16:30 | 29/11/2024

What are Roman numerals from 1 to 100? When do students in Vietnam learn about Roman numerals?

What are Roman numerals from 1 to 100? When do students in Vietnam learn about Roman numerals?

What are Roman numerals from 1 to 100?

Below is the table of Roman numerals from 1 to 100:


1 = I

26 = XXVI

51 = LI

76 = LXXVI

2 = II

27 = XXVII

52 = LII


3 = III


53 = LIII


4 = IV

29 = XXIX

54 = LIV

79 = LXXIX

5 = V

30 = XXX

55 = LV

80 = LXXX

6 = VI

31 = XXXI

56 = LVI

81 = LXXXI

7 = VII

32 = XXXII

57 = LVII


8 = VIII


58 = LVIII


9 = IX

34 = XXXIV

59 = LIX


10 = X

35 = XXXV

60 = LX

85 = LXXXV

11 = XI

36 = XXXVI

61 = LXI


12 = XII


62 = LXII


13 = XIII


63 = LXIII


14 = XIV

39 = XXXIX

64 = LXIV


15 = XV

40 = XL

65 = LXV

90 = XC

16 = XVI

41 = XLI

66 = LXVI

91 = XCI

17 = XVII

42 = XLII

67 = LXVII

92 = XCII

18 = XVIII

43 = XLIII


93 = XCIII

19 = XIX

44 = XLIV

69 = LXIX

94 = XCIV

20 = XX

45 = XLV

70 = LXX

95 = XCV

21 = XXI

46 = XLVI

71 = LXXI

96 = XCVI

22 = XXII

47 = XLVII

72 = LXXII

97 = XCVII

23 = XXIII




24 = XXIV

49 = XLIX

74 = LXXIV

99 = XCIX

25 = XXV

50 = L

75 = LXXV

100 = C

How are Roman numerals from 1 to 100? Which grade do students learn Roman numerals?

What are Roman numerals from 1 to 100? When do students in Vietnam learn about Roman numerals?​ (Image from Internet)

When do students in Vietnam learn about Roman numerals?

Based on Section V of the General Education Curriculum for Mathematics issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the requirements for recognizing natural numbers in Mathematics for Grade 3 are as follows:

- Regarding numbers and decimal structure of a number:

+ Ability to read and write numbers within the range of 10,000; up to 100,000.

+ Recognize round thousands, round ten thousands.

+ Recognize the decimal structure of a number.

+ Recognize Roman numerals and be able to write natural numbers within the range of 20 using Roman numerals.

- Regarding comparing numbers:

+ Recognize how to compare two numbers within the range of 100,000.

+ Determine the largest or smallest number in a group not exceeding 4 numbers (within 100,000).

+ Arrange numbers in order (from smallest to largest or vice versa) in a group not exceeding 4 numbers (within 100,000).

From the above regulations, it is clear that students learn to recognize Roman numerals in the Grade 3 Mathematics curriculum.

What are the basic requirements for teaching methods in primary education mathematics in Vietnam?

According to Section VI of the General Education Curriculum for Mathematics issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, teaching methods in the Mathematics Curriculum must meet the following basic requirements:

- Align with students' cognitive processes (from specific to abstract, from easy to difficult); not only focusing on the logical aspect of mathematical science but also paying attention to approaches based on students' experiences and experiences;

- Embrace the principle of “student-centeredness”, encourage active participation, self-awareness, consider the needs, cognitive abilities, and different learning styles of each student; organize the teaching process towards constructional methods where students are involved in exploration, discovery, reasoning, solving problems;

- Be flexible in applying positive teaching methods and techniques; creatively combine with traditional teaching methods and techniques; integrate classroom teaching activities with practical, experiential activities, and apply mathematical knowledge to real life. The lesson structure should ensure a balance and harmony between core knowledge, applied knowledge, and other components.

- Use sufficient and effective teaching tools and equipment as specified for Mathematics; may use self-made teaching tools suitable for the lesson content and student audience; increase the use of information technology and modern teaching tools and equipment appropriately and effectively.

What are the minimum teaching equipment requirements for primary mathematics in Vietnam?

According to Section VIII of the General Education Curriculum for Mathematics issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the minimum teaching equipment for primary mathematics includes the following regulations:

- Numbers and calculations: Includes teaching equipment sets for natural numbers and operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) with natural numbers; fractions and operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) with fractions; decimals and operations concerning decimals; percentages.

- Geometry and Measurement: Includes teaching equipment for recognizing, describing shapes and characteristics of some plane and solid shapes; practicing measurement, drawing, assembling, creating shapes (corresponding to each grade's Math curriculum); practicing weighing, measuring, counting, telling time, buying and selling.

- Some statistical and probability elements: Includes teaching equipment sets for reading, describing, representing data in tables, statistical charts; familiarizing with the possibility of an event occurring.

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