What are the Top 5 sample writings recounting Chinh Huu's poem "Dong Chi" via a soldier's statement for 9th-grade students in Vietnam? What are the duties and rights of 9th-grade students at boarding ethnic secondary schools?

What are the Top 5 sample writings recounting Chinh Huu's poem "Dong Chi" via a soldier's statement for 9th-grade students in Vietnam? Will boarding ethnic secondary schools in Vietnam organize a collective kitchen for 9th-grade students?

What are the Top 5 sample writings recounting Chinh Huu's poem "Dong Chi" via a soldier's statement for 9th-grade students in Vietnam?

Students can refer to the following sample writings recounting Chinh Huu's poem "Dong Chi" via a soldier's statement:

Sample writings recounting Chinh Huu's poem "Dong Chi" via a soldier's statement

Sample No. 1

During the war years, I had wonderful comrades, including him. We came from different rural areas, but the war brought us closer than ever. He and I, two strangers, yet we shared cold nights, relentless malaria fevers, and lonely moments amid the misty jungles. Every torn shirt, every pair of patched pants, every barefoot step was not a sign of poverty, but of sharing, of sacrifice by comrades. Such simple things made us understand each other, sympathize with the hardships we both faced. The handshake in the darkness, the familiar gaze between weary eyes, became the bond of comradery, our fighting friendship. That night, standing beside him, I saw the moon on the gun barrel, and understood that no matter how difficult, we would overcome it together.

Sample No. 2

When I recall the war days, I cannot forget him, the comrade I met in the hardest circumstances. We were soldiers from two different rural areas, yet the war drew us close to share untold hardships and sorrows. He and I had nothing but tattered clothes, bare feet, but we had one thing: camaraderie. Together, we endured icy nights, fevers, and long exhausting days. Without needing many words, we understood each other through every glance, every handshake. When I remember standing beside him in the frosty jungle, I feel this comradery was the most precious thing the war brought me. No matter the hardship, we stood our ground because we had each other.

Sample No. 3

I am a soldier from the war era, and in those difficult days, I had comrades whom I would never forget in my life. I remember meeting him, two strangers, yet became close friends sharing cold nights, fevers, and challenges. We didn't have much, torn shirts, patched pants, but the affection we had for each other cannot be replaced. Comradery bound me with every step, every rifle, and every night watch. That night standing together, we said nothing, just held hands and gazed at the moon on the gun barrel, a reminder of unyielding comradeship.

Sample No. 4

Reflecting back, I cannot forget the first time I met him. At that time, he was a stranger, but before we knew it, we became close friends, comrades. Sharing the same trench, we both endured suffering, from biting cold, relentless hunger, to long nights staying awake. He left his plow behind, and I left my humble abode for the family, meeting on the battlefield without prior arrangement. Sometimes, a simple glance or a handshake was enough for us to understand each other. That comradeship was strong through all hardships.

Sample No. 5

We, the soldiers, met under unforeseeable circumstances. From impoverished rural areas, we set out for the battlefield, facing numerous difficulties. He and I weren't close friends beforehand, but the war made us inseparable comrades. Through freezing nights, feverish episodes, countless tiring marches, we found sharing and empathy in every ache, every drop of sweat. He left his fields, I left my rooftop, all to contribute to the country. Torn clothes, bare feet did not weaken us; instead, they made camaraderie sacred. Despite hardships, despite shortages, we stood together, tightly held hands, fighting under the moon above the gun barrel. Comradeship, to us, is an unforgettable essence.

Note: The information is for reference only.

Top 5 Student Performances as Soldiers Recounting the Poem 'Dong Chi' by Chinh Huu, Grade 9? What are the duties and rights of Grade 9 students at boarding ethnic minority schools?

What are the Top 5 sample writings recounting Chinh Huu's poem "Dong Chi" via a soldier's statement for 9th-grade students in Vietnam? What are the duties and rights of 9th-grade students at boarding ethnic secondary schools? (Image from the Internet)

What are the duties and rights of 9th-grade students at boarding ethnic secondary schools in Vietnam?

According to Article 18 of the Regulation on the organization and operation of boarding ethnic secondary schools issued together with Circular 04/2023/TT-BGDDT, in addition to the duties and rights of students specified in Charter of the secondary school, boarding ethnic students also have the following duties and rights:

- Preserve the cultural identity of their ethnic minorities, respect the cultural identity of other ethnic groups.

- Eat, stay, live in the boarding area and enjoy the benefits and policies according to the State's regulations.

- Obtain permission from the school according to the regulations before participating in any activities outside the school./.

Will boarding ethnic secondary schools in Vietnam organize a collective kitchen for 9th-grade students?

According to Article 15 of Circular 04/2023/TT-BGDDT, the regulation is as follows:

Care, nurturing and management of boarding ethnic students

1. The boarding ethnic school organizes a collective kitchen for boarding ethnic students to ensure food safety and hygiene according to current regulations. Nurturing is carried out openly and transparently according to the provisions of law.

2. The boarding ethnic school performs school health work to take care of the health of boarding ethnic students.


Thus, according to the above regulations, boarding ethnic secondary schools must organize collective kitchens for boarding ethnic students to ensure food safety and hygiene according to current regulations.

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