What are the Top 10 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for the 2024- 2025 school year? What are the educational objectives of 12th-grade Mathematics in Vietnam?

What are the Top 10 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for the 2024- 2025 school year? What are the educational objectives of 12th-grade Mathematics in Vietnam?

What are the Top 10 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics in Vietnam for the 2024- 2025 school year?

Students can refer to the following Top 10 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics in Vietnam for the 2024- 2025 school year:

Download: 1st end-of-semester question paper for 12th-grade Mathematics No. 1

Download: 1st end-of-semester question paper for 12th-grade Mathematics No. 2

Download: 1st end-of-semester question paper for 12th-grade Mathematics No. 3

Download: 1st end-of-semester question paper for 12th-grade Mathematics No. 4

Download: 1st end-of-semester question paper for 12th-grade Mathematics No. 5

Download: 1st end-of-semester question paper for 12th-grade Mathematics No. 6

Download: 1st end-of-semester question paper for 12th-grade Mathematics No. 7

Download: 1st end-of-semester question paper for 12th-grade Mathematics No. 8

Download: 1st end-of-semester question paper for 12th-grade Mathematics No. 9

Download: 1st end-of-semester question paper for 12th-grade Mathematics No. 10

Note: The information is for reference only./.

Top 10 Mathematics Exam Papers for Grade 12 at the End of Semester 1 of the 2024 - 2025 School Year with Answers? Guidelines about the Objectives of Grade 12 Mathematics Must Achieve?

What are the Top 10 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for the 2024- 2025 school year? What are the educational objectives of 12th-grade Mathematics in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)

What are the educational objectives of 12th-grade Mathematics in Vietnam?

Under subsection 3, Section 3 of the General Education Program for Mathematics, issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the assessment of 12th-grade Mathematics will follow these guidelines:

The Mathematics curricula at the upper secondary level aims to help students achieve the following main objectives:

- Contribute to forming and developing mathematical capabilities with the requirements to achieve:

+ Pose and answer questions when reasoning, solving problems; use reasoning methods, induction and deduction to understand different ways of problem-solving; establish mathematical models to describe situations, thereby proposing solutions to mathematical problems set in the established model;

+ Implement and present solutions to problems and evaluate the implemented solutions, reflecting the value of the solutions, generalizing to similar problems;

+ Use tools and means to learn mathematics in studying, exploring, and solving mathematical problems.

- Have basic and essential mathematical knowledge and skills about:

+ Algebra and Elements of Analysis: Calculation and use of calculation tools; using algebraic language and symbols; transforming algebraic and transcendental expressions (trigonometry, exponentials, logarithms), equations, systems of equations, inequalities; recognizing basic elementary functions (exponential, trigonometric, logarithmic); exploring functions and drawing graphs of functions using derivatives; using functional language, function graphs to describe and analyze some processes and phenomena in the real world; using integration to calculate plane area and object volume in space.

+ Geometry and Measurement: Provide knowledge and skills (at a level of logical reasoning) about geometric relationships and some familiar planar and spatial figures; algebraic methods (vectors, coordinates) in geometry; develop spatial imagination; solve some simple practical problems associated with Geometry and Measurement.

+ Statistics and Probability: Complete the ability to collect, classify, represent, analyze, and process statistical data; use statistical data analysis tools through characteristic numbers measuring central tendency and dispersion for ungrouped and grouped data samples; utilize statistical laws in practice; identify random models, basic concepts of probability and its significance in practice.

- Contribute to students having a relatively general understanding of careers associated with Mathematics and its value; provide a foundation for career orientation after high school; have sufficient minimum capacity to self-learn about mathematics-related issues throughout their lifetime.

What are the requirements satisfied by 12th-grade students in Vietnam to be selected for the Olympic teams?

Under Article 33 of the Regulation on Exams for the Selection of Excellent Students at the National Level issued with Circular 17/2023/TT-BGDD, the selection for students into Olympic teams is as follows:

- After the marking of exam papers in the exam for the selection of Olympic teams is finished, arrange exam papers that have yet to be combined with their headers by their scores from high to low to assess and select candidates for national teams participating in International and Regional Olympic Competitions (regarding subjects that do not have delegations participating in Regional Olympic Competitions), ensuring that the number of selected candidates is equal to the prescribed number of members of each team.

- Students in national teams participating in International Olympic Competitions of subjects that have delegations participating in Regional Olympic Competitions are selected from the students participating in the Regional Olympic Competition in the same year based on the following principles:

+ The order of students shall be arranged by their total scores of the exam for the selection of Olympic teams and the Regional Olympic Competition (scores of the two exams shall be converted to the same score scale) from high to low for selection, ensuring that the number of selected students is equal to the prescribed number of members of the national team participating in the International Olympic Competition;

+ In case of having to choose between students with equal total scores in two exams, the students with higher scores in the Regional Olympic Competition shall be selected; in case of having to choose between students with equal scores in the Regional Olympic Competition, the Ministry of Education and Training shall organize an exam for selection.

- The Director of the Department of Quality Control shall appeal to the Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam for approval of the list of candidates for national teams participating in Regional and International Olympic Competitions.

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