08:16 | 12/09/2024

Summary on the Strategy of Peaceful Evolution by Hostile Forces Against Vietnam

Below is the sample analysis of the peaceful evolution strategy by hostile forces against Vietnam

Summary on the Strategy of Peaceful Evolution by Hostile Forces Against Vietnam

Reference the analysis of the peaceful evolution strategy by hostile forces against Vietnam as follows:

I. Concept of the Peaceful Evolution Strategy by Hostile Forces Against Vietnam

The peaceful evolution strategy by hostile forces against Vietnam is a comprehensive strategy using non-armed measures to undermine and eventually overthrow socialist policies in Vietnam. The tactics of the peaceful evolution strategy impact various fields such as economy, politics, ideology, culture, society, national defense, security, and foreign affairs.

Additionally, this strategy also coordinates impacts both externally and internally, both organizationally and individually, across all classes and social components in our country to cause a silent self-evolution that gradually leads to a self-transformation, thereby toppling socialist policies in Vietnam.

II. Basic Characteristics to Identify the Peaceful Evolution Strategy

Some basic characteristics to identify the peaceful evolution strategy compared to other counter-revolutionary strategies include:

- The war does not use guns, has no smell of gunpowder because it employs non-armed measures.

- The war mainly uses soft tools such as economy, diplomacy, ideology, culture, and military threats when necessary;

- Influencing from outside to create transformation, self-evolution, and internal weakening within socialist countries, through people, forces, and means of the opponents themselves;

- Lulling to cause revolutionary complacency among the working people, bribing, enticing individuals with high positions in the Communist Party and State agencies, artists, intellectuals with prestige, and those with fluctuating ideas, distorted perceptions, or discontent with policies.

- Global in nature, slowly gnawing in a focused and targeted manner, step-by-step leading to internal disorder and collapse. A typical example of the outcomes caused by this strategy is the downfall of the socialist states in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.

III. Tactics of the Peaceful Evolution Strategy by Hostile Forces Against Vietnam

Hostile forces use the following tactics within the peaceful evolution strategy:

- Creating opposition political forces under the guise of freedom, democracy, and human rights;

- Creating and inciting religious, ethnic, and racial conflicts;

- Taking advantage of existing difficulties and mistakes of the current State. Exploiting these issues to pressure the leaders to gradually transform, change the political direction, and pass leadership to opposing forces.

- Organized violent activities by imperialism and reactionary forces.

IV. Measures to Prevent Peaceful Evolution

- Strengthening national defense, security, foreign relations combined with economic, cultural, social development, ensuring economic security in the new situation. Effectively implementing the national defense assurance scheme for the period 2015 - 2020, with orientation to 2030 and the overall planning of national defense combined with socio-economic development. Building and firmly consolidating the people's defense posture linked with the people's security posture.

- Maintaining political security, social order, and safety, proactively preventing and combating, resolutely thwarting the schemes of "peaceful evolution";

- Preventing and neutralizing the schemes and activities of hostile forces; proactively detecting, attacking, and suppressing all kinds of crimes.

- Completing comprehensive planning, adjusting the system of defense works in the area, focusing on border routes and sea, island regions; building peaceful and friendly borderlines.

- Establishing permanent militia outposts along the border; permanent maritime militias. Continuing to build and effectively develop the defense-economic zones in the Southeast region as per the plan; completing the border patrol routes; cooperating with Cambodia in border demarcation and landmark planting on the land border, adjacent regions.

- Continuing to invest in facilities and improve the effectiveness of maintaining security and order in grassroots areas to meet the needs and tasks in the new situation. Enhancing state management efficiency on security and order; improving the effectiveness of crime prevention and combat, handling law violations and social evils, ensuring political stability, creating an orderly, disciplined, safe, and healthy society, serving economic, cultural, social, and foreign development.

- Maximizing the position and geopolitical advantages in foreign affairs to enhance and continuously improve the effectiveness of socio-economic development cooperation and international exchanges with countries globally, especially those in the Mekong sub-region, ASEAN countries; proactively deploying and expanding people-to-people exchange activities with neighboring countries.

V. Personal Commitment

As an educator and a Communist Party member of the Communist Party of Vietnam, I recognize the need to take resolute and strong actions in the fight against peaceful evolution as follows:

- Consistently reinforcing personal discipline, continuous learning, and professional development, maintaining a firm political stance and commitment to socialist direction;

- Regularly studying to enhance understanding of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh's moral example;

- Continuously improving understanding and practical actions in mass mobilization work. Encouraging relatives and students to adhere to the Communist Party's policies, avoiding social evils, not letting malicious actors weaken the national defense capability.

Note: The content of the analysis of the peaceful evolution strategy by hostile forces against Vietnam is for reference only!

Analysis of the peaceful evolution strategy by hostile forces against Vietnam?

Summary on the Strategy of Peaceful Evolution by Hostile Forces Against Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

What are acts prohibited in National Defense and Security Education in Vietnam?

According to Article 19 of the 2013 Law on National Defense and Security Education, the acts prohibited in national defense and security education include:

- Exploiting national defense and security education activities to propagate distorted lines, viewpoints of the Communist Party, policies, and laws of the State; reveal state secrets; propagate hostile policies, causing division among the great national unity bloc; infringe upon the interests of the State, the legitimate rights, and interests of organizations and individuals.

- Obstructing the implementation of national defense and security education.

- Other acts according to the law.

What are principles of National Defense and Security Education in Vietnam?

According to Article 5 of the 2013 Law on National Defense and Security Education, the principles of national defense and security education include:

- Compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and the united management of the State.

- National defense and security education is the responsibility of the entire political system and all people, in which the State plays the leading role.

- Combining national defense and security education with political, ideological education, legal propaganda, and education linked with building a comprehensive strong foundation.

- Comprehensive education, focusing on key points through appropriate forms; combining theory and practice, between theoretical and practical training.

- The program and content of national defense and security education must be appropriate for each audience, promptly meeting the actual situation.

- Ensuring state secrets, planning, inheritance, development, scientific, modern, easy to understand, practical, and effective.

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