What is template for the job description of a grade 1 lower secondary school teacher in Vietnam?
What is template for the job description of a grade 1 lower secondary school teacher in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Section 1, Appendix 5 guiding the job description of professional title positions in lower secondary schools, issued with Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT, the template for the job description of a grade 1 lower secondary school teacher is as follows:
View details Template for Job Description of a Grade 1 lower secondary school Teacher
What is the template for the job description of a grade 1 lower secondary school teacher? (Image from the Internet)
What is the limits on number of lower secondary school teachers in Vietnam?
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 12, Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT, the limits on number of professional title positions in lower secondary schools is specified as follows:
limits on number of Professional Title Positions
1. lower secondary school teacher positions:
a) A lower secondary school is staffed with a maximum of 1.9 teachers/class;
b) Boarding ethnic minority middle schools, semi-boarding ethnic minority middle schools, and middle schools for the disabled are staffed with a maximum of 2.20 teachers/class;
c) After calculating the number of students/class per the provisions of Clause 2, Article 3 of this Circular, or per the provisions of Clause 4, Article 3 of this Circular, if there are remaining students, then one teacher is assigned for every 17 students in region 1, 20 students in region 2, or 22 students in region 3;
d) In addition to the above norm, each lower secondary school, boarding ethnicity middle school, semi-boarding ethnicity middle school, and middle school for the disabled is staffed with one teacher responsible for the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization.
2. Equipment and experiment positions: Each lower secondary school is staffed with one person.
3. Academic positions:
a) Boarding ethnic minority middle schools and middle schools for the disabled are staffed with a maximum of two people;
b) Other lower secondary schools are staffed with one person;
c) In case there is no staffing, labor contracts can be signed or teachers and staff can be assigned additional tasks;
d) In addition to the norms specified in point a and point b of Clause 3 of this Article, boarding ethnic minority middle schools, semi-boarding ethnic minority middle schools can contract additional people to manage students; based on the scale, nature, and actual conditions, schools determine the number of labor contracts and submit them to competent authorities for approval.
Therefore, according to the regulations, the staffing norms for lower secondary school teachers are as follows:
[1] lower secondary schools are staffed with a maximum of 1.9 teachers/class;
[2] Boarding ethnic minority middle schools, semi-boarding ethnic minority middle schools, and middle schools for the disabled are staffed with a maximum of 2.20 teachers/class;
[3] After calculating the number of students/class per the provisions of Clause 2, Article 3 Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT, or per the provisions of Clause 4, Article 3 Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT, if there are remaining students, then one teacher is assigned for every 17 students in region 1, 20 students in region 2, or 22 students in region 3;
[4] Additionally, each lower secondary school, boarding ethnic minority middle school, semi-boarding ethnic minority middle school, and middle school for the disabled is staffed with one teacher responsible for the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization.
What is the code for the professional title of a grade 1 lower secondary school teacher in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 2 of Circular 03/2021/TT-BGDDT which regulates the codes and titles for lower secondary school teachers' professional positions as follows:
Codes and Professional Titles for lower secondary school Teachers
Professional titles for lower secondary school teachers include:
1. Grade III lower secondary school teacher - Code V.07.04.32.
2. Grade II lower secondary school teacher - Code V.07.04.31.
3. Grade I lower secondary school teacher - Code V.07.04.30.
Therefore, according to the above regulations, the code for a grade 1 lower secondary school teacher professional title is V.07.04.30.
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