15:09 | 25/09/2024

What is the formula for calculating velocity? When do students in Vietnam learn the formula for calculating velocity according to the Mathematics curriculum?

When do students in Vietnam learn the formula for calculating velocity according to the Mathematics curriculum? What is the formula for calculating velocity?

What is the formula for calculating velocity?

The formula to calculate velocity indicates the speed of an object as the ratio of the distance the object travels to the time it takes to cover that distance. In other words, velocity indicates how fast or slow an object is moving.

v = s / t


- v: velocity (usually measured in meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (km/h))

- s: Distance traveled (in meters (m) or kilometers (km))

- t: Time taken to travel (in seconds (s) or hours (h))


A car travels a distance of 120 km in 2 hours. The velocity of the car is:

v = s / t = 120 km / 2 h = 60 km/h

*Some practice exercises for students to apply the velocity calculation formula:

Exercise 1:

A car travels from Hanoi to Hai Phong at a speed of 50 km/h. The time taken to travel the entire distance is 2 hours. Calculate the distance from Hanoi to Hai Phong.

Exercise 2:

A person rides a bicycle at a speed of 12 km/h. How far will the person travel in 30 minutes?

Exercise 3:

A train travels at a speed of 80 km/h. How much time does the train need to travel 200 km?

Exercise 4:

An eagle flies at a speed of 90 km/h. If the eagle flies for 15 minutes, how far does it travel in meters?


When solving exercises, pay attention to the measurement units to ensure accurate results.

If the measurement units are not the same, you need to convert them to the same unit before calculating.

Information is for reference only./.

What is the formula to calculate speed? In which class' Math program do students learn the speed calculation formula?

What is the formula for calculating velocity? When do students in Vietnam learn the formula for calculating velocity according to the Mathematics curriculum?​ (Image from the Internet)

When do students in Vietnam learn the formula for calculating velocity according to the Mathematics curriculum?​

Based on Section V of the Mathematics Education Program Annex issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, students are required to achieve the following after learning Mathematics:

In the curriculum, in the visual geometry section, measurement regarding Symbols of quantities and units of measurement, students will learn about:

- Recognizing area units: km2 (square kilometer), ha (hectare).

- Recognizing "volume" through specific symbols.

- Recognizing some common volume units: cm3 (cubic centimeter), dm3 (cubic decimeter), m3 (cubic meter).

- Recognizing the velocity of uniform motion; names and symbols of some velocity units: km/h (km/hour), m/s (m/second).

Thus, according to the Math program of grade 5, students will learn the velocity calculation formula.

What are the 3 objectives of the grade 5 Mathematics program in Vietnam?

Based on Section 1 of the Mathematics Education Program issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the 3 objectives of the Grade 5 Mathematics program include:

[1] Contribute to the formation and development of mathematical capabilities with the following requirements:

- Perform thinking operations at a simple level; state and answer questions when reasoning and solving simple problems;

- Choose appropriate arithmetic operations and formulas to present, express (orally or in writing) contents, ideas, and methods for solving problems;

- Use mathematical language combined with ordinary language and physical gestures to express mathematical content in simple situations;

- Use simple mathematical tools and means to carry out simple math learning tasks.

[2] Have basic and essential initial mathematical knowledge and skills about:

- Numbers and calculations: Natural numbers, fractions, decimals, and operations in those sets of numbers.

- Geometry and Measurement: Observe, recognize, and describe the shape and characteristics (at an intuitive level) of some flat shapes and solids in practice; create some simple geometric models; calculate some geometric quantities; develop spatial imagination; solve some simple practical problems related to Geometry and Measurement (with common measurement quantities).

- Statistics and Probability: Some simple statistical and probability elements; solve some simple practical problems related to some elements of statistics and probability.

[3] Together with other subjects and educational activities such as: Ethics, Nature and Society, Experiential Activities,… help students acquire initial understandings about some professions in society.

What are regulations on construction of the Grade 5 Mathematics program in Vietnam?

Based on Section 2 of the Mathematics Program issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

The Mathematics program adheres to the basic regulations outlined in the general curriculum;

Inherits and promotes the advantages of the current program and previous programs, selectively absorbs the experience of curriculum development from advanced countries around the world, approaching the achievements of educational science, while taking into account Vietnam's economic and social conditions.

Additionally, the Mathematics program emphasizes the following viewpoints:

- Ensure simplicity, practicality, and modernity

The Mathematics program ensures simplicity, practicality, and modernity by reflecting the contents that must necessarily be addressed in the general education school, meeting the needs to understand the world as well as the interests and preferences of learners, suitable with the contemporary global approach. The program upholds the spirit of "mathematics for everyone," meaning everyone can study Mathematics, but each person can study Mathematics in a way that suits their interests and abilities.

The Mathematics program emphasizes applicability, linkage with practice or other subjects, especially subjects aimed at STEM education, in line with modern developmental trends of the economy, science, social life, and pressing global issues (such as climate change, sustainable development, financial education,...).

This is also reflected in practical and experiential activities in mathematics education in various forms such as: conducting mathematical projects, particularly projects on the application of mathematics in practice.

Organizing math learning games, mathematics clubs, forums, seminars, mathematics contests,... to create opportunities for students to apply their knowledge, skills, and personal experiences creatively in real life.

Thus, the teaching program for Grade 5 Mathematics needs to ensure conciseness while being modern.

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