14:02 | 25/02/2025

From April 4, 2025, who are the members of the self-assessment council for undergraduate programs in Vietnam?

From April 4, 2025, who are the members of the self-assessment council for undergraduate programs in Vietnam? What are the duties of members of the self-assessment council for undergraduate programs in Vietnam?

From April 4, 2025, who are the members of the self-assessment council for undergraduate programs in Vietnam?

Under Clause 2, Article 15 of Circular 04/2025/TT-BGDDT (effective from April 4, 2025), the composition of the self-assessment council for undergraduate programs in Vietnam is stipulated as follows:

The self-assessment council has an odd number of members and at least 9 members, formed by a decision of the Rector or Director of the training institution (hereinafter referred to as the Rector) for each training program. The composition of the self-assessment council for training programs includes:

- The council president is the Rector or Vice Rector of the training institution; vice presidents include a Vice Rector and the Head of the specialized unit with the training program to be assessed, with one vice president concurrently serving as the head of the secretariat; other members include: representative of the school council from the training institution, representative of the scientific and training council; leaders of relevant specialized and management units; lecturers experienced in organizing training activities, scientific research, community service belonging to the program to be assessed; representative of learners from the program to be assessed;

- The self-assessment council has a secretariat to assist, including individuals from the unit specializing in educational quality assurance, leaders of the unit and lecturers of the program to be assessed, and individuals from other relevant units; the head of the secretariat is a vice president of the council;

- Specific tasks of the self-assessment council are assigned to dedicated working groups comprised of members of the self-assessment council and the secretariat. Each dedicated working group consists of at least 3 people, responsible for one or two standards, led by a member of the self-assessment council (not a representative of the learners).

Who are the members of the self-assessment council for undergraduate training programs from April 4, 2025?

From April 4, 2025, who are the members of the self-assessment council for undergraduate programs in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

From April 4, 2025, what are the duties of members of the self-assessment council for undergraduate programs in Vietnam?

Under Clause 5, Article 15 of Circular 04/2025/TT-BGDDT (effective from April 4, 2025), the duties of members of the self-assessment council for undergraduate programs in Vietnam are as follows:

- The council president is responsible for the activities of the council and the self-assessment results; assigns specific tasks to each member, determining the tasks to be carried out corresponding to each assessment standard, start and end dates, the person mainly responsible, and supporting members; convenes and leads council meetings; approves the self-assessment plan; directs the process of collecting, processing, analyzing information, evidence, evaluating the results achieved for each criterion, and writes the self-assessment report; resolves issues arising during the self-assessment implementation and approves the self-assessment report;

- The vice president of the council performs tasks assigned by the council president; when authorized by the council president, has the duty to manage the council and is responsible for the delegated work;

- Other council members must perform tasks assigned by the council president and are responsible for the assigned work.


Members of the council must be trained in self-assessment for training programs, covering content such as the educational quality assurance system; the process and cycle of quality accreditation of training programs; guidelines for self-assessment of training programs; experiences of self-assessment from domestic and international contexts; skills in document research, interviews, observations, group discussions, surveying, and self-assessment report writing.

Is the self-assessment council for undergraduate programs in Vietnam required to develop a self-assessment plan from April 4, 2025?

Under Clause 1, Article 16 of Circular 04/2025/TT-BGDDT (effective from April 4, 2025):

Developing a self-assessment plan

1. The self-assessment council develops a self-assessment plan, approved by the council president and submitted to the Rector or Vice Rector responsible for issuing the self-assessment plan.

2. The self-assessment plan must include the following contents:

a) Purpose; scope of the self-assessment round including information on the self-assessment results meeting the quality assurance conditions of the training program;

b) Composition of the self-assessment council;

c) Specific duties of each member of the self-assessment council;

d) Self-assessment tools;

e) Projected resources regarding facilities, finances and timing for mobilizing resources during the self-assessment implementation;

f) Schedule: specifies the necessary time frame for implementation and the timeline for carrying out specific activities during the self-assessment process.

Thus, the self-assessment council is responsible for developing a self-assessment plan. Additionally, the council president will approve and submit it to the Rector or Vice Rector authorized to promulgate the self-assessment plan.

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