Vietnam: 03 levels of cnsideration for completion of class programs for primary students
03 levels of cnsideration for completion of class programs for primary students
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Regulations issued together with Circular 27/2020/TT-BGDDT of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam:
Consideration for completion of class programs or primary education programs
1. Consideration for completion of class programs:
a) Students receiving verification for completion of class programs are students who receive academic assessment results of: Excellent completion, Good completion, Completion.
b) For students who have not received verification for completion of class programs, teachers prepare plans, guidance and assistance; such students shall also receive additional consideration for completion of class programs.
c) For students who remain ineligible for completing class program despite receiving guidance and assistance, depending on level of incompletion of subjects, academic activities, level of formation and development of traits and capacities, teachers prepare list and report to principals in order to organize inspection, assessment and consideration and decide whether the student move on to the next grade or not.
2. Consideration for completion of primary education programs:
Students completing the 5th grade shall be verified and recorded in their study records as “Hoàn thành chương trình tiểu học” (Completed primary education program).
The 03 levels of cnsideration for completion of class programs for primary students include:
- Excellent completion
- Good completion
- Completion.
Who has the authority to confirm the completion of primary education?
According to Article 34 of the Education Law 2019 of Vietnam, the certification for completion of primary education and issuance of lower secondary diploma and upper secondary diploma is prescribed as follows:
Certification for completion of primary education and issuance of lower secondary diploma and upper secondary diploma
1. Students who complete the primary education programme and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be certified in their official academic records by a primary school principal that they have completed primary education.
2. Students who complete the lower secondary education programme and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be issued with diplomas of lower secondary education by the head of an educational specialized agency under the management of a provincial People’s Committee.
3. Students who complete the upper secondary education programme and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be eligible to take the examination. Those who pass the examination are issued with diplomas of upper secondary education by the head of an educational specialized agency under the management of a provincial People’s Committee.
Students who complete upper secondary education and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be eligible to take the examination. Those who do not take the examination or fail the examination are issued with certificates by the school principal that they have completed general education.
Certificate for completion of general education is used to register for the examination for the upper secondary diploma per learners' wish or per the requirements to continue studying in vocational education and is used in specific cases as prescribed by law.
Thus, the elementary school principal has the authority to confirm the academic records of students who have completed the elementary school program, provided they meet the conditions stipulated by the Minister of Education and Training.
03 levels of cnsideration for completion of class programs for primary students (Image from the Internet)
What does the education program for elementary school students include?
Based on the Appendix issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT (some contents in this file are amended by Article 1 and Article 2 of Circular 13/2022/TT-BGDDT) on the General Education Program issued by the Minister of Education and Training, the General Education Program is divided into two phases: the basic education phase (from grade 1 to grade 9) and the career-oriented education phase (from grade 10 to grade 12).
The system of subjects and educational activities in the general education program includes mandatory subjects and educational activities, optional career-oriented subjects (referred to as elective subjects), and optional subjects.
The effective study time in a school year is equivalent to 35 weeks. Educational institutions can organize teaching for either one session/day or two sessions/day.
Educational institutions that organize teaching for both one session/day and two sessions/day must uniformly implement the mandatory educational content across all educational institutions nationwide.
For elementary school level, the elementary school program includes the following subjects and activities:
Mandatory subjects and educational activities: Vietnamese; Mathematics; Morality; Foreign Language 1 (in grade 3, grade 4, grade 5); Natural and Social Sciences (in grade 1, grade 2, grade 3); History and Geography (in grade 4, grade 5); Science (in grade 4, grade 5); Informatics and Technology (in grade 3, grade 4, grade 5); Physical Education; Arts (Music, Fine Arts); Experiential Activities.
Optional subjects: Ethnic Minority Languages, Foreign Language 1 (in grade 1, grade 2).
>> View the Appendix issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT: Tải về (Note: Some contents in this file are amended by Article 1 and Article 2 of Circular 13/2022/TT-BGDDT)

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