Do programmes of continuing education include training and retraining of teachers in Vietnam?

Do programmes of continuing education include training and retraining of teachers in Vietnam?

Do programmes of continuing education include training and retraining for teachers in Vietnam?

Under Article 43 of the Education Law 2019, the programmes, forms, contents and methods of continuing education are stipulated as follows:

Programmes, forms, contents and methods of continuing education

1. Programmes of continuing education include:

a) Illiteracy eradication;

b) Educational programmes responding to the needs of learners, updating of knowledge and skills, transfer of technology;

c) Programmes for training, upgrading and enhancing professional qualifications;

d) Educational programmes leading to degrees/diplomas of the national educational system.

2. Forms of conducting continuing educational programmes are as follows:

a) In-service learning;

b) Distance learning;

c) Guided self-learning;

d) Other learning forms per learner’s needs.

3. Educational contents of the programmes defined in point a, b, and c of clause 1 of this Article must guarantee the usefulness and help learners improve their working productivity and quality of life.

Educational contents of the programmes defined in point d clause 1 of this Article must lead to the completion of a qualification in the structural framework of the national educational system or the Vietnamese Qualifications Framework, must guarantee the requirements on contents of the educational programme of the same educational level/training qualification defined in Article 31 of this Law, the Law on Vocational education and Law on Higher education.


Thus, programmes of continuing education include:

- Illiteracy eradication;

- Educational programmes responding to the needs of learners, updating of knowledge and skills, transfer of technology;

- Programmes for training, upgrading and enhancing professional qualifications;

- Educational programmes leading to degrees/diplomas of the national educational system.

Therefore, training, upgrading and enhancing professional qualifications is one of the programmes of continuing education.

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Do programmes of continuing education include training and retraining for teachers in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)

What are the policies for thematic training and retraining for teachers in Vietnam?

Under Article 73 of the Education Law 2019 on training and retraining for teachers:

Training and retraining for teachers

1. The State shall elaborate policies for training and retraining teachers in terms of political qualification, professional qualification and knowledge; Teachers nominated to attend training and retraining shall receive salary and subsidies as regulated by the Government.

2. Educational institutions shall be responsible for enabling teachers to receive training and retraining to acquire necessary qualifications as prescribed by law.

Therefore, the State will have policies for thematic training and retraining for teachers in Vietnam by nominating them to attend training and retraining, and teachers will receive salary and subsidies as regulated by the Government of Vietnam.

Are educational institutions in Vietnam required to provide training for teachers and education managers?

Under Article 74 of the Education Law 2019 on educational institutions providing training for teachers and education managers:

Educational institutions providing training for teachers and education managers

1. Educational institutions performing the duty of educating and training teachers include pedagogical schools, educational institutions with faculty of pedagogy, educational institutions authorised to educate and train teachers.

2. Educational institutions performing the duty of educating and training education managers include pedagogical schools, institutions of higher education with faculty of educational management, educational institutions authorised to educate and train education managers.

3. Pedagogical schools established by the State to educate and train teachers and education managers shall be given priority in teacher recruitment, allocation of education managers, investment in infrastructure and dormitories, as well as availability of funding. Pedagogical schools have schools or establishments for trainee-teachers' practice.

4. Within the scope of their duties and authorities, the Minister of Education and Training and Minister of Labour - War Invalids and Social Affairs shall stipulate the performing of the duty of educating and training teachers and education managers, and stipulate educational institutions authorised in educating and training teachers and education managers.

Thus, educational institutions are required to provide training for teachers and education managers of the school.

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