11:04 | 23/12/2024

What is the sample report on traffic safety education at the unit for the 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam?

What is the sample report on traffic safety education at the unit for the 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam? What are the regulations on the salary of visiting teachers?

What is the sample What is the sample report on traffic safety education at the unit for the 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam? in Vietnam?

The report on traffic safety education at the unit is a consolidated document that assesses educational activities and programs on traffic safety implemented at an agency, unit, or school. The report aims to assess the results and effectiveness of traffic safety education, draw lessons learned, and propose solutions to improve traffic safety education work in the future.

The report template on traffic safety education used for summarizing the first 6 months of activity, assessing effectiveness, and planning for the next 6 months will be sent to the Department of Education and Training.

Sample What is the sample report on traffic safety education at the unit for the 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam? in Vietnam

I. Objectives of traffic safety education

Enhancing awareness of traffic safety for students, staff, teachers, and employees within the unit.

Fostering habits of obeying traffic laws and ensuring safety when participating in traffic.

Reducing traffic accidents among students, staff, teachers, and employees of the school.

Creating a safe learning environment with extracurricular activities related to traffic.

II. Activities Implemented

Organizing extracurricular sessions on traffic safety

The unit organized 3 extracurricular sessions in September, December, and March, inviting experts from traffic police and social organizations to disseminate traffic laws.

Group discussions and traffic games helped students understand regulations and real-life situations when participating in traffic.

Introducing and spreading information through media

The unit distributed 500 leaflets promoting traffic safety to students and parents.

Using bulletin boards, the school website, and social media to publish articles and videos on traffic safety.

Direct education in Civic Education classes

Teachers integrated traffic safety content into the curriculum, helping students understand the importance of obeying traffic laws.

Lessons were designed to be lively and practical, such as resolving situations, handling traffic violations, and ensuring safety when walking or cycling.

Training and coaching safe driving for students

The school organized safe bicycle riding training classes for students in grades 6 and 9.

Students were instructed on how to properly wear helmets, comply with speed limits, and follow traffic laws when on roads.

III. Achievements

Student and teacher awareness of traffic safety significantly improved.

100% of students participating in the safe driving class mastered basic traffic skills.

No traffic accidents involving students occurred during the academic year.

Competitions on traffic safety attracted enthusiastic participation from students, with a high percentage winning prizes.

IV. Difficulties and Limitations

Some students and parents still do not pay appropriate attention to abiding by traffic laws, especially in wearing helmets when riding.

Traffic safety propaganda has not yet achieved widespread coverage in the community, particularly among parents.

V. Future Directions

Continuing to promote propaganda work through diverse forms such as video, bulletin boards, extracurricular activities.

Strengthening cooperation with functional agencies, especially traffic police, to organize detailed learning sessions and programs on traffic.

Training students in safe traffic participation skills through extracurricular classes and activities, such as contests on traffic laws and safe driving skills.

VI. Conclusion

The traffic safety education at the unit for the 2024-2025 academic year achieved favorable results. However, to maintain and enhance effectiveness, close coordination between schools, parents, and competent agencies is needed. We will continue to implement educational measures to raise awareness of traffic safety compliance, contributing to a safe and healthy school environment.

*Note: Information is for reference only./.

Report on Traffic Safety Education Activities at the Unit for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

What is the sample report on traffic safety education at the unit for the 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)

What are the regulations on the salary of visiting teachers in Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Article 9 of the Regulation on visiting policies in educational institutions issued with Circular 44/2011/TT-BGDDT, the rights of visiting teachers are stipulated as follows:

Rights of visiting teachers

1. Be entitled to receive wages, salaries, and benefits as agreed upon in the visiting contract and in accordance with legal regulations.


Thus, the salary of visiting teachers will be determined based on the agreement in the visiting contract between the teacher and the educational institution.

What are the standards of visiting teachers in Vietnam?

According to Article 5 of the Regulation on visiting policies in educational institutions issued with Circular 44/2011/TT-BGDDT, standards of visiting teachers in Vietnam are stipulated as follows:

- For teaching subjects, topics regulated in preschool education, general education, vocational education, undergraduate education, and continuing education programs for national education system degrees, visiting teachers must meet the standards specified in Article 67 of the Education Law 2019, including:

+ Possess good qualities, ideology, and ethics;

+ Meet professional standards according to job positions;

+ Have skills to update and improve professional and vocational competence;

+ Ensure health according to occupational requirements.

- Visiting teachers who are staffed teachers or tenured teachers of preschools or general education institutions must meet the teaching standards of the academic level at which they visiting.

- For teaching topics not included in preschool, general, vocational, undergraduate education, and continuing education programs for national education system degrees as mentioned at point b, clause 1, Article 2 of the Regulation on visiting policies in educational institutions issued with Circular 44/2011/TT-BGDDT, visiting teachers must have appropriate educational qualifications and professional experience.

- For teaching foreign language and informatics training programs at continuous education centers, visiting teachers must have a minimum professional level of a college degree or higher.

- For activities guiding, participating in grading panels for projects or theses; guiding, participating in master's and doctoral thesis evaluation councils, visiting teachers must meet the standards specified in Article 67 of the Education Law 2019 and master's and doctoral training regulations.

- For laboratory, practice, and internship guidance activities according to educational programs, visiting teachers must meet the experimental, practical, and internship requirements of subjects, topics, and educational programs; and meet regulatory standards for laboratory staff.

- For participating in building and developing training programs, compiling teaching materials, instructional books, and reference books according to visiting teaching field or specialization, visiting teachers must meet at least one of the following requirements:

+ Have a scientific work published in a scientific journal or in a scientific conference collection, domestic or international;

+ Have a published monograph;

+ Have a research project that has been accepted as satisfactory by the department/ equivalent level or higher;

+ Have a technology transfer contract that has been accepted and settled.

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