Vietnam: What does the earthquake mean? At the lower secondary education level, what are the grades at which History and Geography subjects are taught?
What does the earthquake mean?
An earthquake refers to the sudden shaking of the Earth's crust, which can be strong or weak depending on each occurrence, caused by the movement of tectonic plates or faults underground. The energy released from these movements creates seismic waves that propagate through rock layers, causing tremors on the Earth’s surface.
What does the earthquake mean? There are several causes of earthquakes as follows: |
*Note: Information is for reference only./.
What does the earthquake mean? At the lower secondary education level, what are the grades at which History and Geography subjects are taught? (Image from the Internet)
At the lower secondary education level, what are the grades at which History and Geography subjects are taught?
Under Section 1 of the General Education Program for History and Geography attached to Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT prescribing the characteristics of History and Geography subjects as follows:
History and Geography at the lower secondary education level is an important subject for forming and developing students' essential qualities, common competencies, and scientific capacities with distinctive manifestations such as historical capacity and geographical capacity, laying the foundation for students to continue studying at high school, vocational training, or participating in working life, becoming useful citizens.
History and Geography are compulsory subjects, taught from grade 6 to grade 9. The subject includes historical and geographical education content and some interdisciplinary themes, while integrating and incorporating simple knowledge about economics, culture, science, religion, etc. The historical and geographical knowledge streams are interconnected to illuminate and support each other. Additionally, the subject includes some integrative themes, such as protecting sovereignty, the legitimate rights and interests of Vietnam in the East Sea; cities - history and present; civilization of the Red River Delta and Mekong River Delta; the great geographical discoveries, etc.
Thus, according to the above regulation, History and Geography are compulsory subjects, taught from grade 6 to grade 9.
What are the regulations on designing the content of History and Geography curricula at the lower secondary education level in Vietnam?
Under Section 2 of the General Education Program for History and Geography attached to Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT prescribing the perspectives for developing History and Geography curricula:
The History and Geography curricula at the lower secondary education level complies with the regulations of the general program, while emphasizing some of the following perspectives:
1. The program aims to form and develop scientific thinking in students, viewing the world as a whole in both spatial and temporal dimensions based on basic knowledge, learning and research tools in history, geography; thereby forming and developing specific and general competencies, especially the ability to apply knowledge and skills to practice and creativity.
2. The program inherits and promotes the advantages of the subject of History and Geography in the current general education program and absorbs the experience of developing subject-specific programs in advanced countries worldwide. The subject content ensures students are equipped with fundamental, comprehensive, and scientific general education knowledge; suitable with the psychological and cognitive characteristics of students, taking into account the teaching conditions of Vietnamese schools.
3. The content of historical education is designed following a chronological sequence, from prehistoric times through ancient, medieval to modern times; with intermittent inclusion of world history, regional history, and Vietnamese history in each period. The geographical education content moves from general geography to regional geography and Vietnamese geography. Focus on selecting themes, connecting knowledge and skills to form and develop students' capabilities while emphasizing the scientific characteristics of history and geography.
4. The program emphasizes applying active educational methods, highlighting the use of teaching aids, diversifying teaching formats, and assessing educational outcomes to shape and develop students' qualities, capacities.
5. The program ensures continuity with the History and Geography program in elementary education and the History and Geography programs in high school; unifying and connecting tightly among classes, grade levels, and other subjects and educational activities in the general education program.
6. The program is open, permitting flexible implementation according to local conditions, target students (students in difficult regions, students requiring special support, etc.).
Thus, according to the above regulation, the content of History and Geography curricula at the lower secondary education level in Vietnam is designed following a chronological sequence, from prehistoric times through ancient, medieval to modern times; with intermittent inclusion of world history, regional history, and Vietnamese history in each period. The geographical education content moves from general geography to regional geography and Vietnamese geography.
>>> Download the General Education Program for History and Geography attached to Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT.

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