08:41 | 01/03/2025

When did the Dien Bien Phu Campaign commence? In Vietnam, what are the grades to which the general education program for History applies?

When did the Dien Bien Phu Campaign commence? In Vietnam, what are the grades to which the general education program for History applies?

When did the Dien Bien Phu Campaign commence?

At 5:05 PM on March 13, 1954, the Dien Bien Phu Campaign commenced. The campaign's artillery continued intensive shelling of the enemy's artillery positions at high points 307A and 307B and at the foot of hills A and D of the stronghold, then shifted to bombard the Muong Thanh airfield and the 102, 101B positions of the Him Lam cluster. Our preemptive strike successfully hit the enemy command positions at the Him Lam cluster, effectively cutting off communications and controlling the Muong Thanh airfield and enemy artillery positions.

Phase 1 (March 13 to March 17): Neutralization of two outposts, Him Lam and Doc Lap.

Phase 2 (March 30 to April 30): Taking control of the heights and the central area of Dien Bien Phu.

Phase 3 (May 1 to May 7): Destruction of the Dien Bien Phu stronghold. On May 7, the Dien Bien Phu Campaign concluded with a decisive victory.

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When did the Dien Bien Phu Campaign commence? In Vietnam, what are the grades to which the general education program for History applies? (Image sourced from the Internet)

In Vietnam, what are the grades to which the general education program for History applies?

Under the provisions stipulated in Article 2 of Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

The general education program applies to:

1. From the academic year 2020-2021 for grade 1.

2. From the academic year 2021-2022 for grades 2 and 6.

3. From the academic year 2022-2023 for grades 3, 7, and 10.

4. From the academic year 2023-2024 for grades 4, 8, and 11.

5. From the academic year 2024-2025 for grades 5, 9, and 12.

According to Section 4 of the General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, amended by Article 1 of Circular 13/2022/TT-BGDDT regarding the education plan:


The general education program is divided into two stages: the basic education stage (from grades 1 to 9) and the career oriented education stage (from grades 10 to 12).

The system of subjects and educational activities of the general education program includes compulsory subjects and educational activities, elective subjects according to career orientation (collectively referred to as elective subjects), and optional subjects.

The actual study time in one academic year is equivalent to 35 weeks. Educational institutions can organize teaching either one session per day or two sessions per day. Institutions organizing teaching one session per day or two sessions per day must implement a unified compulsory educational content for all educational institutions nationwide.


2. Career oriented education Stage

2.1. Educational Content

Compulsory subjects and educational activities: Literature; Mathematics; Foreign Language 1; History; Physical Education; National Defense and Security Education; Experiential Activities, Career Orientation; Local Educational Content.

Elective subjects: Geography, Economics and Law Education, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology, Informatics, Music, Fine Arts.

Students choose 4 subjects from the elective subjects.


The general education program for History applies to students in grades 10, 11, and 12 from the 2024-2025 academic year.

Additionally, students have been exposed to history and have studied History and Geography since grade 4.

What are the characteristics of History in the applicable general education program in Vietnam?

According to Section 1 of the General Education Program for History issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT download, the characteristics of History in the applicable general education program in Vietnam are:

- History is a subject within the Social Sciences group, selected according to career orientation at the high school level.

- The History subject helps students form and develop historical competencies, a component of scientific competencies, while contributing to the formation and development of core qualities and general competencies as defined in the overall Program.

- The History subject plays a dominant role in educating patriotism, national pride, and cultural traditions, helping students to recognize and apply historical lessons to resolve real-life issues, develop vision, consolidate humanistic values, community spirit, tolerance, and compassion; contributing to forming and developing the qualities of Vietnamese citizens, global citizens in the developmental trend of the era.

- The History subject forms and develops historical thinking, systematic thinking, critical thinking, skills in exploiting and using historical sources, understanding and expressing history in chronological and synchronous logic, connecting the past with the present.

- The History subject helps students recognize the scientific and practical values of historical studies in modern society, gain knowledge and a love for the history and culture of both the nation and humanity; contributing to orienting students to choose careers such as: social and human sciences research, diplomacy, management, tourism activities, cultural industry, information and communication, etc.

- The History curriculum systematizes and consolidates general historical knowledge in the basic education stage, while helping students delve deeper into core historical knowledge through study topics and modules on world history, Southeast Asian history, and Vietnamese history.

The method of teaching History is conducted on the foundation of basic principles of historical studies and modern educational methods.

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