What are the newest 2nd mid-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Literature in Vietnam? What are the perspectives on developing the 12th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

What are the newest 2nd mid-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Literature in Vietnam? What are the perspectives on developing the 12th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

What are the newest 2nd mid-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Literature in Vietnam?

Below are the newest 2nd mid-semester question papers for 12th-grade Literature in Vietnam:

Department of Education and Training .....

2nd mid-semester question papers for 12th-grade Literature

Subject: 12th-grade Literature

Duration: 120 minutes

(not including time to distribute question papers)

(Question paper No. 1)



Read the following text and answer the questions:

There was a man who built his fortune from scratch and became wealthy. He treated everyone generously and was passionate about charity work. One day, he discovered three poor families whose lives were extremely difficult. He sympathized with their circumstances and decided to donate to them. One family was very grateful and happily accepted his help. Another family hesitated but accepted, promising to repay it. The third family thanked him for his generosity but saw it only as charity, therefore refused.

(Adapted from giaoduc.net.vn)

Question 1: What is the main mode of expression used in the above text?

Question 2: Why did the man in the text decide to donate to the three poor families?

Question 3: Do you oppose any of the responses of the poor families to the man's actions in the text? Why?

II. WRITING (7.0 points)

Question 1 (2.0 points)

From the excerpt in the Reading Comprehension section, write a paragraph (around 200 words) expressing your thoughts on: The happiness of today's youth.

Question 2 (5.0 points)

Commenting on the realism value of the short story "A Phu's Husband and Wife" by To Hoai, it is said: The story is a true picture of the miserable fate of ethnic minorities under the estates' feudal policies.

Analyze the work to clarify this opinion.



Question 1 (0.5 points):

The text is primarily written in a narrative mode, as it tells the story of a man's charitable acts towards three poor families.

Question 2 (0.5 points):

The man decided to donate to the three poor families because he sympathized with their difficult circumstances and wanted to help them overcome their hardships.

Question 3 (2.0 points):

Students may agree or disagree with one of the three responses of the families, but must provide sound reasoning.

Suggested opposition to the third family's response:

- The third family refused the help because they viewed it as charity. However, the man's goodwill was sincere, not meant to show superiority.

- In difficult times, refusing help due to excessive pride can result in missing opportunities to change their lives.

- Helping one another in hard times should be appreciated, not misunderstood as patronizing.

(Note: If students choose to oppose the first or second family, they need appropriate reasoning.)

II. WRITING (7,0 points)

Question 1 (2,0 points): Write a paragraph on the happiness of today's youth

Suggested content:

- Introduction: Lead into the topic of happiness, potentially using a quote or observation about happiness.

- Body:

+ What is the happiness of today's youth?

++ It might be success in studies, work, friendships, love, family, passion…

++ It's not only material but also spiritual values, contributing to society.

+ Factors affecting happiness:

++ Technology development helps connect people but also causes loneliness and pressure among youth.

++ Social media creates comparisons, making it hard to find true happiness.

+ How can youth achieve happiness?

++ Appreciate simple things.

++ Live positively, aiming for good values.

++ Maintain healthy relationships with family, friends, and society.

- Conclusion: Affirm that happiness is self-created and shouldn't be overly influenced by society.

Question 2 (5,0 points): Analyze the realism value of the short story "A Phu's Husband and Wife"

- Explain the opinion:

+ “A true picture of the miserable fate of ethnic minorities under estate feudal policies” means:

+ The work truly reflects the harsh life of mountain people under the oppression of the ruling class (Pá Tra).

+ The poor laborers were cruelly exploited, losing their rights, living in slavery.

- Analyze the work to clarify the opinion:

+ Mị's circumstances:

++ From a beautiful, joyful girl, Mị was caught as a debt bride to the Pá Tra's house.

++ Exploited, both physically and mentally abused, Mị lived like a shadow, losing awareness of life.

+ A Phu's fate:

++ A strong, brave man but caught by Pá Tra's house, enduring brutal beatings.

++ When losing a cow, A Phu was tied in the freezing cold, almost nearing death.

+ Realistic picture of mountain society:

++ Brutal ruling class (Pá Tra, Lý Kien).

++ Extreme poverty of the poor (Mị, A Phu, Mị's father).

++ High-interest loans forced the poor into lifelong slavery.

- Conclusion:

+ Reaffirm the realism value of the work: "A Phu’s Husband and Wife" is not just a story about two characters but also a voice against the policies of the mountain estates' feudal chieftains.

+ Expand: The combination of realism and humanitarian values has given the work enduring life in Vietnamese literature.


+ The answers above are suggestive; students may develop in their direction but need to ensure cohesive arguments and relevant evidence.

+ The writing section should ensure a 3-part structure (Introduction - Body - Conclusion), presented coherently with emotion.

Department of Education and Training .....

2nd mid-semester question papers for 12th-grade Literature

Subject: 12th-grade Literature

Duration: 120 minutes

(not including time to distribute question papers)

(Question paper No. 2)


Read the text:


(Doan Trong Hai)

(1) The road hangs on the horizon

The road's longer than fate

(2) So many times your shadow lost

So many times your soul ails

So many times you fall on the road

(3) But before the road

Your feet still stride

Like before life

You still have your love

(4) Not afraid of life’s thorns stabbing painfully

Not afraid of loneliness through solitary journey

Only fear meeting your footsteps again

(5) You will be yourself when walking on the road

Footprints behind no longer trace

Footprints by grass filled or tear-flowered

Before you await morning steps

(6) You will be yourself with long journeys

Before you, the road is breath

You love each new step

As you love life, as you’ve loved your love.

(Military Journal, No. 1033, March 2024, page 37)

Carry out the requirements:

Question 1. Identify the lyric character in the poem.

Question 2. Identify the images expressing the pain and failure of the lyric character in stanza (2).

Question 3. Analyze the effect of the repetition of the structure: “You will be yourself…” in stanzas (5) and (6).

Question 4. Identify the symbolic meaning of the “road” image used in the poem.

Question 5. Do you agree with the thought: “Only fear meeting your footsteps again” of the author? Why?


Question 1. (2,0 points) Write a paragraph analyzing and evaluating the theme of the poem "Self-monologue before the road" by Doan Trong Hai in the Reading Comprehension section.

Question 2. (4,0 points) Recently, the "healing" trend has flourished among young people. Not only on social media forums but also during coffee talks, the phrase "going for healing" has become a catchphrase whenever something is displeasing.

Write a persuasive essay (about 600 words) expressing your view on the current healing trend.



Question 1 (0.5 points)

The lyric character in the poem is “You,” who is dialoguing with himself on the journey of life.

Question 2 (0.5 points)

The images illustrating the pain and failure of the lyric character in stanza (2):

- “Your shadow lost” >> Fatigue, lost path.

- “Your soul ails” >> Internal wounds, suffering.

- “You fall on the road” >> Symbol of failure, collapse.

Question 3 (1.0 point)

- The effect of the repetition of the structure: “You will be yourself…”:

- Emphasizes the lyric character’s determination and strong will.

- Asserts the resolve to keep moving forward without being hindered by the past.

- Contributes to creating a powerful rhythm, and decisive tone for the poem.

Question 4 (1.0 point)

The symbolic meaning of the "road" in the poem:

- Represents the life journey each person must undertake.

- Symbolizes challenges and hardships, as well as the journey towards growth and success.

- Symbolizes choice, the future, expressing hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Question 5 (1.0 point)

Students might agree or disagree with the statement "Only fear meeting your footsteps again."

- Suitable reasoning:

+ If agreeing: Meeting the old footsteps signifies being stationary, not progressing, repeating mistakes.

+ If disagreeing: Looking back at old footsteps helps draw lessons for more solid steps ahead.

II. WRITING (6.0 points)

Question 1 (2.0 points) – Write a 200-word paragraph analyzing the poem's theme

- Meet form, length requirements (0.25 points)

+ Write in correct paragraph format (inductive, deductive, link chain…).

+ Ensure around 200 words.

- Identify the topic of discussion (0.25 points)

The poem's theme: The journey of overcoming difficulties and failures to move towards the future.

- Idea system (0.5 points)

+ The poem expresses the self-monologue of the lyric character about a challenging journey but persists onward.

+ The "road" symbolizes life's journey with challenges and hope.

+ Core thought: Despite difficulties, people need to retain their determination and not let the past restrict them.

- Develop the paragraph logically and convincingly (0.5 points)

+ Use evidence from the poem to support the evaluation.

+ Analyze the profound meaning of the poem for life.

- Assure grammar, linkage (0.25 points):

Present clearly, coherently, without spelling errors.

- Creativity (0.25 points)

Novel expression, deep reflection on the poem.Question 2 (4.0 points) – Essay on the "healing" trend

- Correctly identify the requirements of the essay type (0.25 points): Write a social essay about a phenomenon.

- Correctly identify the argumentative issue (0.5 points): The "healing" trend among today's youth.

- System of arguments (1.0 point):

+ Explain what "healing" is.

++ Healing is the process of psychological and emotional recovery after damage.++ This trend has emerged due to stressful and pressure-filled lives.

+ The reality of the healing trend

++ Popular on social media, becoming a trend embraced by many.++ There are various ways of healing: travel, meditation, journaling, psychological therapy…

+ Positive aspects of the healing trend

++ Helps people reduce stress and improve mental health.++ Supports those who are wounded to overcome difficulties.

+ Negative aspects of the healing trend


++ Some people misuse "healing" to escape reality without addressing real issues.

++ Distorted into a business tool, profiting from scientifically unfounded courses.

++ Makes individuals passive and dependent on unsubstantiated methods.

+ Lessons learned

++ Need to understand healing correctly: Not always necessary, but confront and overcome difficulties.

++ Combine healing with self-change and building a strong spiritual resilience.

- Develop a coherent essay with logical progression (1.5 points)

+ Clear argumentation with real-life examples.

+ Examples of the healing trend in modern life.

- Ensure correct spelling and grammar (0.25 points)

No errors in expression or spelling.

- Creativity (0.5 points)

Display profound viewpoints, innovative expression, and critical thinking.

Note: Information is for reference only!

Exam question for mid-term Grade 12 Literature 2025 with latest answers?

What are the newest 2nd mid-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Literature in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the required outcomes regarding argumentative texts in the Literature curriculum for 12th-grade students in Vietnam?

According to the General Education Program for Literature accompanied by Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, which specifies the requirements for argumentative texts in 12th-grade Literature as follows:

- Reading comprehension of content

+ Identify and analyze the content of the thesis, arguments, reasoning, and distinctive evidence in the text; point out their connections; assess the appropriateness between the argumentative content and the title of the text.

+ Be able to receive and evaluate content with critical thinking; recognize the purpose,

- Reading comprehension of form

+ Analyze and evaluate how the author uses specific argumentative operations (such as proving, explaining, commenting, comparing, analyzing, or rebutting) in the text to achieve the purpose.

+ Analyze rhetorical devices, words, and affirmative or negative sentences in argumentative texts and evaluate the effectiveness of using these forms.

+ Identify and analyze the role of argumentative and expressive language in argumentative texts.

What are the perspectives on developing the 12th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

According to the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

The curriculum adheres to the basic regulations stated in the General Program while emphasizing several perspectives:

- The curriculum is developed on theoretical and practical foundations, updates on research achievements in education, psychology, and teaching methodology of Vietnamese literature; achievements in literature and linguistics research; achievements in Vietnamese literature across various periods; experiences in developing Vietnamese literature curricula, particularly from the early 21st century until now, and international trends in curriculum development in general, and the curriculum in particular over recent years, especially from developed countries; societal practice, education, economic conditions, and Vietnamese cultural tradition, especially the diversity of students in terms of regions, conditions, and learning abilities.

- The curriculum focuses on training communication skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) as a central theme throughout all three education levels to meet the program's capacity-oriented direction and ensure coherence and continuity across all grades and levels. Fundamental, foundational knowledge about the Vietnamese language and literature is formed through activities in comprehending and creating texts; directly serving the requirement of training in reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

- The curriculum is developed with an open approach, reflected in not specifying detailed teaching content but stipulating the outcomes needed in reading, writing, speaking, and listening for each grade; delineating some basic, core knowledge about the Vietnamese language, literature, and some texts with a significant, crucial position in national literature as mandatory content for students nationwide.

- The curriculum meets both the innovation requirements and emphasizes inheriting and enhancing the strengths of existing Vietnamese literature curricula, especially the current one.

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