09:52 | 05/12/2024

Vietnam: What is the most common refractive error? What are the 03 perspectives on developing the General Education Program for Biology?

What is the most common refractive error in Vietnam? What are the 03 perspectives on developing the General Education Program for Biology in Vietnam?

What is the most common refractive error in Vietnam?

The most common refractive error is myopia

Myopia is currently the most common refractive error, particularly in developed and rapidly developing countries. This condition is increasingly prevalent among children and adolescents, significantly affecting their quality of life.

What is the most common refractive error in Vietnam?

What is Myopia?

Myopia occurs when the image of an object is focused in front of the retina rather than on the retina as usual. This causes individuals with myopia to see nearby objects clearly but not those that are far away.

Causes of Myopia:

Genetics: Genetic factors play an important role in determining whether a person develops myopia.

Living Environment: Excessive exposure to electronic devices like phones, computers, televisions is also a major cause of myopia.

Less outdoor activity: Lack of natural sunlight is another factor that increases the risk of myopia.

Symptoms of Myopia:

Blurred vision of distant objects.

Squinting to see clearly.

Headaches, eye strain after working on a computer or reading for a long period.

Difficulty focusing vision.

Other types of refractive errors:

Besides myopia, there are other types of refractive errors such as:

Hyperopia: Contrary to myopia, individuals with hyperopia can see distant objects clearly but not nearby ones.

Astigmatism: Images appear distorted and blurred.

Combination: Many people have a combination of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

Prevention and Treatment of Myopia:

Regular eye examinations: Regular check-ups to detect early and treat promptly.

Reduce time using electronic devices: Limit the use of phones, computers, televisions, especially in low-light conditions.

Increase outdoor activities: Exposure to natural sunlight helps reduce the risk of myopia.

Healthy diet: Include food rich in vitamins A, C, E to strengthen eye health.

Eyeglasses or contact lenses: Use appropriate glasses or contact lenses to improve vision.

Surgery: In some cases, surgery is an effective solution to treat myopia.

Note: Information is for reference only./.

What is the most common refractive error currently? What are the 3 viewpoints in constructing the Biology curriculum?

What is the most common refractive error in Vietnam? What are the 03 perspectives on developing the General Education Program for Biology in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the 03 perspectives on developing the General Education Program for Biology in Vietnam?

Under Section 2 of the General Education Program for Biology promulgated with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the perspectives on Biology education are implemented in accordance with the following general orientations:

(1) Approach to international trends

Alongside adopting and inheriting the successes and advantages of Vietnam's current General Education Program for Biology, the General Education Program for Biology is also developed based on an in-depth study of this subject's programs from several countries, territories, and international organizations (UK, Australia, Federal Republic of Germany, South Korea, several states of the United States, Russian Federation, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, International Biology Olympiad Organization, UNESCO, etc.). This research allows the delineation of common trends in building the General Education Program for Biology that can be applied in Vietnam:

- At the lower secondary education level, biological knowledge is part of the natural science subject. At the upper secondary education, Biology is separated into a distinct subject with specialized teaching objectives to prepare students for further education in fields directly related to biology.

- The biology education content at middle and high school levels is constructed concentrically, allowing students to broaden and delve deeper into the content, research methods, and principles of biotechnology applications in high school biology.

- The General Education Program for Biology embodies the principle of integration by connecting core teaching content around the fundamental principles of natural sciences and the living world.

(2) Implementing career-oriented education

- The content of Biology is constructed as a foundation for technology processes linked with industry fields, so each topic always requires students to relate to relevant industries.

- The content of Biology reflects basic attributes of life organization at levels of molecules, cells, organisms, populations, communities - ecosystems, biosphere; while introducing principles of biotechnological applications to guide students in career choices in the context of biotechnology development and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

- To implement this orientation, the General Education Program for Biology is designed through generalized topics, dedicating ample time to organizing teaching activities that help students explore science, develop cognitive skills, paying attention to organizing experiential, practical, and application activities, and understanding related professions.

(3) Implementing education for sustainable development

- The General Education Program for Biology focuses on helping students develop adaptability in an ever-changing world; the ability to coexist harmoniously with nature and protect the environment for sustainable development.

- The General Education Program for Biology pays attention to content close to daily life, enabling students to apply scientific knowledge in practice, aware of environmental issues and sustainable development, building environmental protection awareness, and adapting in an ever-changing world.

What are the general features of the General Education Program for Biology?

Under Section 1 of the General Education Program for Biology as promulgated with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the educational features of Biology are specified as follows:

- Biology is a selected subject in the natural sciences group during the career-oriented education phase.

- Biology develops biological competency in students, contributing alongside other subjects and educational activities to developing students' core qualities and general competencies.

- The General Education Program for Biology systematizes, consolidates knowledge, and develops skills and core values of biology learned during fundamental education.

- It helps students delve deeper into core biological knowledge, research methods, and applications, principles, and biotechnological processes through topics like cell biology; molecular biology; microbiology; plant physiology; animal physiology; genetics; evolution, and ecology.

- The research object of biology is the biological world closely related to students' daily lives. Biology itself is an experimental science. The development of biology is increasingly bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and applied technology.

- Thus, experimentation is a research method for biology, and also a characteristic teaching method of this subject. Organizing experimental and practical activities helps students explore the natural world, develop the ability to apply knowledge in practice, and orient themselves toward post-school career paths.

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