossier for correctness and completeness, sign the delivery receipt

- Consolidate and submit the dossier to the Social Insurance Agency
Step 5
- Receive the dossier from the Post Office, check the dossier for correctness and completeness, sign the delivery receipt

- Process the dossier according to procedures and guiding documents;

- Return processed results to the Post Office
Step 6 POST OFFICE - Receive the results from the Social Insurance Agency

- Contact and deliver the results to the individual

Refer to additional instructions at Decision 262/QD-BHXH effective from October 24, 2017


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