What are guidelines on preparing the lesson Dọc đường xứ Nghệ for grade 7 students in Vietnam? Is it possible to advance to the next grade if the score of Literature subject in the first semester is under 5 points?

Below are guidelines on preparing the lesson Dọc đường xứ Nghệ by author Son Tung for grade 7 students in Vietnam

What are guidelines on preparing the lesson Dọc đường xứ Nghệ for grade 7 students in Vietnam?

Guidelines on preparing the lesson Dọc đường xứ Nghệ

I. Author and Work

1. Author

Writer Son Tung, whose real name is Bui Son Tung, was born in 1928 and passed away in 2021. His hometown is Hoa Luy village, now Kim Luy, Dien Chau, Nghe An. He is a writer with many works about leader Ho Chi Minh and revolutionary and cultural figures.

2. Main Content of the Work

The excerpt "Dọc đường xứ Nghệ" tells about President Ho Chi Minh's childhood when he and his older brother Nguyen Sinh Khiem followed their father to the capital Hue. After passing the Deputy Doctoral examination, Mr. Sac returned home in honor.

3. Structure of the Work

The excerpt can be divided into 4 parts:

- Part 1: From the beginning to "nộp mình cho giặc": The Deputy Doctor explains to his two sons about the temple of Thuc Phan An Duong Vuong and the historical love story of My Chau – Trong Thuy.

- Part 2: Next to "khát vọng quê hương": The Deputy Doctor explains to his two sons about Hai Vai rock.

- Part 3: Next to "có chức trọng quyền cao đó, con ạ": The Deputy Doctor explains to his two sons about Qua Son temple.

- Part 4: Remaining part: The reflections and concerns of the three father and sons about life.

4. Content Value

The excerpt is a story about the journey through various landmarks of the Deputy Doctor and his sons. Each landmark they passed is associated with a historical story. Through these stories, the Deputy Doctor educated his sons on human qualities and virtues.

5. Artistic Value

- Engaging, interesting storytelling that conveys profound historical lessons.

- Narrative style combining description with expression.

II. Guidance on Preparing the Lesson "Dọc đường xứ Nghệ"

Question 1: From which point of view is the story told? What is the effect of using this point of view in the text "Dọc đường xứ Nghệ"?

The story is told from the third-person point of view. The effect is that it allows the storyteller to describe the story flexibly and freely, portraying what happens to the characters. The conversation between the father and his two sons unfolds naturally according to the emotional and narrative flow.

Question 2: What do the questions and explanations about historical events reveal about Con as a child? What do you think about the character's personality?

From the questions and explanations about historical events, it can be seen that Con is a patriotic child, eager to learn about the history and roots of the nation.

The character Con is depicted as having a curious and inquisitive nature.

Question 3: How did the Deputy Doctor educate his sons on how to be good people in the excerpt? What do you think about the character of the Deputy Doctor?

The Deputy Doctor educated his sons on how to be good people through lessons in history from the elders and practical experiences. He encouraged his sons to express their knowledge, make inferences, and correct any shortcomings. This method shows that the Deputy Doctor is meticulous and creative in teaching and shaping his sons.

The way he educated and guided his sons indicates that the Deputy Doctor is a patriotic person who understands the history of the nation. He is always calm and gentle, leading his sons into historical stories to draw lessons on life.

Question 4: What thoughts do the story "Dọc đường xứ Nghệ" of the Deputy Doctor and his sons evoke in you?

The story "Dọc đường xứ Nghệ" of the Deputy Doctor and his sons evokes memories of the historical stories and figures studied in history classes. The way the Deputy Doctor narrated and taught his sons makes me more grateful to the previous generations and proud of my national traditions. I also learned how to treat and interact with people around me. Additionally, it suggests a useful educational method of learning through experiences and discussions.

Note: The content for preparing the lesson "Dọc đường xứ Nghệ" for Grade 7 is only for reference!

Guidance on Preparing the Lesson "Dọc đường xứ Nghệ" for Grade 7?

What are guidelines on preparing the lesson Dọc đường xứ Nghệ for grade 7 students in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Will students in Vietnam with less than 5 points in the first semester of Literature be promoted to next grade?

Based on Article 12 Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT:

Promotion, reassessment during summer break, not promoted

  1. Students who meet the following conditions will be promoted or recognized as having completed lower secondary education or upper secondary education:

a) The result of the whole year’s conduct (including the result after reassessment during the summer break as stipulated in Article 13 of this Circular) is evaluated at the level of Pass or higher.

b) The result of the whole year’s academic performance (including reassessment results for subjects as stipulated in Article 14 of this Circular) is evaluated at the level of Pass or higher.

c) The number of school days missed does not exceed 45 days in a school year (based on the educational plan of 1 session/day stipulated in the General Education Program, including excused and unexcused absences, continuous or non-continuous).

  1. For students who need to reassess during the summer break as stipulated in Article 13 of this Circular; students who need to reassess their subjects during the summer as stipulated in Article 14 of this Circular.
  1. Students who do not meet the requirements stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article will not be promoted or recognized as having completed lower secondary education or upper secondary education.
  1. For students with disabilities: The principal will base the evaluation result of students with disabilities as stipulated in Article 11 of this Circular to consider promotion or recognition of completion of lower secondary education or upper secondary education for students with disabilities.

Thus, the basis for students to be promoted is the overall year's points. Therefore, if a student scores less than 5 in the first semester of Literature but tries and improves in the second semester, the student will still be promoted.

When will grade 7 students in Vietnam be rewarded?

In Article 15 Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT:


  1. Principals will give certificates to students

a) End-of-year awards

- Award the title "Excellent Student" to students whose conduct and academic performance throughout the year are rated Good, and at least 6 (six) subjects evaluated through comments combined with scored evaluations have an average score (ĐTBmcn) of 9.0 or higher.

- Award the title "Outstanding Student" to students whose conduct and academic performance throughout the year are rated Good.

b) Reward students with outstanding achievements in conduct and academic performance during the school year.

  1. Students with special achievements will be considered for higher-level rewards by the school.

Thus, Grade 7 students will be rewarded if they achieve the title of excellent or outstanding student or have exceptional achievements in conduct and academic performance.

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