What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Quan thanh tra" for grade 12 students in Vietnam? What are the language proficiency requirements for grade 12 students in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Quan thanh tra" for grade 12 students in Vietnam? What are the language proficiency requirements for grade 12 students in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Quan thanh tra" for grade 12 students in Vietnam?

"Quan thanh tra" is one of the texts that students will learn in the Grade 12 Literature curriculum in Vietnam.

Below are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Quan thanh tra" for grade 12 students.

Guidelines on preparing the lesson "Quan thanh tra" for grade 12 students in Vietnam

* Main content:

Humorous misunderstanding: Both the mayor and other officials mistake a rogue for an inspector general, leading to hilarious situations.

Social reflection: Through this event, the author exposes corruption, bribery, fear of power, and the ignorance of officials at that time.

Character traits: Each character clearly exhibits their personality through their words and actions. The mayor is greedy and cowardly; the postmaster is cunning and lazy; other officials are greedy and fearful.

* Art

Dialogue language: Lively, humorous dialogue underscores the distinct personalities of each character.

Humorous situations: The ironic and humorous situation where a rogue is revered as an official.

Use of artistic techniques: The author employs various artistic techniques such as exaggeration, irony, and satire to highlight the work's meaning.

* Analysis of excerpts

Excerpt 1: Upon receiving the letter, officials are extremely terrified, thinking it is from the inspector general. This indicates their fear of power and their corruption.

Excerpt 2: Upon reading the letter, officials realize they have been deceived. They are bewildered and angry but dare not do anything. This illustrates their cowardice and ineffectiveness.

Excerpt 3: The argument over who first said the rogue was the inspector general shows the blame-shifting and cowardice of the officials.

Excerpt 4: The announcement of the real inspector general's arrival causes extreme panic among the officials. This shows their fear of the law and punishment.

* Rhetorical devices

Exaggeration: Exaggerating the fear and cowardice of officials helps to highlight the humor of the situation.

Irony: The author uses many ironic statements to ridicule the stupidity and greed of the characters.

Satire: Through humorous situations, the author sharply criticizes the corruption and bureaucracy in society.

Comparison: Comparing officials to animals like pigs, gelding horses, etc., enhances the humor and the author's contempt.

* Significance

Social critique: The work strongly condemns corruption, bribery, and the moral decay of officials.

Laugh to realize: Through laughter, the author helps readers recognize the pressing issues of society.

Thought-provoking: The work raises questions about ethics, conscience, and human responsibility.

* Character images and significance

The mayor: The central character of the story. He is greedy, cowardly, and fears authority. The image of the mayor being deceived reveals the foolishness and baseness of the officialdom of that era.

The postmaster: Cunning, lazy, and opportunistic. This character represents opportunists who exploit situations for personal gain.

Other officials: Also as greedy and cowardly as the mayor. They represent a segment of corrupt and irresponsible officials.

The rogue: Although a trickster, he becomes the center of the event. This character symbolizes the randomness and irony in life.

* Conclusion

Through the above excerpts, we see Gogol's talent in using language, crafting situations, and developing characters. The work not only entertains but also provides profound social critique.

Note: The information is for reference only./.

Prepare the shortest lesson on The Inspector General for Grade 12? Language proficiency requirements in Grade 12 Literature

What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Quan thanh tra" for grade 12 students in Vietnam? What are the language proficiency requirements for grade 12 students in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are the language proficiency requirements for grade 12 students in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Section IV of the Grade 12 Literature curriculum issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, Grade 12 students will learn the following content in Literature:

- Requirements to be achieved at the upper secondary school level

+ Language proficiency

Know how to apply knowledge of Vietnamese language and knowledge of historical, social, ideological, philosophical, and aesthetic contexts of periods to understand more complex texts (in terms of volume, complexity, and comprehension requirements).

Know how to analyze and evaluate content and notable characteristics of the text's expression form, especially creativity in language, writing style, and text type. Students should have their own perspective on people and life; see the role and effect of reading on themselves.

From Grade 10 to Grade 12: proficiently writing argumentative and expository texts on topics related to life and career orientation; writing correctly following the process, combining various expressive means, argumentative styles, and artistic elements; having personal views on a social issue.

Able to write argumentative and informative texts on relatively complex topics; argumentative texts require analysis, evaluation, and comparison of the value of literary works; discussing issues appropriate for near-adulthood age, requiring relatively complex structure and argumentation, with evidence sought from various sources; expository texts on scientific issues in the form of a properly formatted research report; respecting intellectual property rights and avoiding plagiarism.

The writing should reflect emotions, attitudes, experiences, and ideas of the individual on issues raised in the text; demonstrating a personal perspective, thinking, and living style.

Able to debate issues where there are opposing viewpoints; having a constructive attitude and proper debate culture; able to listen to presentations and evaluate the content and form of the presentation; keen to express personal views and individuality in debates; presenting scientific issues confidently and persuasively. Speaking and listening flexibly; mastering the methods and procedures of conducting a debate.

What are regulations on types of literary texts used for Grade 12 Literature in Vietnam?

As stipulated in subsection 2 Section 5 of the Grade 12 Literature curriculum issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the types of texts for Grade 12 Literature include the following:

(1). Literary texts

- Legendary stories, modern short stories and novels

- Modern lyrical poetry

- Comedy

- Reportage, diaries or memoirs

(2). Argumentative texts

- Social argumentative essays

- Literary argumentative essays

(3). Informative texts

- Expository texts incorporating one or more elements like description, narration, expression, argument

- Research reports, work exchange letters.

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