10:44 | 15/11/2024

In Vietnam, what do the History and the History subject mean? What are the reasons for the necessity of studying the History subject?

In Vietnam, what do the History and the History subject mean? What is the grade whose History and Geography curriculum covers reasons for the necessity of studying the History subject in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, what do the History and the History subject mean?

What is History?

History encompasses everything that has occurred in the past, from the emergence of humanity to the present day. It includes events, transformations, and activities of humans and societies. History is not merely numbers or dates but is also the story of the development, successes, and failures of humankind.

For example: The Industrial Revolution, World War II, the formation and development of nations, etc., are all parts of history.

What is the History subject?

The History subject is a discipline that studies history. This subject helps us to explore the past, to understand what happened, about people and society in the past. Through the History subject, we can:

Understand the past: Learn about the origins, the process of formation, and the development of countries and peoples.

Learn from experiences: Draw lessons from the past to apply to current life.

Develop thinking: Train logical thinking, analysis, and synthesis skills.

Promote patriotism: Enhance love for one's homeland and country.

*Note: The information about History and the History subject is for reference only./.

What is History and What is the Subject of History? Why is it necessary to study the Subject of History?

In Vietnam, what do the History and the History subject mean? What are the reasons for the necessity of studying the History subject? (Image from the Internet)

What is the grade whose History and Geography curriculum covers reasons for the necessity of studying the History subject in Vietnam?

What are the reasons for the necessity of studying the Vietnamese History subject?

Studying Vietnamese History subject is not merely about memorizing historical events but carries profound significance for every Vietnamese citizen. Below are important reasons explaining why we need to study the history of our nation:

1. Understanding our origins and ethnicity:

Know who we are: History helps us understand our origin, ancestors, and ethnicity. Hence, each person will have a deeper awareness of their cultural identity.

Pride in the past: Understanding the achievements and heroic struggles of our forebears enhances our pride in our national history.

2. Education in patriotism:

Increase national spirit: History serves as a bright example to educate patriotism, the spirit of unity, and the sense of responsibility of every citizen.

Preserve cultural identity: Studying history helps us better understand the value of cultural identity, thus fostering the awareness to protect and promote these values.

3. Develop thinking:

Train thinking skills: By investigating and analyzing historical events, we develop logical thinking and skills in analysis and synthesis.

Broaden horizons: History provides a deeper insight into society, humanity, and social relationships.

4. Foundation for other subjects:

Link with other subjects: Historical knowledge is closely related to many other subjects like geography, literature, sociology, etc.

Enhance learning capability: Understanding history helps improve performance in other subjects.

In summary, studying Vietnamese history is immensely important. It not only helps us understand the past but also equips us with the necessary knowledge and skills to live and work effectively in modern society.

Additionally, under Section 5 of the General Education Program for History and Geography issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:


What are the reasons for the necessity of studying the History subject?

- What is history?

- On what basis do we know and reconstruct history?

- Time in history

Required achievements:

- Define the concept of history and the History subject.

- Understand that history is everything that happened in the past.

- Explain why it is necessary to study the History subject.

- Distinguish basic historical sources, their meanings, and values (original documents, oral, artifacts, writings,...).

- Know some concepts and calculate time in history: decade, century, millennium, BC, AD, lunar calendar, solar calendar,...

Thus, according to the above regulation, the question of why it is necessary to study the History subject is content that students must address and answer in the 6th-grade History and Geography curriculum.

What is the duration of the 6th-grade History and Geography curriculum in Vietnam?

Additionally, under Section 8 of the General Education Program for History and Geography issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

- Training duration

The duration allocated for the subject is 105 lessons/grade/school year. The percentage of lessons dedicated to each content strand is as follows:

History and Geography Curriculum

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