10/06/2024 00:10

02 Criteria regarding character and competence for learners participating in the literacy eradication program in Vietnam

02 Criteria regarding character and competence for learners participating in the literacy eradication program in Vietnam

What are the criteria that learners in the literacy eradication program need to meet? What are the regulations on the curriculum structured in the literacy eradication program for learners in Vietnam?

1. Two criteria regarding character and competence for learners participating in the literacy eradication program in Vietnam

The Ministry of Education and Training has issued Circular 33/2021/TT-BGDDT on the literacy eradication program. According to this circular, the Literacy Eradication program provides learners with basic and necessary knowledge and skills to develop and cultivate essential qualities, including specific manifestations: love for the homeland and the country, awareness of preserving the cultural identity of the nation, and a sense of responsibility towards oneself, family, and the community.

As a result, it helps learners initially develop general competencies and language skills in all four basic skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. These skills include reading accurately and fluently, understanding the content and main information of texts, making connections and comparisons beyond the text, spelling and grammar accuracy in writing, writing short sentences, paragraphs, and essays, expressing ideas clearly, and understanding the opinions of others through listening.

When registering for the literacy eradication program, learners need to meet both criteria regarding competence and character, as follows:

Criterion 1: Competence

Based on Section 2 of Part I of the Literacy Eradication program accompanying Circular 33/2021/TT-BGDDT, the program aims to develop and cultivate core competencies for learners, including:

- General competencies developed and enhanced through subjects and study topics: self-reliance and self-learning skills, communication and collaboration skills, problem-solving and creativity skills.

- Specific competencies: language skills, mathematical skills, scientific skills, technological skills, and computer skills, primarily developed and enhanced through subjects and study topics.

Criterion 2, Characteristics:

The Literacy Eradication program aims to form and develop in learners the following essential characteristics: patriotism, compassion, diligence, honesty, and responsibility, as specified in Section 1 of Part II in the first section of the program accompanying Circular 33/2021/TT-BGDDT.

To be specific:

Love for the homeland:

- Willingness to fulfill the duty of protecting the country; participation in activities to repay and show gratitude to those who have contributed to the homeland and the nation.

- Awareness of preserving cultural heritage; active participation and encouragement of others to engage in activities that protect and promote the value of cultural heritage.

- Self-consciousness in abiding by and encouraging others to adhere to the laws, contributing to the protection and construction of the socialist Vietnamese state.

- Struggle against plots and actions that infringe upon the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation according to the regulations of the law.


- Love, care, and support for family members; readiness to empathize, assist, advocate for, and share with vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals (such as the sick, disabled, or those affected by natural disasters or epidemics).

- Heightened awareness of the noble principles of the nation, such as "Respect those above, yield to those below" and "Honor teachers, value ethics."

- Respect for the dignity, health, and privacy of others.
- Non-acquiescence to evil or wrongdoing; non-participation in violent acts.

- Active participation and encouragement of others to engage in charitable activities and community service.

- Respect for the cultural diversity of ethnic groups within the Vietnamese community and other ethnic groups.


- Regular and punctual attendance at school; diligent completion of learning tasks; determination to overcome difficulties to achieve good results in studies. Enthusiasm for learning and a fondness for reading books and newspapers to broaden knowledge.

- Conscious application of acquired knowledge and skills to daily life, work, and production.

- Active participation and encouragement of others to engage in labor and production within the family and community.


- Truthfulness, integrity in learning, working, and daily life; courage to express one's opinions. Consistency between words and actions.

- Non-infringement upon the property or belongings (objects, money, information, etc.) of family members and others.

- Respect for what is right; protection of goodness and righteousness in front of others; understanding and acting in accordance with what is right; readiness to struggle to protect what is right and defend good people and good deeds.

- Self-consciously participating and encouraging others to engage in detecting and combating dishonest behavior in learning and in life, as well as violations of ethical standards and regulations of the law.

Responsibility towards oneself, family, society, and the living environment:

- Consciousness and habits of maintaining hygiene, physical fitness, and self-care; orderly living.

- Willingness to take responsibility for one's words and actions. Conscious fulfillment of duties towards family and loved ones. Keeping promises, admitting mistakes, and making amends.

- Consciousness of preserving and caring for personal and family belongings. Consciousness of thrift in personal and family expenses. Concern for family tasks.

- Voluntary and serious adherence to and reminders to family members to comply with regulations and conventions in public places; good compliance with the law; consciousness when participating in community activities and local festivals; maintaining cleanliness, protecting public assets. Active participation in community and social activities.

- Avoidance of disorder, quarrels, and fights. Active participation and encouragement of others to comply with the regulations of the law and engage in legal advocacy activities.

- Love for nature; active participation and encouragement of others to engage in activities that protect the environment.

- Consciousness of maintaining environmental hygiene: caring for and protecting beneficial plants and animals; living harmoniously and friendly with nature; consciousness of conserving natural resources.

2. Regulations on the subject structure in the Literacy Eradication program for learners in Vietnam

According to Subsection 1 of Section III in the first part of the program accompanying Circular 33/2021/TT-BGDDT, the structure of the Literacy Eradication program is divided into two stages:

Stage 1:

Consists of 3 subjects (Vietnamese, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences). The total duration is 1,005 periods, divided into 3 semesters (Semester 1, Semester 2, Semester 3).

Stage 2:

Consists of 4 subjects (Vietnamese, Mathematics, Science, History, and Geography). The total duration is 949 periods, divided into 2 semesters (Semester 4, Semester 5). Semester 5 includes optional study topics, which are part of the total duration of the subject.

The total duration of the Literacy Eradication program is 1,954 periods.

Thus, based on these regulations, the Literacy Eradication program will contribute to the formation and development of mathematical abilities with the following required achievements: the ability to perform simple mental operations, select appropriate mathematical operations and formulas to present and express content, ideas, and problem-solving methods, and use mathematical language, simple mathematical tools, and resources to perform simple mathematical learning tasks.

At the same time, it helps learners gradually develop natural science abilities through observation and experimentation, applying synthesized knowledge and skills to solve problems in life, respecting the laws of nature, and behaving appropriately towards the environment and society's sustainable development requirements. It also fosters the development of social science abilities through the understanding of social science, exploration of oneself, the community, and society, and analyzing and solving issues in the social domain by applying the knowledge and skills learned.

Moreover, it helps learners develop technological and computer literacy through activities such as technology awareness, technology usage, using and managing information technology and communication tools, and applying information technology and communication in learning and self-study.

Best regards!

Le Thi Hong Mai

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