What are guidelines on writing a argumentative essay about an idea or moral for grade 11 students in Vietnam? What are study topics for grade 11 students in Vietnam?

What are 5 argumentative essay about an idea or moral for grade 11 students in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on writing a argumentative essay about an idea or moral for grade 11 students in Vietnam?

A argumentative essay on a philosophy or moral value is a type of essay in which the writer analyzes and deeply discusses a viewpoint, way of life, moral principle, or a specific social issue.

The goal of this essay is to elucidate the significance and importance of the philosophy or moral value to life, while also providing personal reflections and assessments on the issue being addressed.

Below are 5 argumentative essay about an idea or moral for grade 11 students in Vietnam:

5 argumentative essay about an idea or moral for grade 11 students in Vietnam

Essay 1: "Does 'Uống nước nhớ nguồn' still hold meaning in modern society?"


The proverb "Uống nước nhớ nguồn" has become a profound teaching, reminding people of the moral principle of gratitude. In modern society, with its hectic pace and increasing emphasis on material values, does this moral principle still retain its meaning?


Explain the meaning of the proverb: The proverb advises people never to forget those who have helped them and the roots that have nurtured them into adulthood.

The importance of gratitude: Gratitude is the foundation of social relationships, contributing to the building of a civilized and progressive society.

The current state of gratitude in modern society:

- Many young people today tend to be selfish, only thinking about themselves.

- Some forget the debts of gratitude owed to parents, teachers, and those who have helped them.

- However, there are still many exemplary figures of gratitude.

Causes of the above situation:

- Life pressures and fierce competition.

- The influence of individualized lifestyles.

- Lack of moral education.


"Uống nước nhớ nguồn" is still a human value that needs to be preserved and promoted. Each person needs to cultivate gratitude to make life more meaningful and society better.

Essay 2: "Where does success come from?"


Success is the goal many people strive for. But where does success come from? Some say success results from innate talent, while others argue it is the result of relentless effort. So, what is the correct answer?


Factors leading to success:

- Talent: An important factor but not decisive.

- Effort: A fundamental element to achieving success.

- Opportunity: The role of opportunity is very important, but it only comes to those who know how to seize it.

- Luck: Luck can help people achieve success faster, but it cannot sustain long-term success.

Stories of successful people:

- Many successful individuals have undergone a process of relentless effort.

- They always seek to learn and continuously improve themselves.

The attitude towards life determines success:

- Perseverance and patience.

- Passion.

- Ability to adapt.


Success is not the final destination but a continuous process of learning and self-improvement. Success results from a harmonious combination of talent, effort, opportunity, and a positive attitude.

Essay 3: "Lòng nhân ái có vai trò như thế nào trong cuộc sống hiện đại?"


In modern society, with its hectic pace and fierce competition, kindness seems to be gradually fading. However, kindness remains a core human value that contributes to making life more meaningful.


The significance of kindness:

- Kindness is about caring, sharing, and helping others.

- Kindness makes life warmer and happier.

- Kindness contributes to building a civilized and progressive society.

Expressions of kindness:

- Helping those in difficulties.

- Caring for the elderly, children, and disabled people.

- Protecting the environment.

The role of kindness in modern life:

- Helping people overcome difficulties.

- Contributing to building a united community.

- Making life more meaningful.


Kindness is a noble quality that everyone needs. In modern society, kindness is more important than ever. Let's spread love together to make life better.

Essay 4: "Ý nghĩa của việc học tập suốt đời"


In today's society, knowledge is no longer a privilege of a few but an essential tool for personal development and social contribution. Thus, lifelong learning is not just a trend but a necessary demand.


The significance of lifelong learning:

- Helping people update new knowledge and adapt to societal changes.

- Expanding vision and understanding of the world.

- Developing necessary skills for work and life.

- Enhancing confidence and competitiveness.

The current state of lifelong learning in Vietnam:

- People's awareness of lifelong learning is increasingly heightened.

- Various forms of lifelong learning have been implemented.

- However, there are still many limitations.

Challenges and difficulties:

- Lack of time.

- Insufficient facilities.

- High education costs.


Lifelong learning is an endless journey. Each person needs to actively seek learning opportunities to continuously improve themselves and contribute to society.

Essay 5: "Tầm quan trọng của gia đình trong cuộc sống"


Family is the cell of society, the nourishing place of emotions, and where each individual finds peace and happiness. Family plays a crucial role in shaping each person's character.


The role of family:

- Providing love, care, and protection for children.

- Teaching moral and cultural values.

- Sharing joys and sorrows of each member.

Family’s influence on personal development:

- Influencing character and behavior.

- Affecting career.

- Impacting family happiness.

Challenges to modern families:

- Life pressures.

- Family breakdowns.

- Societal influences.


Family is an invaluable value. Each family member needs to strive to foster family love to create a happy home.

*Note: Information is for reference purposes only./.

Guide to Writing a Brief Social Commentary Essay on a Philosophy or Moral Value for Grade 11 Literature

What are guidelines on writing a argumentative essay about an idea or moral for grade 11 students in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are study topics for grade 11 Literature in Vietnam?

Based on Subsection 2 Section 5 General Education Program Literature subject issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the study topics for Grade 11 Literature includes:

Requirements to be achieved Content
- Understand the requirements and methods for researching a folk literature issue. 1. Requirements and methods for researching a folk literature issue
- Know how to write a research report. 2. How to write a research report
- Apply knowledge from the specialized subject to reading comprehension and writing about folk literature. 3. Some issues that can be researched about folk literature
- Be able to present a problem of folk literature. 4. Requirements for organizing a presentation on a folk literature issue
Specialized Subject 10.2. DRAMATIZING LITERARY WORKS  
- Understand what it means to dramatize literary works. 1. Literary works and dramatizing literary works
- Know how to dramatize a literary work. 2. Process of dramatizing a literary work
- Know how to act as characters and perform. 3. Ways to impersonate, perform, and practice dramatizing literary works
- Recognize the differences between the language in literary texts and the language in drama texts. 4. Language in literary texts and language (multimodal) in drama texts
- Know how to read a collection of poetry, short stories, or a novel. 1. Methods for reading a collection of poetry, short stories, or a novel
- Know how to write an introduction to a collection of poetry, short stories, or a novel. 2. How to write an introduction to a collection of poetry, short stories, or a novel
- Know how to present and introduce a collection of poetry, short stories, or a novel. 3. Requirements for presenting and introducing a collection of poetry, short stories, or a novel

What is the age of grade 11 high school students in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 1 Article 28 of the Education Law 2019 on mentions the levels and ages of general education:

Levels and Ages of General Education

1. The levels and ages of general education are regulated as follows:

a) Primary education lasts for 5 school years, from grade one to the end of grade five. Students entering grade one are 6 years old and calculated by year;

b) Lower secondary education lasts for 4 school years, from grade six to the end of grade nine. Students entering grade six must have completed primary education. Students entering grade six are 11 years old and calculated by year;

c) Upper secondary education lasts for 3 school years, from grade ten to the end of grade twelve. Students entering grade ten must have a lower secondary school diploma. Students entering grade ten are 15 years old and calculated by year.


Thus, Grade 11 students are now at the standard age of 16.

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