Sample Classroom Rules for upper secondary schools in Vietnam

When students attend upper secondary schools in Vietnam, what contents will the classroom rules include?

Classroom rules for upper secondary schools in Vietnam

Currently, the law does not stipulate classroom regulations for upper secondary schools. These regulations are specific to each school and thus can differ significantly.

Classroom regulations are a set of rules for students when they attend school and their classes, which they must adhere to strictly.

Typical contents of classroom regulations include:

- Attendance times

- Attitudes towards teachers and friends

- Prohibited behaviors: for example, no bringing controlled substances, inflammable materials, etc.

- Compliance with traffic laws...

Download for reference to a sample of upper secondary school classroom regulations.

Note: The information is for reference only.

Classroom Regulations for High Schools

Sample Classroom Rules for upper secondary schools in Vietnam (Internet image)

What Are the Regulations for Organizing Classrooms in upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

According to Article 34 of the Charter of lower secondary Schools, upper secondary schools, and Multi-level Schools issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, the regulations on organizing classrooms in upper secondary schools are as follows:

- Students are organized into classes. Each class has a class president and vice-presidents who are nominated by students or introduced by the homeroom teacher and elected by students at the beginning of each academic year or after each semester. Each class is divided into student groups; each group has a leader and a deputy leader who are nominated by students or introduced by the homeroom teacher, and elected by students in the group at the beginning of each academic year or after each semester.

- Classroom activities ensure democracy, self-management, and cooperation. Each student is encouraged to actively discuss and contribute to the planning of group and class activities with the support of the teacher.

- The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee specifically stipulates the number of students per class aiming to reduce the student-to-teacher ratio; ensuring that each class in secondary schools and upper secondary schools has no more than 45 students.

- The number of students per class in specialized schools is specified in the organizational and operational regulations of these schools.

How Will 10th Grade upper secondary school Students Be Assessed in 2024 in Vietnam?

According to Article 9 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT, the latest regulation on the assessment and grading of students' academic performance for each semester and the entire school year for 10th and 11th-grade students is as follows:

For subjects assessed through both observations and scores, the average semester score (ĐTBmhk) is used to evaluate students' performance each semester, and the annual average score (ĐTBmcn) is used to evaluate their performance for the entire school year.

Academic performance of students for each semester and the entire school year is rated on a scale with four grades: Excellent, Good, Pass, and Fail, as follows:

Grading Level Assessment Criteria
Excellent + All subjects assessed through observations are rated Pass.

+ All subjects assessed through both observations and scores have an annual average score (ĐTBmcn) of 6.5 or higher, with at least six subjects having an annual average score of 8.0 or higher.
Good + All subjects assessed through observations are rated Pass.

+ All subjects assessed through both observations and scores have an annual average score (ĐTBmcn) of 5.0 or higher, with at least six subjects having an annual average score of 6.5 or higher.
Pass + No more than one subject assessed through observations is rated Fail.

+ At least six subjects assessed through both observations and scores have an annual average score of 5.0 or higher, with no subject having an annual average score below 3.5.
Fail All other cases

Note: If the semester academic performance assessment is lowered by two grades or more due to the results from a single subject, the semester and annual academic performance assessments will be adjusted to the next higher level.

Additionally, the conduct grading for upper secondary school students in 2024 is as follows:

[1] Conduct grading for 10th and 11th graders based on Point b, Clause 2, Article 8 of the regulations issued with Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT is as follows:

Grading Level Assessment Criteria
Excellent The second semester is rated Excellent, and the first semester is rated Good or higher.
Good The second semester is rated Good, and the first semester is rated Pass or higher; the second semester is rated Pass, and the first semester is rated Excellent; the second semester is rated Excellent, and the first semester is rated Pass or Fail.
Pass The second semester is rated Pass, and the first semester is rated Good, Pass, or Fail; the second semester is rated Good, and the first semester is rated Fail.
Fail All other cases.

[2] Conduct grading for 12th graders according to Article 4 of the regulations issued with Circular 58/2011/TT-BGDDT is as follows:

Grading Level Assessment Criteria
Excellent + Strictly follow school regulations; adhere to laws, regulations on social order, public safety, and traffic safety; actively participate in combating negative behaviors, crime prevention, and social evils;

+ Always respect teachers, elders; love and help younger students; have a consciousness of building collective solidarity, trusted by peers;

+ Actively cultivate moral qualities, maintain a healthy and simple lifestyle, modesty; help the family;

+ Fulfill academic tasks, strive for self-improvement, and be honest in life and learning;

+ Actively exercise, maintain hygiene, and protect the environment;

+ Fully participate in educational activities and school-organized events; actively engage in activities of the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union;

+ Have a proper attitude and behavior in cultivating morality and lifestyle according to the moral education curriculum.

- Good: Meet the criteria for Excellent behavior but not to the extent required for Excellent; have shortcomings but promptly correct after feedback from teachers and peers.
Good Meet the criteria at Point 1 but not to the extent required for Excellent; have shortcomings but promptly correct after feedback from teachers and peers.
Average Have some defects in following the regulations for Excellent behavior but are not severe; after being reminded and educated, students correct but progress slowly.
Poor Do not meet the standards for Average grading or have one of the following defects:

+ Severe or repeated violations of the regulations for Excellent behavior, being educated but not corrected;

+ Showing disrespect, offending the dignity and honor, or physically assaulting teachers, school staff; offending the dignity and honor of peers or others;

+ Cheating in studying, tests, exams;

+ Fighting, disturbing order in school or society; violating traffic safety; causing damage to public or others' property.
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