What is the registration link for the 3rd-week examination of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" on Https hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn?
What is the registration link for the 3rd-week examination of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" on Https hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn?
Students can refer to the following information on the registration link for the 3rd-week examination of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" on Https hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn:
According to the Regulations of the Online Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year issued with Decision 3891/QD-BGDDT in 2024 Download, the registration link for the 3rd-week examination of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" on Https hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn is as follows:
Step 1: Contestants access the contest's website at the following link from 9:00 AM on January 13, 2025.
*Note: Each participant must register and use a single account to join the contest.
- Week 3: From 9:00 AM on January 13, 2025, to 10:00 PM on January 19, 2025.
Step 2: Fill out the detailed information as instructed:
After registering an account, contestants can take an online trial test on the contest's website.
What is the registration link for the 3rd-week examination of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" on Https hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn? (Image from Internet)
What are the requirements regarding the educational method of the History subject in Vietnam?
Under Article 7 of Education Law 2019, the requirements regarding the educational method of the History subject in Vietnam are:
Requirements on contents, methods of education
1. Contents of education must ensure the basic, comprehensive, practical, modern, systematic and up-to-date characteristics; with importance attached to ideological, ethical and civic consciousness education; preserving and developing the good traditions and the national cultural identity, absorbing the essence of the mankind culture; and suitable with the physical, intellectual and psycho-physiology development of various age groups and abilities of learners.
2. Methods of education must be scientific and bring into full play the activeness, consciousness, self-motivation and creative thinking of learners; foster self-study and cooperative abilities, practical ability, learning eagerness and the will to advance forward.
Therefore, according to the above-stated regulations, the requirements regarding the educational method of the History subject in Vietnam are:
- be scientific and bring into full play the activeness, consciousness, self-motivation and creative thinking of learners;
- foster self-study and cooperative abilities, practical ability, learning eagerness and the will to advance forward
What are the requirements regarding the education program of the History subject?
Under Article 8 of Education Law 2019, the requirements regarding the education program of the History subject are as follows:
- Educational programmes shall reflect the goals of education; set the standards for knowledge, skills, requirements on quality and capacity of learners; scope and structure of educational contents; methods and forms of organizing educational activities; evaluation methods of educational outcomes for each subject of every grade and level or for each subject, module, specialization of every training qualification.
- Educational programmes must ensure the scientific and practical characteristics; inheritability and transferability among different levels and different training qualifications; facilitate the classification of students and exchange between training qualifications, specializations and educational forms in the national educational system in order for localities and educational institutions to proactively implement suitable educational plans; satisfying the goal of gender equality and demands of international integration. Educational programmes are the basis of comprehensive education quality assurance.
- Requirements on knowledge, skills and on dignity and capacity of learners defined in educational programmes must be concretized in textbooks used for general education, in syllabi and teaching materials used for vocational education and higher education. Textbooks, syllabi and teaching materials must meet the requirements on educational methods.
- Preschool education and general education shall run year-based programmes; vocational education and higher education may run year-based, module-based, credit-based programmes or combined programmes.
Study results of subjects or credits/modules accumulated by learners after pursuing an educational programme are considered for transferable values for respective subjects or credits/modules of other educational programmes when learners change their educational specializations/professions, forms of studies, or follow higher educational levels or qualifications.
- Within the scope of their duties and authorities, the Minister of Education and Training and Minister of Labour - War Invalids and Social Affairs shall stipulate the implementation of educational programmes and the recognition of the transferable values of study results of higher education and vocational education levels as prescribed in this Article.