What is the preschool educational universalization for 5-year children in Vietnam?
What is the preschool educational universalization for 5-year children in Vietnam?
According to Article 4 of Decree 20/2014/ND-CP, the subjects of preschool educational universalization for children are 5-year children who have not finished the preschool educational program.
In addition, Article 5 of Decree 20/2014/ND-CP stipulates that the subjects of preschool educational universalization for children are 5-year children who have not finished the preschool educational program.
Thus, according to the above regulation, the preschool educational universalization for 5-year children in Vietnam is the preschool education program for 5 or 6-year-old children.
Moreover, the universalization of education in general and the preschool education universalization for 5-year-old children will be compulsory education, and the State is responsible for implementing compulsory education nationwide; deciding plans, and ensuring the conditions for implementing educational universalization. (as per Article 14 of the Education Law 2019)
What are criteria for recognized standard achievement of preschool educational universalization for 5-year children in Vietnam?
According to Article 6 of Decree 20/2014/ND-CP, the criteria for recognized standard achievement of preschool educational universalization for 5-year children in Vietnam are as follows:
- For individuals: Finished the preschool educational program
- For communes, wards and towns (referred to as communes)
+ The percentage of 5-year children attending school must reach at least 95% and 90% for communes with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions;
+ The percentage of 5-year children finishing the preschool educational program must reach at least 85% and 80% for communes with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions;
- For districts, towns and provincial cities (hereafter referred to as district): At least 90% of communes must be recognized to have met the standard of preschool educational universalization for 5-year children.
- For provinces and centrally-run cities (hereafter referred to as province): There must be 100% districts recognized to have met the standard of preschool educational universalization for 5-year children.
What is the preschool educational universalization for 5-year children in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)
What are the contents of the report on the preschool educational universalization for 5-year children in Vietnam?
According to Clause 2, Article 8 of Circular 19/2020/TT-BGDDT:
Universal Education, Literacy Eradication Report
1. Report content requirements: The situation of implementation and results of educational universalization, literacy eradication; directions for implementing educational universalization, literacy eradication in the following year.
2. Subjects of implementation, report recipients, and reporting process:
a) Implementation subjects, report recipients: Commune-level People's Committee, District-level People's Committee, Provincial-level People's Committee, Ministry of Education and Training (MOET).
b) Reporting process:
The Provincial-level People's Committee presides over the collection and aggregation of educational universalization, literacy eradication data in the province through the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System, specifically:
- The commune level inputs the collected data from Information Survey Forms into the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System and reports full data of the commune to the district level through the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System;
- The district level aggregates and checks data entered by the commune level on the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System and reports full data of the district to the provincial level through the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System;
- The provincial level aggregates and checks data reported by the district level on the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System; completes full data on educational universalization, literacy eradication of the province and reports to the MOET through the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System.
Procedures and methods of data entry by commune level, use of the system by district and provincial levels are implemented according to the User Manual provided on the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System.
3. Reporting Period: Annual periodic report.
4. Reporting sending and receiving method: Implement according to the provisions of Article 6 of this Circular.
5. Deadline for closing data reports: From October 1 of the year preceding the reporting period to September 30 of the reporting year.
6. Report submission deadlines:
a) In case of paper report:
- Commune-level People's Committee submits the report to the District-level People's Committee before October 3 annually.
- District-level People's Committee submits the report to the Provincial-level People's Committee before October 5 annually.
- Provincial-level People's Committee submits the report to the MOET before October 10 annually.
b) In case of reports through the Ministry of Education and Training's Reporting Information System:
- Commune-level People's Committee completes data entry on the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System before October 3 annually.
- District-level People's Committee completes data entry on the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System before October 5 annually.
- Provincial-level People's Committee completes data entry on the Educational Universalization and Literacy Eradication Management Information System before October 10 annually.
7. Report outline template: Template No. 01 in Appendix I issued with this Circular.
The content requirements for the report include the situation of implementation and results of educational universalization, literacy eradication; and directions for the implementation of educational universalization, literacy eradication in the following year.
Thus, according to the above regulations, the report on the preschool educational universalization for 5-year children in Vietnam under the scope of state management will include the following contents:
- The situation of implementation and results of educational universalization, literacy eradication;
- Directions for the implementation of educational universalization, literacy eradication in the following year.

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