15:33 | 27/08/2024

What is the duration of program of inter-university college in Vietnam?

What is the duration of program of inter-university college in Vietnam? What are the conditions for applying for inter-university college in Vietnam?

What is the duration of program of inter-university college in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 1, Article 5 of Circular 01/2024/TT-BLDTBXH which stipulates the duration of the course and the learning volume in the program:

- The course duration for college-level training programs is designed to be 02 to 03 academic years and must ensure a minimum knowledge volume of 60 credits.

- The course duration for intermediate-level training programs is designed to be 01 to 02 academic years and must ensure a minimum knowledge volume of 35 credits for those with a high school diploma, and a minimum of 50 credits for those with a secondary school diploma.

The head of the vocational education institution, based on the requirements of the field of study, shall stipulate the learning content of the 15 credits difference for those with a secondary school diploma, ensuring that students have basic knowledge to absorb the specialized content of the field of study.

- The course duration for students with exemptions or deferred learning results due to prior learning will be shortened corresponding to the exempted or deferred learning content.

- The course duration includes learning time and time for common activities, which include:

Learning time includes actual course time and time for end-of-course exams, testing; time for review and final exams for year-based training. The actual course time refers to the time students attend lectures, do experiments, discussions, practice, internships, or study through an integrated method between theory and practice at practice sites.

Time for common activities includes: opening ceremony, closing ceremony, mid-term review, end-of-year review; summer vacation, holidays, festivals, labor, and reserved time.

- The theoretical learning time and the time for practical, internship, and experimental learning should meet the following ratios according to each training level:

For intermediate level: theoretical time accounts for 25% - 45%; practical, internship, and experimental time accounts for 55% - 75% of the program’s duration.

For college level: theoretical time accounts for 30% - 50%; practical, internship, and experimental time accounts for 50% - 70% of the program's duration.

- The time for theoretical exams and tests is counted as theoretical hours; the time for practical exams and integrated testing is counted as practical hours.

- The course duration for training programs in culture, arts, physical education, and sports with special characteristics is regulated by the Government of Vietnam.

Thus, studying at the college level takes 02 to 03 academic years and must ensure a minimum knowledge volume of 60 credits.

It should be understood that although the duration is 2-3 academic years, if students do not meet the 60-credit requirement (i.e., fail any module during their studies), even if they exceed the 3-year limit, they will not be eligible to graduate.

After completing the college to university transition program, students can receive one of three types of degrees:

[1] An official degree (similar to regular university students).

[2] A part-time study degree (for those who work and study simultaneously).

[3] A distance learning degree (for online learners).

Note: The information is for reference purposes only./.

What are the 2 conditions required when organizing admissions for inter-university college in Vietnam?

Based on Article 2 of Decision 18/2017/QD-TTg, there are 2 conditions required when organizing admissions for inter-university college as follows:

Higher education institutions that meet the following conditions may organize admissions for inter-university college:

Condition 1: For the field of study intended for transition admissions:

+ The higher education institution has a decision to open a regular university-level training program;

+ The higher education institution has been organizing and implementing the credit-based regular university-level training program for at least 03 (three) consecutive courses when deciding to conduct the regular transition training admissions.

For transition training in the field of arts, the higher education institution has been organizing and implementing the credit-based or yearly-based regular university-level training program for at least 03 (three) consecutive courses when deciding to conduct the regular transition training admissions.

For transition training in the health sector, the higher education institution must also ensure that at least one regular university-level course has graduated.

Condition 2: The higher education institution has issued regulations on recognizing the transfer value of learning outcomes and the accumulated knowledge volume and skills exempted for transition training students, and has publicly announced this on the higher education institution's website.

How many years does it take to transition from college to university?

What is the duration of program of inter-university college in Vietnam? (Internet image)

What are the conditions to transition from college to university?

According to Article 4 of Decision 18/2017/QD-TTg, the conditions for candidates applying for college to university transition include:

- Graduates of intermediate or college levels can continue to higher education programs according to a suitable specialized direction or another specialized direction if they meet the conditions of the training program.

- Candidates applying for transition must ensure the conditions as per the current regulations on university admissions by the Ministry of Education and Training and possess one of the following degrees:

+ Intermediate or college-level diplomas issued by domestic training institutions. Those with intermediate diplomas must have studied and passed the required volume of general high school knowledge as regulated by the Ministry of Education and Training;

+ Intermediate or college-level diplomas issued by foreign training institutions must be recognized according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training or the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs;

+ For transition training in the health sector, applicants must have an intermediate or college-level diploma in the health sector, in which those with a physician diploma can apply for transition to general medicine, traditional medicine, preventive medicine, or dentistry programs; those with intermediate or college pharmacology diplomas can apply for transition to the university’s pharmacology program.

Additionally, the enrollment quotas for inter-university college are clearly specified in (Article 5 of Decision 18/2017/QD-TTg) as follows:

- The enrollment quotas for regular transition training and part-time transition training form part of the total annual quotas determined for each field of study by higher education institutions, where regular transition and part-time transition quotas do not exceed 20% of the corresponding regular or part-time enrollment quotas for each field of study.

In special cases where transition training is needed to fulfill the tasks of socio-economic development, national security and defense, the Ministry of Education and Training shall summarize and report to the Prime Minister for decision.

- Higher education institutions must publicly announce the transition enrollment quotas by each field of study, candidate type, and admission form on their website and public media at least 30 days before receiving the transition admission applications.

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