Vietnam: What are the regulations on methods of preschool education? What are the requirements for preschool education content?
What are the regulations on methods of preschool education in Vietnam?
Clause 2, Article 24 of the Law on Education 2019 stipulates the requirements on contents and methods of preschool education as follows:
Requirements on contents and methods of preschool education
2. The methods of preschool education are prescribed as follows:
a) Junior kindergartens must enable children to proactively participate in activities and play, creating a bond between adults and children; stimulate the development of the senses, emotions and psycho-physiological functions;
b) Senior kindergartens must enable children to play, experience, explore and discover the surrounding environment in different ways, satisfying the needs and interests of children.
Additionally, Section 2 Part C of the Preschool Education Program, issued together with Circular 17/2009/TT-BGDDT, (some content has been amended by Circular 28/2016/TT-BGDDT and by Article 1 of Circular 51/2020/TT-BGDDT) states as follows:
1. For junior kindergarten, the educational method should focus on regularly communicating, displaying affection and forming bonds between adults and children; attention to individual characteristics of children to select appropriate educational methods, creating a safe physical and mental environment; facilitating children to actively engage in emotional exchanges, manipulate objects and play, stimulating the development of senses and psychological and physiological functions; creating an educational environment that is close to the family setting, helping children adapt to the junior kindergarten.
2. For senior kindergarten, the educational method must provide opportunities for children to experience, explore, and discover the surrounding environment in various diverse forms, meeting the needs and interests of children under the motto “learning through play, playing to learn.” Focus on innovating the organization of the educational environment to stimulate and create opportunities for children to actively explore, experiment, and create in different activity areas cheerfully. Harmonize individual education with group education, paying attention to the individual characteristics of each child to have appropriate educational methods. Organize reasonable forms of individual activities, small group, and whole-class activities, suitable to the age of the class, the ability of each child, the needs and interests of children, and the actual conditions.
According to the above regulations, the methods of preschool education are specified as follows:
* Junior kindergarten:
- Regularly communicating, displaying affection, and forming a bond with the child.
- Selecting appropriate methods according to the child's individual characteristics.
- Creating a safe, comfortable environment that stimulates child development.
- Creating an educational environment close to the family setting.
- Objective: Facilitate children to actively engage, play, and develop senses, emotions, and psychophysiological functions.
* Senior kindergarten:
- Applying the motto "learning through play, playing to learn".
- Creating a diverse educational environment that stimulates exploration and creativity in children.
- Harmonizing individual and group education
- Organizing activities appropriate to the age, ability, and interests of the child.
Objective: Provide opportunities for children to experience, explore, and discover the surrounding environment, developing thinking, creativity, and social skills.
Thus, the methods of preschool education will be specific methods appropriate for junior and senior kindergarten.
What are the regulations on methods of preschool education in Vietnam? What does preschool education content include? (Image from the Internet)
What are the requirements for preschool education content in Vietnam?
Clause 1, Article 24 of the Law on Education 2019 stipulates the requirements on contents and methods of preschool education as follows:
Requirements on contents and methods of preschool education
1. The contents of preschool education must be suited to the psycho-physiological development of children; balanced between nurturing, caring and educating, with a view to helping children to develop physically, emotionally, intellectually and aesthetically and to know how to respect differences; suitable with different age groups and transferable to primary education.
In addition, Section 1 Part C of the Preschool Education Program, issued together with Circular 17/2009/TT-BGDDT, (some content has been amended by Circular 28/2016/TT-BGDDT and by Article 1 of Circular 51/2020/TT-BGDDT) states as follows:
1. Ensure scientific relevance, appropriate effort for children, and gradual development from easy to difficult; ensure continuity between age groups, between toddlers, preschool, and primary education; consistency between educational content and real life, connected with children’s lives and experiences, preparing children to gradually integrate into life.
2. Suitable to the psychological and physiological development of children, harmonious integration of nurturing, care, and education; help children develop a balanced, healthy, agile body; provide life skills appropriate to their age; help children know respect, love, manners toward grandparents, parents, teachers, affection for siblings, friends; honesty, bravery, confidence, and innocence, love of beauty, curiosity, love for learning.
Thus, comparing the regulations above, the preschool education content must ensure:
(1) Suitability to the psychological and physiological development of children.
(2) Harmonious integration of protection, care, nurturing, and education of children.
(3) Comprehensive development in physical, emotional, social skills, intellect, aesthetics.
(4) Respect for the individual differences of children.
(5) Suitability for age groups and continuity with primary education.
What is the system of preschool educational institutions in Vietnam?
According to Article 26 of the Law on Education 2019, the system of preschool educational institutions includes:
(1) Junior kindergarten centers and classes for children aged 03 – 36 months;
(2) Senior kindergartens and independent senior kindergarten classes for children aged 03 – 06 years;
(3) Combined kindergartens and independent preschool classes for children aged 03 months – 06 years.

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