The Latest Orientation on the Educational Content of the Literacy Eradication Program of Vietnam
Orientation on the Content of Language and Literature Education in the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam
Based on sub-item 1, Section 4, Part 1 of the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam issued with Circular 33/2021/TT-BGDDT, the Orientation on the content of language and literature education in the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam is as follows:
Language and literature education is primarily conducted in the Vietnamese Language subject; it plays an important role in fostering emotions, thoughts, and forming and developing qualities and capacities for learners.
Through language, learners are nurtured with core qualities, especially patriotism, kindness, honesty, and a sense of responsibility; forming and developing in learners common competencies and two specific competencies: language competency and literature competency.
The core content of the subject includes the basic and essential knowledge and skills about Vietnamese and literature; helping learners use Vietnamese fluently for effective communication in life and study.
The program is designed according to the main strands corresponding to the skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Vietnamese language and literature knowledge is integrated into the process of teaching reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The materials are selected and arranged to suit the reception capacity of learners at each stage, each term.
Additionally, in the 5th term, the program builds study topics aiming to enhance the ability to use words, write sentences, and apply knowledge to practice.
Orientation on the Content of Education in the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam according to the latest regulations (Image from the Internet)
Orientation on the Content of Mathematics Education in the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam
Based on sub-item 2, Section 4, Part 1 of the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam issued with Circular 33/2021/TT-BGDDT, the Orientation on the content of mathematics education in the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam is as follows:
Mathematics education contributes to forming and developing in learners core qualities, general competencies, and mathematical competencies, especially calculation competency (thinking and reasoning mathematically, using tools and means to study mathematics; creating opportunities for learners to experience and apply mathematics to reality).
Mathematics education establishes the connection between Mathematics and reality, Mathematics and other subjects, especially Science, Technology, and Informatics.
Mathematics education is implemented in the Mathematics subject, helping learners systematically grasp the most essential concepts, principles, and mathematical rules necessary for everyone, laying the foundation for learning at higher levels or using in work, production, and daily life.
The Mathematics program is designed in a linear structure combined with a “spiral concentric” approach (concentric, expanding, and gradually advancing), revolving around and integrating three strands of knowledge: arithmetic, geometry and measurement, statistics, and probability.
Learners are required to have initial basic essential knowledge and skills in: numbers and calculations (natural numbers, fractions, decimals, and operations on these sets of numbers); geometry and measurement (observing, recognizing, describing shapes, and properties at a visual level of some flat and solid shapes in reality; creating some simple geometric models; calculating some geometric quantities; developing spatial imagination; solving some simple practical problems related to geometry and measurement with common measurement quantities); statistics and probability (some basic elements of statistics and probability; solving some simple practical problems related to some elements of statistics and probability).
Orientation on the Content of Social Science Education in the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam
Based on sub-item 3, Section 4, Part 1 of the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam issued with Circular 33/2021/TT-BGDDT, the Orientation on the content of social science education in the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam is as follows:
The goal of social science education is to help learners form and develop essential qualities and core competencies based on mastering basic knowledge about social sciences, mainly history, and geography; helping learners understand better the world they live in, the connections, and interactions between humans, between humans and their environment, between nations, and the world; inspiring learners to explore themselves, the issues of the country, the region, and the world directly related to life; helping learners understand, think independently, and creatively.
Through social science education, learners are formed and developed social science competency (social science cognition, social exploration, and applying learned knowledge and skills to self-exploration, community, society; analyzing and solving issues in the social, political, and cultural domains within specific space and time.
Social science education is implemented in the subjects of Natural and Social, History, and Geography.
The subject of Natural and Social (social part) is organized according to content strands very close to learners, such as family and local community.
The History and Geography subject is organized according to main strands covering general knowledge about the world, region, Vietnam, and local areas, ensuring the following structure: the process of evolution (time, space), the historical process of nation-building and defending, creation of the civilization and culture of the Vietnamese people; the development of social progress and the reasons for the prosperity and decline through periods of different nations and ethnic groups; the primary achievements in economy, society, culture, civilization; individuals, communities in cooperative and competitive relationships; natural conditions and natural resources; population characteristics, settlement characteristics in historical space and time; structure and distribution of the economy; some interdisciplinary themes connecting the content of history, socio-economic geography, and physical geography.
Orientation on the Content of Natural Science Education in the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam
Based on sub-item 4, Section 4, Part 1 of the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam issued with Circular 33/2021/TT-BGDDT, the Orientation on the content of natural science education in the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam is as follows:
In addition to its role in forming and developing core qualities and general competencies for learners, natural science education has the mission to form and develop a scientific worldview in learners; playing a leading role in educating learners on objectivity, a love for nature, respect for natural laws, thereby knowing how to interact with nature in a way that meets the requirements of sustainable social and environmental development.
Natural science education helps learners gradually form and develop natural science competency through observation and experimentation, applying comprehensive knowledge and skills to solve life problems.
Natural science education is implemented in the subjects of Natural and Social, and Science.
Natural science education approaches simply some common objects and phenomena in daily life, helping learners have an initial understanding of the natural world and is organized according to content strands such as plants and animals, fungi and bacteria, humans and health, organisms and the environment, Earth and the sky, matter and energy, reflecting common principles and laws of the natural world (structure, diversity, interaction, system, movement, and change laws), while gradually reflecting the role of natural science in societal development and the application of natural science knowledge and skills in the sustainable use and exploitation of natural resources.
These contents are mainly arranged logically linearly, combining some spiral concentric content to form an understanding of the natural world and natural science, helping learners initially apply the learned knowledge and skills of natural science in life.
Orientation on the Content of Technology and Informatics Education and Study Topics in the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam
Based on sub-item 5, Section 4, Part 1 of the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam issued with Circular 33/2021/TT-BGDDT, the Orientation on the content of technology and informatics education is as follows:
Technology education forms and develops in learners technology competency with the following components: cognition, communication, technology use, and technical design; helping learners study and work effectively in a technology-rich environment at home and society.
With a focus on forming and developing design competency, technology education has many opportunities and advantages in forming and developing problem-solving and creative competencies. Additionally, technology education also contributes to forming and developing some other specific competencies such as language competency, calculation competency, informatics competency, etc.
Technology education provides learners with general, core knowledge and skills about technology; learners explore the technical world, technology through simple themes about technology and life, some technological products in daily family life, technology safety at home; experiencing technical and technological design through activities like technical crafts, assembling simple technical models.
Informatics education forms and develops in learners the competency to use and manage information and communication technology means; applying information and communication technology in learning and self-study.
Technology education and informatics education are implemented through the Technology module and Informatics module (integrated content in the Science subject of phase 2).
Along with other educational contents, technology education and informatics education contribute to forming and developing in learners the core qualities and general competencies.
Additionally, for study topics, sub-item 6, Section 4, Part 1 of the Literacy Elimination Program in Vietnam issued with Circular 33/2021/TT-BGDDT provides Orientation on educational content as follows:
Study topics are educational content meant to help learners enhance knowledge and practical skills, applying knowledge to solve practical problems, and meeting the professional development requirements of the learners.
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