What are the top sample paragraphs on the Character "Trang" in the Work "Vợ nhặt" in the 12th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

What are the top sample paragraphs on the Character "Trang" in the Work "Vợ nhặt" in the 12th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

What are the top sample paragraphs on the Character "Trang" in the Work "Vợ nhặt" in the 12th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

Feelings prose is a literary genre where the writer uses language to express their thoughts, feelings, and evaluations about a literary work, an event, a person, or a phenomenon.

Top sample essays on the Character "Trang" in the Work "Vợ nhặt" in the 12th-grade Literature curriculum

Sample 1: Humanity Among the Poor

Tràng's action of "picking up a wife" during the devastating famine is not just a simple act of help but an affirmation of human value. In a society where life is as fragile as a thread, Trang bringing Thi home is a faint ray of hope, a noble humanitarian act. It demonstrates a selfless heart, ready to share with others despite personal hardships. Through the character Trang, author Kim Lan aims to convey a message about the power of human compassion, the ability to rise above life's difficulties to share love. Moreover, Trang's actions also serve as a gentle yet incisive critique of an unjust society where people struggle to survive.

Sample 2: Aspiration for a Family

The longing for a warm family always exists in Trang's soul. Taking Thi home is not merely fulfilling a physiological need but an affirmation of survival instinct and human desire for happiness. In the context of hunger, loneliness becomes even more frightening. Having a companion by his side gives Trang a sense of security and confidence. Through Trang, the author asserts that even in the harshest circumstances, people are always drawn to love and family. It's an essential human need, irreplaceable.

Sample 3: Change in the Soul

The encounter with Thi awakens deep emotions in Trang's soul. From a lonely, introverted man, he becomes warmer and more emotional. This change is reflected not only in actions but also in his thoughts and feelings. Trang begins to care more for others, valuing what he has. Thi becomes his motivation to strive and rise in life. Through Trang, the author shows that love has a magical power; it can change people and help them become better.

Sample 4: Contradiction with Society

Trang's actions are a gentle yet powerful protest against an unjust society. While many people only worry about themselves, Trang is willing to share with others. His actions are like warm sunshine, warming cold hearts in society. Through Trang, the author wants to denounce material values and selfish lifestyles in society. Simultaneously, the author affirms that there are still good people willing to help others.

Sample 5: Faith in the Future

Taking Thi home is not just a temporary action but an investment in the future. Trang believes that with love and cooperation, they will build a happy family, overcoming all difficulties. That belief helps him overcome challenges and live more optimistically. Through Trang, the author conveys a message about the power of faith. No matter how difficult life is, if we maintain our faith, we will overcome all challenges and succeed.

*Note: The above top sample paragraphs on the Character "Trang" in the Work "Vợ nhặt" in the 12th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam are for reference only./.

Top Sample Essays on the Character Trang in the Work "Vo nhat" for Grade 12 Literature

What are the top sample paragraphs on the Character "Trang" in the Work "Vợ nhặt" in the 12th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the regulations on the assessment of learning results of 12th-grade students by subjects in Vietnam?

Under Article 9 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT, the assessment of learning results of 12th-grade students by subjects in Vietnam is as follows:

1) For subjects assessed via feedback

- In a semester, learning results of each subject of a student shall be concluded as either: “Đạt” (Qualified), or “Chưa đạt” (Unqualified).

+ Qualified: When the student attends all examination and assessment under this Circular and obtain assessment at Qualified category.

+ Unqualified: Remaining cases.

- In a school year, learning results of each subject of a student shall be concluded as either: “Đạt” (Qualified), or “Chưa đạt” (Unqualified).

+ Qualified: Learning results of the 2nd semester is placed in Qualified category.

+ Unqualified: Learning results of the 2nd semester is placed in Unqualified category.

2) For subjects assessed via both feedback and scores

- Average score of a subject in a semester (hereinafter referred to as “DTBmhk”) is calculated as follows:

DTBmhk =

TDDGtx + 2 x DDGgk + 3 x DDGck

Number of DDGtx+ 5

TDDGtx: Total scores of regular assessment.

- Average scores of the subject for the entire school year (referred to as “DTBmcn”) is calculated as follows:

DTBmcn =

DTBmhkI + 2 x DTBmhkII


DTBmhkI: Average score of the subject in the 1st semester.

DTBmhkII: Average score of the subject in the 2nd semester.

What are the regulations on periodic assessment for 12th-grade Literature in Vietnam?

Under Clause 1, Article 7 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT, the periodic assessment (does not apply to learning topics) consists of mid-semester assessment and end-term assessment and is implemented via: examination (on test paper or on computer), practice exercises, or learning projects.

- Time of examination (on test paper or on computer) of subjects (excluding learning topics) with up to 70 periods/school year is 45 minutes; time of examination (on test paper or on computer) of subjects (excluding learning topics with more than 70 periods/school year is from 60 minutes to 90 minutes or up to 120 minutes for specialized subjects.

- For examination (on test paper or on computer) where assessment is made via scores, exam questions are developed based on exam mechanisms and characteristics in a manner that satisfies requirements of the subjects under formal education program.

- For examination (on test paper or on computer) where assessment is conducted via feedback, practice exercises, or learning projects, provide instructions and assessment criteria based on requirements of subjects under formal education program prior to implementation.

Thus, the periodic assessment for 12th-grade Literature in Vietnam will include mid-semester assessment and end-term assessment conducted through examination (on the test paper or on the computer), practice exercises, or learning projects.

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