What are the guidelines for writing a report on the petroleum of the Southwest Asia region for 11th-grade students? What are the required outcomes regarding the Southwest Asia section for 11th-grade students in Vietnam?

What are the guidelines for writing a report on the petroleum of the Southwest Asia region for 11th-grade students? What are the required outcomes regarding the Southwest Asia section for 11th-grade students in Vietnam?

What are the guidelines for writing a report on the petroleum of the Southwest Asia region for 11th-grade students in Vietnam?

Petroleum is a strategic resource that plays a crucial role in global economic and political development. The Southwest Asia region, with its massive petroleum reserves, is considered the "heart" of the global petroleum and gas industry. Below is a sample report on the petroleum issue in Southwest Asia that students can refer to.

I. Petroleum Resources

- Reserves:

+ Southwest Asia possesses the largest petroleum reserves in the world, playing a strategic role in the global economy. According to 2020 data, the region has reserves of 113.2 billion tons, accounting for 46.3% of global petroleum reserves. This is an extremely important resource for the region as well as the world.

- Distribution:

+ Petroleum in Southwest Asia was first discovered in 1908 in Iran and is currently concentrated mainly in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE.

+ Petroleum fields are primarily located on land and in positions near ports, facilitating extraction and transportation. This helps Southwest Asia become the largest petroleum center in the world.

II. Petroleum Extraction

- Extraction Methods:

+ Petroleum extraction is carried out via a system of petroleum wells. When drilling hits a liquid petroleum layer, petroleum often spurts up due to high pressure in the reservoir. When pressure decreases, pumps or water/gas injection are used to maintain the necessary pressure.

+ Most petroleum wells in Southwest Asia are on land with not very deep depths, helping reduce extraction costs. Some offshore wells are exploited but with higher costs due to difficult extraction conditions.

- Extraction Output:

+ In 2020, the crude petroleum production of the region reached 1,297.3 million tons, accounting for 31.1% of the global crude petroleum output.

- Characteristics of petroleum in Southwest Asia:

+ Abundant reserves.

+ Crude petroleum with low sulfur and carbon content, good quality.

+ Cheap labor, high profits.

+ On average, countries in the region extract over 1 billion tons of petroleum annually, equivalent to 1/3 of the world's petroleum production.

- petroleum Export:

+ Crude petroleum is transported from petroleum wells through pipeline systems to large ports for export.

+ In 2020, the region exported 874.9 million tons of crude oil, accounting for 41.5% of global exports.

- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC):

+ Established to control petroleum prices and regulate the global petroleum supply.

+ OPEC plays a significant role in international trade, helping petroleum-exporting countries in Southwest Asia achieve high economic benefits.

- However, petroleum extraction and export pose risks of petroleum spills, severely polluting the marine and terrestrial environment.

III. Issues and Challenges

- Environmental Risks:

+ Petroleum extraction and transportation are often faced with risks of petroleum spills, threatening ecosystems and the marine environment.

+ Petroleum extraction activities also contribute to increased air and water pollution.

- Dependence on Petroleum:

+ Many countries in the Southwest Asia region heavily depend on petroleum as their main source of income, making their economies susceptible to fluctuations in petroleum prices on the international market.

- Competition and Security:

+ The large petroleum reserves and strategic importance have made this region a site for many geopolitical conflicts.

+ Disputes over the right to exploit and transport petroleum between countries or with international corporations can cause regional instability.

IV. Conclusion

petroleum is a strategic resource and the economic pillar of the Southwest Asia region. With large reserves, high production, and favorable geographic location, this region plays a central role in the global petroleum market. However, environmental challenges, petroleum price volatility, and geopolitical conflicts require countries to have sustainable resource management strategies and more diversified economic development in the future.

Note: The content is for reference purposes only.

Practice Writing Report on the Oil Issue in Southwest Asia for Grade 11? Requirements within the content of the Southwest Asia section for Grade 11 students?

What are the guidelines for writing a report on the petroleum of the Southwest Asia region for 11th-grade students in Vietnam? What are the required outcomes regarding the Southwest Asia section for 11th-grade students? (Image from the Internet)

What are the required outcomes regarding the Southwest Asia section for 11th-grade students in Vietnam?

Under Section 5 of the General Education Program in Geography issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the required outcomes regarding the Southwest Asia section for 11th-grade students in Vietnam are as follows:

- Analyze the impact of geographical location and some prominent natural, population, and social characteristics on socio-economic development.

- Present and explain the overall economic development situation of the region.

- Extract, select, and gather data from different sources about the geography of the Southwest Asia region.

- Read maps, draw conclusions; analyze data and documents.

- Write a report presenting some prominent information about petroleum resources and extraction in the Southwest Asia region.

What are the subject classroom standards for upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

Under Article 5 of the Regulations on Subject Classrooms of General Educational Institutions issued with Circular 14/2020/TT-BGDDT, subject classroom standards for upper secondary schools in Vietnam are as follows:

- For subject classrooms in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology, Foreign Languages, and Multifunctional rooms, the minimum working area per student is 2.00 m² and each room should not be smaller than 60 m²;

- For subject classrooms in Technology, Music, and Art, the minimum working area per student is 2.45 m² and each room should not be smaller than 60 m²;

In social Science subject classrooms (shared for subjects History, Geography, Economics, and Law Education), the minimum working area per student is 1.50 m² and each room should not be smaller than 60 m².

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