11:26 | 25/12/2024

Which vitamin is the most important for the eyes? What are contents of communication to raise awareness of the school health program in Vietnam until 2026?

Which vitamin is the most important for the eyes? What are contents of communication to raise awareness of the school health program in Vietnam until 2026?

Which vitamin is the most important for the eyes?

The eyes are a complex organ that requires various vitamins and nutrients to function properly. Some common eye conditions include diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and cataracts, among others. Although many different factors can cause these conditions, nutrition seems to have a significant impact.

Below are some of the most important vitamins for the eyes:

- Vitamin A: Plays an essential role in vision by maintaining a clear and clean cornea, which is the outer covering of the eye. Vitamin A is also part of a protein in the eyes that allows vision in dim light conditions. Vitamin A deficiency is particularly rare in developed countries but, if unresolved, could lead to a severe condition called xerophthalmia.

- Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells, including eye cells, from damage by free radicals.

- Vitamin C: Like vitamin E, vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that can protect the eyes from harmful free radicals. Vitamin C and some other nutrients used in AREDS supplements may offer many benefits to those with AMD. Additionally, vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, a protein providing structure to your eyes, particularly in the cornea and sclera.

- Vitamins B6, B9, and B12: Researchers have studied several B vitamins for their impact on eye health, particularly vitamins B6, B9, and B12. The combination of these vitamins can reduce levels of homocysteine, a protein in your body that may be associated with inflammation and an increased risk of AMD development.

Therefore, Vitamin A is the most important for the eyes due to its function in keeping the cornea clear and clean.

Note: Information is for reference only!

Which Vitamin is Most Important for the Eyes?

Which vitamin is the most important for the eyes? What are contents of communication to raise awareness of the school health program in Vietnam until 2026? (Image from the Internet)

How do schools organize health protection and care activities for students?

Based on Article 9 of Inter-Ministerial Circular 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDDT, there are regulations on the organization of health management, protection, and care activities for students at school as follows:

- Conduct health checks at the beginning of the school year to assess nutritional status and health: measure height and weight for children under 36 months; measure height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and vision for students from 36 months of age and older.

- Measure height, weight, record growth charts, monitor physical development monthly for children under 24 months and quarterly for children from 24 months to 6 years old; monitor the Body Mass Index (BMI) at least twice per school year to counsel on appropriate nutrition and physical activity for school students.

- Regularly monitor students' health to detect vision impairment, scoliosis, dental problems, mental health disorders, and other diseases for timely treatment and transfer to medical examination and treatment facilities as regulated, and apply suitable learning and training policies according to health status.

- Collaborate with qualified medical facilities to organize specialized examinations and treatments for students.

- Provide first aid and emergency care according to current regulations of the Ministry of Health.

- Advise students, teachers, parents, or guardians about disease-related issues, physical and mental development of students; guide students to self-care; in cases where there are disabled students in the school, provide counseling and support for their integration.

- Guide the organization of school meals ensuring reasonable nutrition, varied foods, appropriate for the target and age group for schools with boarding and semi-boarding students.

- Collaborate with local health facilities to organize vaccination campaigns and disease prevention vaccines for students.

- Regularly inform at least once a school year and as necessary about students' health status to parents or guardians. School healthcare staff evaluate student health status at the end of each educational level to use as a basis for monitoring health at the next educational level.

- Record in the medical examination book, health monitoring book, and general health status monitoring book of students.

- Regularly inspect and supervise study conditions, school hygiene, food safety, drinking water provision, and handwashing soap. Proactively implement sanitation and epidemic prevention measures according to regulations in Circular 46/2010/TT-BYT and other guidelines from health agencies.

- Deploy health programs, hygiene and disease prevention movements, enhance physical activities, reasonable nutrition, build a smoke-free environment, and prohibit the use of alcoholic drinks and other addictive substances.

What are contents of communication to raise awareness of the school health program in Vietnam until 2026?

Based on sub-section 4 of Section 3 of Decision 2616/QD-BYT in 2024, there are specific regulations on the content of communication work to raise awareness of the School Health Program until 2026 as follows:

- Enhance communication, education, and raise awareness of staff, personnel, teachers, and students about school health work and student health care, knowledge of school disease prevention, non-communicable diseases, and mental health, proper nutrition, healthy and safe foods, first aid, accident and injury prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention, reproductive health, and sexual health for students, including:

- Review, update, and issue communication materials for school disease prevention, disease prevention in schools, first aid, accident and injury prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention, and communication materials on nutrition, food safety;

- Diversify communication forms appropriate to each audience: communication on mass media (radio, television, online newspapers), social networks (Facebook, Zalo, TikTok, Youtube, Viber, Lotus...), phone messages, online media forms, effective message delivery formats like: Infographic, videoclip, audioclip, communication on the electronic portals of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Training, and the Government of Vietnam electronic portal.

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