What are the toys used in preschools in Vietnam?
What are the toys used in preschools in Vietnam?
According to Article 2 of Circular 47/2020/TT-BGDDT as follows:
Definition of terms
In this Circular, the following terms shall be interpreted as follows:
1. Toys used in preschools are toys that serve the activities of nurturing, caring, and educating preschool children in preschool education institutions (hereinafter referred to as toys).
Thus, toys used in preschool education institutions are for the purpose of nurturing, caring for, and educating preschool children in said institutions.
How are preschool supplies currently categorized by age groups?
According to provisions in Article 1 of Circular 02/2010/TT-BGDDT on minimum supplies and toys for preschool education issued by the Minister of Education and Training, they are categorized into the following six age groups:
- Group of children 3 - 12 months old.
- Group of children 12 - 24 months old.
- Group of children 24 - 36 months old.
- Kindergarten class 3 - 4 years old.
- Kindergarten class 4 - 5 years old.
- Kindergarten class 5 - 6 years old.
Toys used in preschools and the current list of toys in preschools in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)
What is the current list of toys used in preschools in Vietnam?
The list of minimum supplies, toys, and teaching equipment for preschool education is stipulated in Circular 02/2010/TT-BGDDT issued by the Minister of Education and Training (some devices have been abolished and amended by Article 1 of Circular 34/2013/TT-BGDDT) as follows:
Download the FULL List of minimum supplies, toys, and teaching equipment for preschool education.
What are the procedures for toy and educational resource selection in preschools in Vietnam? What principles must be ensured?
According to Article 11 of Circular 47/2020/TT-BGDDT, the procedures for toy and educational resource selection for preschool children is as follows:
- Preschool education institutions must review and categorize existing toys and educational resource based on requirements and principles for selection, annual implementation plans, and practical activities in nurturing, caring for, and educating children.
- Based on the list of toys and educational resource proposed by teachers and management staff, the head of the preschool education institution organizes a council to select toys and educational resource. The proposed list must be signed by the head of the professional team/group and representatives of teachers from the classes/groups.
- The council meets to discuss and evaluate toys and educational resource based on the proposed list. A toy or material must receive approval from over half of the council members to be selected.
- The council compiles the selection results into a report signed by all council members.
- The council recommends the selected list of toys and educational resource to the head of the preschool education institution for implementation.
- Based on the council's recommendations, the head of the preschool education institution approves the list of toys and educational resource to be used, plans the procurement, and proposes to the higher management authority or self-produces the toys and educational resource.
Additionally, the principles for selecting toys and educational resource to be used in preschool education institutions are stipulated in Article 3 of Circular 47/2020/TT-BGDDT as follows:
Principle 1: Toys listed in the teaching equipment catalog issued by the Ministry of Education and Training must comply with current regulations.
Principle 2: Toys not listed in the teaching equipment catalog issued by the Ministry of Education and Training and educational resource must be selected according to the following principles:
+ Toys and educational resource must meet the requirements specified in Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 2 of Circular 47/2020/TT-BGDDT;
+ Selection of toys and educational resource must be based on the practical needs of implementing the preschool education program; developing the preschool education program; annual task implementation plans; and annual thematic implementation plans;
+ Selection of toys and educational resource must consider practical conditions: material conditions (location, arrangement space); and resources (capability of management staff and teachers to exploit, use, and apply the toys).
Principle 3: Ensure public, transparent, and lawful implementation.
Thus, according to the above regulations, the selection of educational toys and educational resource for preschool children must comply with legal procedures and principles.
What is the development of preschool education program in Vietnam?
According to regulations in Part 1 of the Preschool Education Program attached to Circular 17/2009/TT-BGDDT, which has been amended by Circular 28/2016/TT-BGDDT and Article 1 of Circular 51/2020/TT-BGDDT, as follows:
(1) The preschool education program is a framework program with an open nature, presenting the goals of preschool education, stipulating requirements on content, methods of preschool education, and evaluating children's development. It serves as the basis for management, direction, and organization of nurturing, caring for, and educating children at all preschool education institutions nationwide; it is also a commitment by the State to ensure quality for the entire system and each preschool education institution.
The preschool education program is developed based on the viewpoints of the Communist Party and the State on comprehensive and fundamental innovation in education and training, inheriting the advantages of previous childcare and education programs, and developed to meet the diversity of regions, child groups, and aiming for comprehensive development and creating opportunities for children's growth.
(2) The preschool education program ensures tight connections between different age groups in nurseries and kindergartens, and continuity with the general education program. The program reflects the perspective of holistic, integrated education, centered on the child with the educational motto "learning through play, play through learning."
(3) The program stipulates educational content applicable to all preschool children while granting autonomy to localities, preschools, and teachers in selecting and adding educational content and implementing educational plans suitable for preschool children and the conditions of the locality and the preschool.
Download the FULL List of minimum supplies, toys, and teaching equipment for preschool education.
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