14:14 | 13/01/2025

What is the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of lower secondary school teachers in Vietnam?

What is the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of lower secondary school teachers in Vietnam?

What is the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of lower secondary school teachers in Vietnam?

According to Article 4 of Decree 71/2020/ND-CP, the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of lower secondary school teachers in Vietnam is prescribed as follows:

- The implementation roadmap is from July 01, 2020, to December 31, 2030.

- The roadmap is divided into two phases:

+ Phase 1: From July 01, 2020, to December 31, 2025, ensuring that at least 60% of teachers are undergoing training or have completed the training program to be awarded a bachelor's degree;

+ Phase 2: From January 01, 2026, to December 31, 2030 for the remaining teachers, ensuring that 100% of teachers complete the training program to be awarded a bachelor's degree.

How is the roadmap for raising the standard qualifications of lower secondary school teachers regulated?

What is the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of lower secondary school teachers in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the rights and responsibilities of lower secondary school teachers participating in training to improve their standardized educational qualifications in Vietnam?

Under Article 10 of Decree 71/2020/ND-CP, the rights and responsibilities of lower secondary school teachers participating in training to improve their standardized educational qualifications in Vietnam are as follows:

(1) Rights of lower secondary school teachers assigned to participate in training to improve their standardized educational qualifications:

- Be provided with time accommodation by the management and utilization agency; receive assistance in tuition (applied according to current legal regulations for pedagogy students);

- Have the training period as continuous working time;

- Be entitled to 100% salary and policies, and allowances according to legal provisions.

(2) Responsibilities of lower secondary school teachers assigned to participate in training to improve their standardized educational qualifications:

- Comply with training regulations, rules, and timeline; subject to the management of the training establishment during the period of participation in training activities;

- Commitment to performing duties at preschools, and general education establishments after completing the training program for at least double the training period;

- Throughout the course, fulfill work duties as required when not engaged in training activities;

- If the teacher does not complete the training program within the stipulated time leading to an extended training period, they must bear the additional training costs incurred during the extended period.

Who are lower secondary school teachers required to participate in training to improve their standardized educational qualifications in Vietnam?

Under Article 2 of Decree 71/2020/ND-CP, the persons required for training to improve their standardized educational qualifications are as follows:

Persons required for training to improve their standardized educational qualifications

1. Preschool teachers without a college degree in teacher education or higher, with at least 7 years (84 months) of service from July 1, 2020, until retirement age as regulated.

2. Primary teachers without a bachelor's degree in primary teacher education or a related bachelor's degree and with a teaching certificate from July 1, 2020, with at least 8 years of service (96 months) for teachers with an intermediate level, and at least 7 years (84 months) for those with a college level until retirement.

3. Lower secondary school teachers without a bachelor's degree in teacher education or a related bachelor's degree and with a pedagogy training certificate from July 1, 2020, with at least 7 years (84 months) of service until the retirement age as regulated.

Thus, the following lower secondary school teachers are required to participate in training to improve their standardized educational qualifications in Vietnam:

- Lower secondary school teachers without a bachelor's degree in teacher education from July 1, 2020, with at least 7 years (84 months) of service until the retirement age as regulated.

- Lower secondary school teachers without a related bachelor's degree and with a pedagogy training certificate from July 1, 2020, with at least 7 years (84 months) of service until the retirement age as regulated.

What are the principles for implementing the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of teachers in Vietnam?

Under Article 3 of Decree 71/2020/ND-CP, the principles for implementing the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of teachers in Vietnam are:

- The determination of the roadmap and the organization of the implementation for improving the standardized educational qualifications of teachers must ensure alignment with the actual conditions of the teacher workforce and the educational facilities, as well as local conditions; ensuring no shortage of teaching staff occurs.

- The identification of the teachers subject to participation in improving the standardized educational qualifications must ensure the proper age and training level of the teacher. Priority should be given to assigning teachers who still have at least five working years until retirement as specified in Article 2 of Decree 71/2020/ND-CP to participate first.

In cases where teachers do not have enough years of service left and are not subject to improving the standardized educational qualifications, they will follow the regulations of the Minister of Education and Training.

- The implementation of the roadmap to improve the standardized educational qualifications of teachers must ensure objectivity, transparency, fairness, and effectiveness.

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