29/03/2024 15:12

Procedures for consideration for awarding the titles of People's Artist and Artist of Merit in Vietnam

Procedures for consideration for awarding the titles of People's Artist and Artist of Merit in Vietnam

What are the criteria and procedures for consideration for awarding the titles of People's Artist and Artist of Merit in Vietnam? How to distinguish the criteria for awarding titles between People's Artist and Artist of Merit?_Tuan Tu (Da Nang)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Criteria and procedures for consideration for awarding the titles of People's Artist and Artist of Merit in Vietnam

According to the regulations in Article 5 and Article 6 of Decree 62/2014/ND-CP, the titles of "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit" are awarded to individuals who meet the following criteria:

* Criteria for awarding the title of People's Artist:

- Loyalty to the socialist Republic of Vietnam; compliance with the Party's policies, state laws, and regulations of agencies, organizations, and localities.

- Good moral character, exemplary in life; dedication and passion for the profession, admired and respected by colleagues and the public; able to train individuals involved in protecting and promoting intangible cultural heritage.

- Exceptional professional talent, significant contributions, and exemplary in the career of protecting and promoting intangible cultural heritage nationwide; demonstrated through mastery of skills, practices, achievements, awards, and high-value spiritual or material products in history, culture, science, art, aesthetics, and technology.

- At least 20 years of professional experience and has been awarded the title of "Artist of Merit" by the state.

* Criteria for awarding the title of Artist of Merit:

- Loyalty to the socialist Republic of Vietnam; compliance with the Party's policies, state laws, and regulations of agencies, organizations, and localities.

- Good moral character, exemplary in life; dedication and passion for the profession, admired and respected by colleagues and the public; able to train individuals involved in protecting and promoting intangible cultural heritage.

 - Exceptional professional talent, significant contributions, and exemplary in the career of protecting and promoting intangible cultural heritage at the local level; demonstrated through mastery of skills, practices, achievements, awards, and high-value spiritual or material products in history, culture, science, art, aesthetics, and technology.

- At least 15 years of professional experience.



Scope of contributions

Years of professional experience

People's Artist


20 years or more and having been awarded the title of "Artist of Merit" by the state

Artist of Merit


15 years or more

2. Procedures for considering the awarding of the titles of People's Artist and Artist of Merit in Vietnam

According to the regulations in Clause 1 of Article 7, Articles 13, 14, and 15 of Decree 62/2014/ND-CP, the composition of the Council and the process of considering the titles of People's Artist and Artist of Merit are as follows:

* The Council for awarding the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit" is established at 3 levels:

- Provincial-level Council;

- Ministry-level specialized Council;

- State-level Council.

* The process and procedures for considering at the Provincial-level Council

- The permanent agency of the Provincial-level Council is responsible for assisting the Council in carrying out the following tasks:

+ Submitting to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee a proposal to establish the Provincial-level Council for awarding the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit";

+ Organizing the collection of opinions from the community (in communes, wards, townships) where the individual being nominated resides or the professional association where the individual being nominated is active, in order to include them in the nomination dossier (Form 3);

Form 3: Download 

+ Announcing the list of individuals being nominated for the titles on the public media of the province and posting the list and the declaration of achievements of the individuals being nominated on the electronic portal of the Provincial People's Committee to gather opinions from the people within a period of 15 working days;

+ Sending the documents and nomination dossier to the members of the Provincial-level Council and organizing a meeting of the Council to make the selection.

- The Provincial-level Council organizes the evaluation of the dossier and conducts the selection as follows:

+ Evaluating the composition and accuracy of the documents in the dossier; assessing the compliance of the individuals with the criteria for each title specified in Article 5 and Article 6 of Decree 62/2014/ND-CP;

+ Receiving and handling recommendations from organizations and individuals (if any), and conducting a secret ballot to select individuals who meet the criteria for the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit" to be submitted to the Ministry-level specialized Council;

+ Publicly announcing the selection results on the electronic portal of the Provincial People's Committee and the public media of the province within a period of 15 working days;

+ Sending a report on the selection results by the Chairman of the Provincial-level Council, along with 05 (five) sets of the required documents specified in Clause 2, Article 11 of Decree 62/2014/ND-CP, to the Ministry-level specialized Council within the prescribed time frame in the plan for awarding the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit";

+ Sending a written notification of the selection results to the individuals who submitted the nomination dossier.

* The process and procedures for considering at the Ministry-level specialized Council

- The permanent agency of the Ministry-level specialized Council is responsible for coordinating with the Cultural Heritage Department, Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism in assisting the Council to carry out the following tasks:

+ Submitting to the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism a proposal to establish the Ministry-level specialized Council;

+ Receiving and checking the validity and completeness of the documents in the dossier submitted by the Provincial-level Council; in case of need for supplementation or revision of the documents in the dossier, providing guidance for the Provincial-level Council to complete and return them no later than 15 working days from the date of receiving the instruction document for supplementation or revision;

+ Posting the list of individuals nominated by the Provincial-level Council on the electronic portal of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to gather opinions from the people within a period of 15 working days;

+ Sending the documents and nomination dossier to the members of the Ministry-level specialized Council and organizing a meeting of the Council to make the selection.

- The Ministry-level specialized Council organizes the evaluation of the dossier and conducts the selection as follows:

+ Evaluating the composition and accuracy of the documents in the dossier; assessing the compliance of the individuals with the criteria for each title specified in Article 5 and Article 6 of Decree 62/2014/ND-CP;

+ Receiving and handling recommendations from organizations and individuals (if any), and conducting a secret ballot to select individuals who meet the criteria for the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit" to be submitted to the State-level Council;

+ Posting the selection results on the electronic portal of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism within a period of 15 working days;

+ Sending a report on the selection results by the Chairman of the Ministry-level specialized Council, along with 04 (four) sets of the required documents specified in Clause 3, Article 11 of Decree 62/2014/ND-CP, to the State-level Council within the prescribed time frame in the plan for awarding the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit";

+ Sending a written notification of the selection results to the individuals who submitted the nomination dossier.

* The process and procedures for considering for award at the State-level Council

- The permanent agency of the State-level Council is responsible for coordinating with the Department of Performing Arts, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in assisting the Council to carry out the following tasks:

+ Submitting to the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism a proposal to establish the State-level Council;

+ Receiving and checking the validity and completeness of the documents in the dossier submitted by the Ministry-level specialized Council; in case of need for supplementation or revision of the documents in the dossier, providing guidance for the Ministry-level specialized Council to complete and return them no later than 15 working days from the date of receiving the instruction document for supplementation or revision;

+ Posting the list of individuals nominated by the Ministry-level specialized Council on the electronic portal of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism to gather opinions from the people within a period of 15 working days;

+ Sending the documents and nomination dossier to the members of the State-level Council and organizing a meeting of the Council to make the final selection.

- The State-level Council organizes the final evaluation of the dossier and conducts the selection as follows:

+ Evaluating the composition and accuracy of the documents in the dossier; assessing the compliance of the individuals with the criteria for each title specified in Article 5 and Article 6 of Decree 62/2014/ND-CP;

+ Receiving and handling recommendations from organizations and individuals (if any), and conducting a secret ballot to select individuals who meet the criteria for the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit" to be submitted to the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism for approval;

+ Posting the final selection results on the electronic portal of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism within a period of 15 working days;

+ Sending a report on the final selection results by the Chairman of the State-level Council, along with 03 (three) sets of the required documents specified in Clause 4, Article 11 of Decree 62/2014/ND-CP, to the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism within the prescribed time frame in the plan for awarding the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit";

+ Sending a written notification of the final selection results to the individuals who submitted the nomination dossier.

- The Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism considers and approves the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit" based on the recommendation of the State-level Council.

- The Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism issues a decision to award the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit" to the selected individuals and organizes the award ceremony.

- The awarding of the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit" is carried out according to the regulations in Articles 17 and 18 of Decree 62/2014/ND-CP.

* The process and procedures for awarding titles at the State-level Council

- The standing body of the State-level Council is responsible for assisting the Council in carrying out the following tasks:

+ Submitting to the Prime Minister for the decision to establish the State-level Council;

+ Receiving and examining the validity and completeness of documents and materials in the dossier sent by the specialized Council at the Ministry level; in case of the need for supplementation or amendments to the documents in the dossier, instructions should be provided to the specialized Council at the Ministry level to complete and submit them no later than 10 working days from the date of receiving the instructions for supplementation or amendments;

+ Publishing the list of individuals proposed for consideration by the specialized Council at the Ministry level on the electronic portal of the Government and the media under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism to gather public opinions within 15 working days;

+ Sending documents and dossiers proposing awards to the members of the Council and organizing the Council meeting to make selections.

- The State-level Council organizes the evaluation of the dossier and makes selections as follows:

+ Evaluating the composition and accuracy, validity of the documents in the dossier; the compliance of individuals with the criteria for each title as stipulated in Articles 5 and 6 of Decree 62/2014/NĐ-CP;

+ Receiving and handling recommendations from organizations and individuals (if any) and conducting a secret vote to select individuals who meet the criteria for the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit";

+ Publishing the results of the selection on the electronic portal of the Government and the media under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism within 15 working days;

+ Completing the dossier, submitting it to the Prime Minister for examination, and submitting it to the President for the decision to confer the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit";

+ Sending a report on the selection results of the State-level Council, along with 03 (three) sets of required documents specified in Clause 4, Article 11 of Decree 62/2014/NĐ-CP, to the Central Awards and Rewards Committee within the prescribed time frame in the plan for awarding the titles "People's Artist" and "Artist of Merit";

+ Notifying the specialized Council at the Ministry level of the selection results in writing.

Best regards!

Hua Le Huy

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