15:22 | 27/08/2024

Procedures for Quarterly Classification of Emulation for Students of Reformatory Schools and Compulsory Educational Facilities in Vietnam

What are procedures for quarterly classification of emulation for students of reformatory schools and compulsory educational facilities in Vietnam?

Procedures for Quarterly Classification of Emulation for Students of Reformatory Schools and Compulsory Educational Facilities in Vietnam

Based on Clause 3, Article 10 of Circular 49/2022/TT-BCA, the procedures for quarterly emulation classification for students in reformatory schools and compulsory education facilities are as follows:

(1) The homeroom teacher and the supervising police officer lead a meeting with the team of students to evaluate, review, and classify for the first quarter on February 25, the second quarter on May 25, the third quarter on August 25, and the fourth quarter on November 25;

(2) Before the meeting for review and classification, the homeroom teacher and the supervising police officer guide the students to write a self-assessment report indicating their proposed emulation classification for the quarter and future improvement directions.

If the student or inmate is illiterate or unable to write due to illness, another student can write on their behalf. After hearing the report and agreeing with the content, they can sign or mark the report, which must be signed by the homeroom teacher or the supervising police officer;

(3) The homeroom teacher and the supervising police officer ask each student to read their self-assessment report. The team collectively discusses and votes by a show of hands. If at least two-thirds of the attendees agree, the individual is included in the proposed classification list;

(4) Based on the review results of the team, the homeroom teacher and the supervising police officer compile a list to report to the Subcommittee on Emulation Classification (for reformatory schools with branches or compulsory education facilities with subdivisions) or the Council for Emulation Classification as stipulated under Article 11 of Circular 49/2022/TT-BCA;

For reformatory schools with branches or compulsory education facilities with subdivisions, based on the proposed quarterly emulation classification list from the homeroom teacher and the supervising police officer, the Subcommittee will organize a meeting.

During the meeting, when evaluating a team's classifications, the homeroom teacher or the supervising police officer presents the proposed classification list and addresses any queries raised by the committee members. Voting is conducted by a show of hands, and if at least two-thirds of the Subcommittee members agree, the proposal is approved.

The Subcommittee then finalizes the emulation classification documentation, preparing a list to be submitted to the Council for Emulation Classification for students;

(5) The Council for Emulation Classification organizes a meeting based on the recommendations from the Subcommittee or relevant Team Leaders.

When evaluating a particular branch or subdivision, the Head of the Subcommittee of that branch or subdivision reports the list of students and addresses any questions raised by the meeting members.

For reformatory schools without branches or compulsory education facilities without subdivisions, the homeroom teacher or the supervising police officer directly reports and explains to the Council.

Voting is conducted by a show of hands, and if at least two-thirds of the Council members agree, the proposal is approved;

(6) Based on the meeting results of the Council for Emulation Classification, the homeroom teacher and the supervising police officer collect the self-assessment reports of the students and inmates, write evaluations, classify quarterly emulation, and forward these to the relevant Team Leader for review. The principal of the reformatory school or the director of the compulsory education facility will approve, sign, and stamp the documents.

After the quarterly emulation classification results are available, the homeroom teacher or the supervising police officer announces them to the students and inmates.

Note: The meeting for quarterly emulation classification must be documented in minutes.

If the 25th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the meeting will be held on the following Monday. If it falls on a public holiday, the meeting will be held on the first working day after the holiday.

Procedures for Quarterly Emulation Classification

Procedures for Quarterly Classification of Emulation for Students of Reformatory Schools and Compulsory Educational Facilities in Vietnam (Image from Internet)

What are levels of quarterly classification of emulation for students of reformatory schools and compulsory educational facilities in Vietnam?

According to Article 7 of Circular 49/2022/TT-BCA, there are four levels for quarterly emulation classification for students in reformatory schools and compulsory education facilities: excellent, good, average, poor.

Whgat are conditions for quarterly classification of emulation for students of reformatory schools and compulsory educational facilities in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 3, Article 6 of Circular 49/2022/TT-BCA:

Standards and Conditions for Emulation Classification

3. Conditions for Emulation Classification

Students must comply with decisions in reformatory schools or compulsory education facilities for at least 04 days to be classified weekly; after being classified cumulatively for 03 weeks, monthly classification is permitted; and after being classified cumulatively for 02 months, quarterly emulation classification is allowed.

The condition for quarterly emulation classification for students in reformatory schools and compulsory education facilities is that they must have complied with decisions for at least 02 months.

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