11:21 | 07/11/2024

Vietnam: What are the sample paragraphs on recounting a phone conversation for 3rd-grade students? What is the age of students entering 3rd Grade?

What are the sample paragraphs on recounting a phone conversation for 3rd-grade students in Vietnam? What is the age of students entering 3rd Grade?

What are the sample paragraphs on recounting a phone conversation for 3rd-grade students in Vietnam?

Students can reference sample paragraphs on recounting a phone conversation for 3rd-grade students in Vietnam below:

Sample paragraphs on recounting a phone conversation

Sample 1: Yesterday, I had a phone conversation with my friend Minh. At that time, I was studying when Minh called. He asked me about a math problem because there was one he didn't understand. I explained to Minh the steps to solve it. He listened very attentively and was happy once he understood the problem. We also talked about the games we both enjoy playing during recess at school. The conversation lasted about 10 minutes, but I felt very happy because I was able to help my friend.

Sample 2: My father has been on a business trip for a week. Therefore, today, I asked my mom for permission to call him. Dad was very surprised to receive the call. First, I asked about his health. Then, I told him everything about the family. Mom's work is very busy. Sister Trang achieved high results in the excellent student exam. As for me, I have learned to do many more chores. My father and I talked for about twenty minutes. After that, I said goodbye and wished him a good night's sleep. I also hope he’ll come home soon.

Sample 3: On Friday night, I called Lan, my best friend. She moved to the South with her parents about a month ago. We talked for a long time. First, I asked about Lan’s situation. She told me about her new house, new school, and new friends. Next, I shared with her everything about my class. Then, Lan and I promised to meet when summer break came. Finally, we said goodbye and promised to see each other again.

Sample 4: Gia Phong is my best friend. Since his family had to move to the South to live, I haven't seen him in a long time. Yesterday, Phong called me. We chatted endlessly. He told me about his new place. Next, we talked about our academic results. Both Phong and I achieved good results. We promised each other to strive to excel in our studies. Phong also promised to visit me during the upcoming summer vacation. I am very much looking forward to that day.

Sample 5: My grandparents live in Hanoi while my family lives in Binh Duong. Due to the distance, I rarely visit them and often call to check on their health. Last night, I called my grandmother and chatted with her for a long time. When she received the call, she was very surprised, then burst into happiness, which made me excited as well. Next, I inquired about my grandparents' health, and my grandmother asked about my family's situation and my studies. Finally, I wished them happiness and good health and promised to be diligent and excel so that my parents would allow me to visit Hanoi during Tet to see them.

Sample 6: Last week, I called my teacher to ask about an assignment I didn’t understand. She was very pleased that I took the initiative to reach out and patiently explained the problem to me again. She also advised me to work harder to understand the lesson better. After being guided by my teacher, I felt much more confident and completed the assignment immediately after. I am very grateful to her for her help.

Note: The sample paragraphs on recounting a phone conversation for 3rd-grade students in Vietnam are for reference purposes only

3rd Grade Student's Sample Paragraph on Recounting a Phone Conversation? How old are 3rd grade students?

What are the sample paragraphs on recounting a phone conversation for 3rd-grade students in Vietnam? What is the age of students entering 3rd Grade? (Image from the Internet)

What is the age of students entering 3rd Grade in Vietnam?

Under Article 33 of the Charter of Primary Schools issued with Circular 28/2020/TT-BGDDT which stipulates the age of primary school students in Vietnam:

Age of Primary School Students

1. The age for entering first grade is 06 years old, calculated by year. Children with disabilities, those with physical or intellectual developmental delays, children from extremely disadvantaged areas, ethnic minority children, orphaned children without support, children returning from abroad, and children of expatriates studying or working in Vietnam may enter first grade at an age higher than stipulated but no more than 03 years older. Cases where the child enters first grade beyond 03 years of the stipulated age will be decided by the head of the Department of Education and Training.

2. Primary school students may be older than the stipulated age in cases of retained students, students from extremely disadvantaged areas, ethnic minority students, students with disabilities, students with physical or intellectual developmental delays, orphaned children without support, students returning from abroad, and other cases provided by law.

According to the above regulation, students entering first grade are 06 years old. Therefore, in the normal case, 3rd-grade students will be 8 years old.

Additionally, for cases of retained students, students from extremely disadvantaged areas, ethnic minority students, students with disabilities, students with developmental delays, orphaned students without support, and students returning from abroad, the age of 3rd-grade students may be older than 8.

What are the duties of 3rd-grade students in Vietnam?

According to Article 34 of the Charter of Primary Schools issued with Circular 28/2020/TT-BGDDT, 3rd-grade students have the following duties:

- Study and train according to the educational plan, and school rules; have a sense of self-discipline in studying and training to develop comprehensively in terms of qualities and capacities according to the goals of the primary education program.

- Fully and effectively perform learning tasks; know how to self-study under the guidance of teachers; actively participate in experiential activities, applying learned knowledge to real-life situations; exercise regularly, maintain personal hygiene.

- Be filial to parents and grandparents; respect and be polite to teachers and the elderly; show solidarity, love, and support to friends, younger ones, the elderly, people with disabilities, and those in difficult circumstances.

- Comply with regulations, protect school and public property; comply with traffic safety rules; maintain hygiene and protect the environment.

- Contribute to building, protecting, and promoting the traditions of the school and the local community.

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