28/02/2024 12:00

Criteria and priority order for poor households to receive housing support in Vietnam

Criteria and priority order for poor households to receive housing support in Vietnam

Recently, the Ministry of Construction issued Circular 01/2022/TT-BXD providing guidance on the implementation of housing support for poor households, near-poverty households in poor districts under the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction for the period 2021–2025 in Vietnam.

Housing support for poor households and near-poverty households must ensure direct support to each poor household and near-poverty household. Priority is given to supporting poor ethnic minority households and poor households whose members have contributed to the revolution.

At the same time, housing support must ensure principles such as:

- Ensure openness, democracy, promote ownership, and active and proactive participation of the community and people. Prioritize the use of local materials and local labor to provide housing support for poor households and near-poverty households in poor districts under the Program.

- Delegate and decentralize to local authorities in construction and implementation that is appropriate to the conditions, characteristics, cultural identity, customs, and practices of ethnic groups and regions, while also being aligned with strengthening national defense and security.

- Mobilize from many sources of capital for implementation, combining the State and the people to also follow the principle: The State supports, the community helps, and households organize their own housing construction.

- Strengthen inspection, examination, supervision, and evaluation of the implementation of housing support for poor households and near-poverty households in poor districts at all levels and sectors. Take preventive measures to promptly prevent negative manifestations and strictly handle corruption, waste, and violations during implementation.

Subjects of housing support

- Poor households, near-poverty households (according to the multidimensional poverty standards for the period 2021-2025) on the list of poor households, near-poverty households managed by the district-level People's Committee, residing in poor districts, are independent households that have been separated for at least 03 years until the effective implementation of the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction for the period 2021-2025 (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

- Beneficiaries of housing support do not include households that have received housing support under the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021–2030 and other programs, projects, and policies;

Criteria for poor, near-poverty households to receive housing support in Vietnam

- Poor households, near-poverty households that do not have housing or housing that is not durable (of the three main structures, which are Foundation - footing, frame - walls, and roof, there are at least two structures made of unstable materials).

- Average housing area per capita is less than 8m2.

- Having yet received housing support from support programs, projects, or policies of the State, socio-political organizations, or other social organizations.

Regulations on the priority order of housing support for poor and near-poverty households in Vietnam

Prioritize support for the following subjects in the following order:

(1) Poor ethnic minority households;

(2) Poor households have members who have contributed to the revolution;

(3) Poor households, near-poverty households with members subject to social protection;

(4) Poor households, near-poverty households in particularly difficult circumstances (elderly, single, disabled);

(5) Poor households and near-poverty households in areas where natural disasters often occur;

(6) The remaining poor, near-poverty households

For households with the same priority level, proceed in the following order:

(1) Poor, near-poverty households with damaged, dilapidated houses (made of quickly perishable, low-quality materials) that are at risk of collapse and unsafe;

(2) Poor households and near-poverty households without housing (a poor, near-poverty household that doesn't have its own house, currently living with parents but has separated, staying in someone else's house, renting a house—except for renting state-owned housing);

(3) Poor households, near-poverty households with a large population.

More details can be found in Circular 01/2022/TT-BXD, taking effect on August 15, 2022.

Bui Thi Nhu Y

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