09:36 | 23/08/2024

What is the rotation duration for female preschool teachers who transfer to areas with extremely disadvantaged socio-economic conditions in Vietnam?

What is the rotation duration for female preschool teachers who transfer to areas with extremely disadvantaged socio-economic conditions in Vietnam?

What is the rotation duration for female preschool teachers who transfer to areas with extremely disadvantaged socio-economic conditions in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 1, Article 9 of Decree 61/2006/ND-CP, the regulation on the rotation duration for teachers is as follows:

Rotation duration of educators, education management officials, and regional allowances

  1. The rotation duration of educators and education management officials to work in areas with extremely disadvantaged socio-economic conditions is 3 years for females and 5 years for males. Upon completion of the said working period, the educator or education management official shall be arranged by the competent education management agency to transfer back to their previous place of residence and work before being transferred to the area with extremely disadvantaged socio-economic conditions or be facilitated to contact for a transfer, resolving transfer requests according to their wishes.

  2. The education management agency and the local government where the educator or education management official is transferred back to have the responsibility to accept, arrange, and assign jobs simultaneously, if required, to transfer another person to replace them. If there are difficulties regarding staffing and salary funds, adjustments will be made. At the end of the above period, if the educator or education management official volunteers to stay to continue their work and stabilize long-term life, they are considered for being allocated land for house construction, for farm economics, or household economics and can borrow capital for house construction, for economic purposes with preferential interest rates for 10 years.

  3. If the educator or education management official's family moves along with them, they shall be provided with travel expenses, baggage freight for the accompanying members, and regional relocation allowances of 6,500,000 VND (six million five hundred thousand VND) for one household.

According to the regulations, the rotation duration for teachers to work in areas with extremely disadvantaged socio-economic conditions is 3 years for females and 5 years for males.

Thus, the rotation duration for female preschool teachers to work in areas with extremely disadvantaged socio-economic conditions is 3 years.

How long are female preschool teachers transferred to areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions?

What is the rotation duration for female preschool teachers who transfer to areas with extremely disadvantaged socio-economic conditions in Vietnam? (Internet image)

What are the rights and responsibilities of preschool teachers in Vietnam?

* Regarding responsibilities:

Based on Article 27 of the Preschool Institution Charter issued together with Circular 52/2020/TT-BGDDT, the responsibilities of preschool teachers are as follows:

- Ensure the physical, mental safety, and life of children during their time at school.- Perform nurturing, caregiving, and educating children according to the preschool education program.- Maintain the dignity, honor, and reputation of educators; treat children fairly and respect their personality; protect the legitimate rights and interests of children; support and assist colleagues; comply with the teachers' code of conduct and ethical regulations.- Disseminate scientific knowledge about child-rearing to parents; actively cooperate with children’s families to achieve educational goals.- Pursue self-study to enhance professional nurturing, caregiving, and educational capacities.- Comply with school regulations and other legal provisions.

* Regarding rights:

Based on Article 28 of the Preschool Institution Charter issued together with Circular 52/2020/TT-BGDDT, the rights of preschool teachers are as follows:

- Be respected, protected in terms of dignity, honor, and corporal integrity, and enjoy material and spiritual benefits according to regulations.- Autonomously perform professional tasks with support from professional teams and the school; be ensured of conditions to fulfill the duties of nurturing, caregiving, and educating children.- Receive salaries, allowances, subsidies, and other policies as prescribed by law.- Be facilitated for learning, training to improve professional qualifications and skills, receiving full salary, salary allowances, and other policies as regulated when being sent by competent authorities for learning and training.- Be rewarded, awarded emulation titles, and other noble titles as prescribed.- Enjoy other rights according to legal regulations.

What is the standard qualification for preschool teachers in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 1, Article 30 of the Preschool Institution Charter issued together with Circular 52/2020/TT-BGDDT, the standard qualification is regulated as follows:

Standard qualification, professional standards of teachers, staff

  1. The standard qualification for teachers is to have a college degree in preschool education. Annually, teachers self-evaluate and are evaluated by the school based on the professional standards for preschool teachers to plan for training, skill enhancement.

  2. The standard qualification for staff in preschool educational institutions is regulated in documentation outlining the professional titles for each job position as per regulations.

Thus, the standard qualification for preschool teachers is to hold a college degree in preschool education.

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