What lessons are learned from the Ly Dynasty's resistance against the Song Dynasty? What are the required outcomes regarding the Ly Dynasty in the 7th-grade History curriculum in Vietnam?

What lessons are learned from the Ly Dynasty's resistance against the Song Dynasty for defense of the Fatherland?

What lessons are learned from the Ly Dynasty's resistance against the Song Dynasty?

The resistance against the Song Dynasty during the Ly Dynasty was a glorious achievement in the history of the Vietnamese nation. The victory left behind many valuable lessons in military strategy, leadership, and national spirit. The Ly Dynasty's resistance against the Song left the following lessons:

1. Conducting Research, Accurately Assessing the Situation, and Early Forecasting of the Enemy’s Intentions and Actions

Faced with the threat of invasion by the Song Dynasty, the Ly Court accurately assessed the political and military situation in the region, clearly identifying the enemy's ambitions to annex the territory. As a result, Dai Viet took proactive steps to prevent and effectively respond to the invasion.

Ly Thuong Kiet had a far-sighted vision; he did not wait for the Song army to attack but instead organized a preemptive strike on the Song's Ung Chau. This strategy, also known as "first strike to seize control", helped disrupt the enemy's invasion plans and maintained the initiative for Dai Viet.

2. Steadfastness in the Strategy of Fighting the Enemy, Elevating the Spirit of Unity among the People and the Determination to Fight and Win

The Ly Dynasty clearly defined the core objective as protecting national independence and sovereignty. Despite facing the mighty Song army, the court and the people of Dai Viet remained steadfast, always resolute in their struggle to the end.

The poem "Nam quoc son ha" by Ly Thuong Kiet is considered the first declaration of independence of the nation, affirming the sacred sovereignty of the country and encouraging the fighting spirit of the army and people of Dai Viet:

“Nam quốc sơn hà Nam đế cư,

Tiệt nhiên định phận tại thiên thư.

Như hà nghịch lỗ lai xâm phạm,

Nhữ đẳng hành khan thủ bại hư.”

The spirit of national unity and the determination to win were decisive factors in every battle. When the people's will is united, that strength becomes an invincible weapon.

3. Proactively Building Defensive Lines to Resist the Enemy, Exploiting the Rugged Natural Terrain for Battlefield Combat

The Ly Dynasty's army skillfully combined defense and offense, making the most of geographic advantages to build solid fortifications. This minimized the military strength of the opponent and ensured the safety of their own forces.

The defense line of Nhu Nguyet River commanded by Ly Thuong Kiet was one of the most solid defensive systems of that time. The Dai Viet army exploited the riverine terrain, constructing bamboo embankments and deep trenches to halt massive attacks from the Song forces while organizing sudden counterattacks to weaken the enemy.

4. Compassion and Love for Peace

Despite achieving a great victory, the Ly Dynasty chose not to continue expanding the war but instead proactively proposed peace talks with the Song Dynasty. This reflected a philosophy of compassion, valuing peace and long-term stability for the nation, avoiding unnecessary losses for both sides.

To be specific, after the Song army suffered a severe defeat, instead of pursuing total annihilation, Dai Viet and the Song Dynasty signed a peace treaty in 1077, re-establishing friendly relations. This treaty allowed Dai Viet to maintain sovereignty without ceding land or paying tribute, and provided conditions for post-war national recovery and development.

Note: The content is for reference only!

What Lessons Did the Ly Dynasty's Resistance Against the Song Leave Behind? Requirements in History Content during the Ly Dynasty?

What lessons are learned from the Ly Dynasty's resistance against the Song Dynasty? What are the required outcomes regarding the Ly Dynasty in the 7th-grade History curriculum in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the required outcomes regarding the Ly Dynasty in the 7th-grade History curriculum in Vietnam?

Under the general education program for History and Geography issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT the required outcomes regarding the Ly Dynasty in the 7th-grade History curriculum in Vietnam include:

- Present the establishment of the Ly Dynasty. Evaluate the event of moving the capital to Dai La by Ly Cong Uan.

- Describe key features of the politics, economy, society, culture, and religion during the Ly Dynasty.

- Evaluate the unique aspects of the resistance against the Song and the role of Ly Thuong Kiet in the resistance against the Song (1075 - 1077).

- Introduce representative achievements in culture and education during the Ly Dynasty (Temple of Literature - Imperial Academy, opening exams, etc.).

What are the common topics for 7th-grade History and Geography in Vietnam?

Under the general education program for History and Geography issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT the common topics for 7th-grade History and Geography in Vietnam include:

Content Required outcomes
- Causes of geographical discoveries - Explain the causes and factors affecting major geographical discoveries.
- Some major geographical discoveries - Describe significant geographical discoveries: Christopher Columbus discovering America (1492 - 1502), Ferdinand Magellan's exploration around the Earth (1519 - 1522).
- Impact of major geographical discoveries on historical progress - Analyze the impact of major geographical discoveries on historical progress.
- Ancient cities and ancient civilizations - Analyze the geographical and historical conditions contributing to the formation and development of an ancient and medieval city (through specific cases).
- Medieval European cities and merchants - Present the relationship between cities and ancient civilizations; the role of merchants in the development of medieval European cities.
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