Summary of standards for recognition of literacy eradication achievement in Vietnam
What is the Literacy Eradication Program in Vietnam?
The education program implementing literacy eradication is the primary education program or the literacy eradication and continuing education program after becoming literate according to Article 18 Decree 20/2014/ND-CP.
Summary of standards for recognition of literacy eradication achievement in Vietnam
The standards for literacy eradication achievement are stipulated as follows:
Standards for recognizing individuals as literate (Article 19 Decree 20/2014/ND-CP)
- Level 1 Literacy: Completion of Phase 1 of the literacy eradication and continuing education program after becoming literate, or completion of Grade 3 in the primary education program.
- Level 2 Literacy: Completion of Phase 2 of the literacy eradication and continuing education program after becoming literate, or completion of the primary education program.
Standards for Level 1 Literacy Eradication Achievement (Article 20 Decree 20/2014/ND-CP)
- At the commune level: At least 90% of people aged 15 to 35 must be recognized as literate at Level 1; for communes with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions, at least 90% of people aged 15 to 25 must be recognized as literate at Level 1.
- At the district level: At least 90% of communes must be recognized as achieving Level 1 literacy eradication.
- At the provincial level: At least 90% of districts must be recognized as achieving Level 1 literacy eradication.
Standards for Level 2 Literacy Eradication Achievement (Article 21 Decree 20/2014/ND-CP)
- At the commune level: At least 90% of people aged 15 to 60 must be recognized as literate at Level 2; for communes with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions, at least 90% of people aged 15 to 35 must be recognized as literate at Level 2.
- At the district level: At least 90% of communes must be recognized as achieving Level 2 literacy eradication.
- At the provincial level: 100% of districts must be recognized as achieving Level 2 literacy eradication.
Summary of standards for recognition of literacy eradication achievement in Vietnam (Image from Internet)
What are contents and methods for evaluation of students learning the literacy eradication program in Vietnam?
According to Article 5 Circular 10/2022/TT-BGDDT, the content and methods for evaluating students in the Literacy Eradication Program are as follows:
- Assess the learning process, progress, and achievement of students based on the required competencies and specific manifestations for each subject as stipulated in the Literacy Eradication Program.
- Evaluate the formation and development of students' qualities and competencies through key qualities and core competencies as regulated by the Literacy Eradication Program.
Additionally, the evaluation methods for students in the Literacy Eradication Program will be conducted as follows:
- Evaluation by comments:
+ Teachers observe students during classroom teaching and record their manifestations as evidence for assessing the students' learning and training process;
+ Teachers provide comments and evaluations on the students' products and activity outcomes, thus assessing students according to relevant evaluation content;
+ Teachers interact with students through Q&A sessions to gather information for making comments and providing timely support measures;
+ Teachers comment on students' self-assessment activities, either orally or in written form, and participate in assessing other students or student groups on task performance in learning and training.
- Evaluation by scores: Teachers use tests comprised of questions and exercises designed to meet the competency criteria of the Literacy Eradication Program, in formats such as multiple-choice, essay, or a combination of multiple-choice and essay questions, to assess students' achievement levels in relevant educational content.
What are documents for evaluation of students learning the literacy eradication program in Vietnam?
The evaluation documentation for students enrolled in the Literacy Eradication Program according to Article 10 Circular 10/2022/TT-BGDDT includes:
- The evaluation documentation serves as evidence of the students' learning and training process and their academic results.
- Each student's periodic evaluation documentation includes a report card (in Appendix 1 attached to Circular 10/2022/TT-BGDDT) and a summary sheet of class educational results (in Appendix 2 attached to Circular 10/2022/TT-BGDDT).
Download Appendix 1
Download Appendix 2
+ The summary sheet of class educational results is stored at the educational institution as prescribed.
+ The report card is stored by the educational institution throughout the student's enrollment in the Literacy Eradication Program and is given to the student upon completion of Phase 1 or Phase 2 of the program.
For prisons, compulsory education institutions, or reformatory schools under the Ministry of Public Security's management, the report card is given to the student upon completion of their prison sentence or upon the completion of the decision to attend the compulsory education institution or reformatory school.

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