What does Biodiversity mean? What is the role of Biodiversity? What is the grade in which students in Vietnam must prove the urgency of biodiversity conservation in the History and Geography curriculum?

What does Biodiversity mean? What is the role of Biodiversity? What is the grade in which students in Vietnam must prove the urgency of biodiversity conservation in the History and Geography curriculum?

What does Biodiversity mean? What is the role of Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the richness of species on Earth, including microorganisms, plants, and animals, as well as the genetic diversity within each species and the diversity of ecosystems in which they live. In other words, biodiversity is the richness and diversity of life on our planet.

What does Biodiversity mean? What is the role of Biodiversity?

*role of Biodiversity

Biodiversity plays an extremely important role in life on Earth and for humans.

- For Nature:

Maintaining ecological balance: Each species has a specific role within an ecosystem; they interact with one another, creating a balanced system.

Climate regulation: Forests help regulate climate and reduce greenhouse effect.

Soil protection: Tree roots help stabilize soil and prevent erosion.

Nutritional cycle: Species participate in the nutritional cycle, maintaining life.

- For Humans:

Providing food: Biodiversity provides us with a rich and diverse source of food.

Providing medicine: Many medicines are extracted from plant and animal species.

Providing materials: Wood, fiber, leather, fur... are sourced from living species for daily life.

Aesthetic value: Nature with biodiversity offers high aesthetic value, serving tourism and recreation.

Scientific value: Biodiversity is a valuable resource for scientific research.

*Threats to Biodiversity

Loss of habitat: Due to human activities such as deforestation, urbanization.

Environmental pollution: Water, air, soil pollution reduces the survival ability of many species.

Overexploitation: Excessive hunting and fishing reduce the population of many species.

Climate change: Climate change alters habitats, causing difficulties for organisms.

*Protecting Biodiversity

To protect biodiversity, we need:

Reducing negative impacts: Minimize deforestation, environmental pollution, and over-exploitation of species.

Conserving natural areas: Establish protected areas, national parks to safeguard species and ecosystems.

Raising awareness: Promote the importance of biodiversity and encourage public participation in environmental protection.

*Note: Information is for reference only./.

What is Biodiversity? What is the Role of Biodiversity?

What does Biodiversity mean? What is the role of Biodiversity? (Image from the Internet)

What is the grade in which students in Vietnam must prove the urgency of biodiversity conservation in the History and Geography curriculum?

Under Section 4 of the General Education Program for History and Geography at the lower secondary level issued under Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the content includes:

- General characteristics of the soil cover

- Characteristics and distribution of major soil groups

- Rational use of homestead land resources in Vietnam

- General characteristics of organisms

- The issue of biodiversity conservation in Vietnam

- Proving the monsoon tropical nature of the soil cover.

- Describing the distribution characteristics of the three main soil groups.

- Analyzing characteristics of feralit soil and its value in agricultural and forestry production.

- Analyzing characteristics of alluvial soil and its value in agriculture and aquaculture.

- Proving the urgency of combating soil degradation.

- Proving the biodiversity of organisms in Vietnam.

- Proving the urgency of biodiversity conservation in Vietnam.

Thus, 8th-grade students in Vietnam must prove the urgency of biodiversity conservation in the History and Geography curriculum.

What are the perspectives on developing the History and Geography curricula in Vietnam?

Under Section II of the General education program for History and Geography promulgated with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the perspectives on developing the History and Geography curricula in Vietnam are as follows:

The History and Geography curricula at the lower secondary level adhere to the provisions in the overall program while emphasizing several points of view:

(1) The curriculum aims to develop scientific thinking in students, allowing them to view the world as an integrated whole in both spatial and temporal dimensions based on fundamental knowledge and learning tools for researching history and geography; thereby, forming and developing specific abilities along with general competencies, especially the ability to apply knowledge and skills in practice and creativity.

(2) The curriculum inherits and promotes the strengths of the History and Geography subjects in the current general education curriculum and absorbs the experience of subject curriculum development from advanced countries. The subject content ensures equipping students with foundational, comprehensive, and scientific general knowledge; suitable for the psychological and cognitive characteristics of students, taking into account the teaching conditions in Vietnamese schools.

(3) The historical education content is designed chronologically, from prehistoric times through ancient, medieval to modern and contemporary times; in each period, there's an interleaving of world history, regional history, and Vietnamese history. The geography education content flows from general geography to regional geography and Vietnamese geography. It emphasizes selecting themes and connecting knowledge and skills to form and develop competencies in students while valuing the distinctive features of historical and geographical sciences.

(4) The curriculum emphasizes the application of active educational methods, highlighting the use of varied teaching aids and diversifying teaching and assessment methods to form and develop qualities and competencies in students.

(5) The curriculum ensures connectivity with the History and Geography curricula at the primary level and the History and Geography curricula at the upper secondary level, ensuring coherence and connectivity between grades, education levels, and subjects, as well as educational activities in the general education program.

(6) The curriculum is open, allowing flexible implementation depending on local conditions, the target student groups (students in disadvantaged areas, students with special support needs, etc.).

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