What are the sample paragraphs from 7 to 10 sentences presenting your thoughts on youth as the future of the country? What is the grade from which Literature is a mandatory subject in Vietnam?

What are the sample paragraphs from 7 to 10 sentences presenting your thoughts on youth as the future of the country? What is the grade from which Literature is a mandatory subject in Vietnam?

What are the sample paragraphs from 7 to 10 sentences presenting your thoughts on youth as the future of the country?

Students can immediately refer to the sample paragraph from 7 to 10 sentences presenting your thoughts on youth as the future of the country as follows:

Sample paragraphs from 7 to 10 sentences presenting your thoughts on youth as the future of the country

Sample 1: Youth as a Development Motivator

Youth is the unceasing development motivator for the nation. They are the ones who carry within them great dreams, creative ideas, and abundant energy. With enthusiasm and a spirit of innovation, the younger generation has been actively contributing to the country's development. From startup initiatives and meaningful social projects to outstanding achievements in study and research, Vietnamese youth have affirmed their important role. However, to fully harness their potential, youth need conditions to learn, practice, and develop. The state, family, and society must collaboratively create a favorable environment for the youth to wholeheartedly contribute.

Sample 2: The Responsibility of Youth Towards History

The nation's history has recorded countless shining examples of the young generation. They did not hesitate to sacrifice their youth, even their lives, to protect the homeland. Today, we - the young generation of Vietnam - need to inherit and promote that tradition. We have the responsibility to build a rich, strong, and civilized nation so as not to let down the previous generations. Simultaneously, we also need to learn from the quintessence of humanity and integrate internationally to elevate the country alongside world powers.

Sample 3: Challenges and Opportunities for Youth

The younger generation is living in a highly volatile era with unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The 4.0 Industrial Revolution requires us to continually learn and enhance our capabilities. However, it is also an opportunity for us to showcase our talents and creativity. Additionally, social issues such as environmental pollution and climate change set new demands for the younger generation. We need to join hands to protect the environment and build a sustainable society.

Sample 4: The Role of Education

Education plays a crucial role in shaping the personality and capacity of the younger generation. A high-quality education system will equip youths with the necessary knowledge and skills to face life's challenges. Besides specialized knowledge, schools need to focus on moral education, life skills training, and instilling patriotism in each student.

Sample 5: A Bright Future

I believe that with the relentless efforts of the younger generation, the future of the nation will be incredibly bright. We will build a wealthy, civilized, democratic, and fair Vietnam. A country where everyone has the opportunity to develop themselves and contribute to society. Let's join hands to turn that dream into a reality.

*Note: Information is for reference only./.

Sample Paragraph from 7 to 10 Sentences Presenting Your Thoughts on Youth as the Future of the Country? In which grade is Literature a mandatory subject?

What are the sample paragraphs from 7 to 10 sentences presenting your thoughts on youth as the future of the country? What is the grade from which Literature is a mandatory subject in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Is the Literature curriculum in Vietnam developed on theoretical and practical basis?

Under Section 2 of the General education program in Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

The Literature curriculum complies with the fundamental regulations stated in the overarching program while emphasizing several viewpoints as follows:

- The curriculum is developed on theoretical and practical foundations, updated with research achievements in pedagogy, psychology, and methods of teaching Literature; achievements in literature and linguistics research; the achievements of Vietnamese literature through various periods; and experience in designing the Literature curriculum of Vietnam.

- Especially from the beginning of the 21st century until now and international trends in curriculum development generally, and the Literature curriculum in recent years, particularly in developed countries; socio-economic realities, educational conditions, and Vietnamese cultural traditions, especially the diversity of students in terms of regions, conditions, and learning abilities.

- The curriculum focuses on developing communication skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) as the main axis throughout all three educational levels to meet the capacity-oriented program requirements and ensure continuity and consistency across all educational levels and classes. Basic, foundational general knowledge about the Vietnamese language and literature is shaped through learning activities aimed at enhancing reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

- The curriculum is designed with openness, exemplified by not specifying detailed teaching content but rather defining the required competencies to be achieved in reading, writing, speaking, and listening for each grade; specifying some essential core knowledge about Vietnamese, literature, and significant texts of national literature as unified mandatory content for students nationwide.

- The curriculum simultaneously meets the renewal requirements while focusing on inheriting and promoting the advantages of the existing Literature curricula, particularly the current program.

Thus, the Literature curriculum will be developed on theoretical and practical foundations.

What is the grade from which Literature is a mandatory subject in Vietnam?

Under Section 5 of the Overall General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT on educational orientation of the Literature subject:

Literature is a mandatory subject from grade 1 to grade 12. At the primary educarion level, the subject is named Vietnamese Language, while at the lower and upper secondary education levels, it is named Literature. The core content of the subject includes fundamental and essential knowledge and skills about Vietnamese and literature, meeting the requirements needed to develop the qualities and capacities of students at each educational level; divided into two phases: basic education phase and career-oriented education phase.

Thus, according to the above regulation, Literature is a mandatory subject in the general education program.

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