How many countries through which the Mekong River flows are there? What are the requirements regarding teaching equipment in subject rooms of general educational institutions in Vietnam?

How many countries through which the Mekong River flows are there? What are the regulations for specialized furniture in subject rooms of general educational institutions in Vietnam?

How many countries through which the Mekong River flows are there?

The Mekong River flows through 6 countries including China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

The Mekong River is 4,350 km long and is the longest river in Southeast Asia. Due to passing through multiple countries, this river has many names. In China, it is known as the Lancang Jiang. In Vietnam, this river is called the Cuu Long River, but the most common name is Mekong.

1. Origin of the Mekong River:

The Mekong River originates in the Tibetan Plateau, a remote and rugged area at an altitude of 5,000 meters above sea level. Here, on the northern slopes of the Gangdise Range, the melting glacial waters form the source waters of the Mekong River.

2. Journey of the Mekong River:

- China: The source of the Mekong River is located in China (here the river is called the Lancang Jiang). It flows through provinces like Yunnan before exiting China’s borders and continuing to flow through other countries.

- Myanmar: The Mekong River enters Myanmar through the eastern region of the country, forming a natural border between Myanmar and Thailand.

- Thailand: The Mekong River flows through Northern Thailand, passing through the cities of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai before entering Laos.

- Laos: In Laos, the Mekong flows through the majestic Truong Son Range, creating spectacular landscapes of towering cliffs and magnificent waterfalls. After flowing through Vang Vieng and Vientiane, the capital of Laos, the river continues into Cambodia.

- Cambodia: The Mekong River passes through the capital Phnom Penh of Cambodia, where two major branches of the Mekong (the main Mekong and the Tonle Sap River) meet. This is also where the Tonle Sap Lake, one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world, is located.

- Vietnam: In Vietnam, the Mekong River empties into the East Sea through the mouth of the Cuu Long, forming the Mekong Delta, one of the fertile and agriculturally important regions.

Through how many countries does the Mekong River flow? What requirements must teaching equipment in subject rooms meet?

How many countries through which the Mekong River flows are there? What are the requirements regarding teaching equipment in subject rooms of general educational institutions in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the requirements regarding teaching equipment in subject rooms of general educational institutions in Vietnam?

Under Clause 2, Article 7 of the Regulation on subject rooms in general educational institutions issued together with Circular 14/2020/TT-BGDDT, teaching equipment in subject rooms of general educational institutions in Vietnam must meet the following requirements:

- Fully equipped with devices available in the list of teaching equipment corresponding to each type of subject room as stipulated by the Minister of Education and Training;

- Encouraged to equip other devices to meet the requirements of renewing teaching methods, applying new technologies, improving the experimental and practical skills of students; supporting teaching topics, scientific research, and career orientation in general educational institutions;

- Teaching equipment in subject rooms is arranged and organized logically, systematically, suitable for technical requirements, functionality, course content to ensure convenience in use, preservation, and not reducing the functionality of each subject room;

- Chemicals are arranged, organized, and stored separately to prevent affecting or damaging other teaching equipment.

What are the regulations for specialized furniture in subject rooms of general educational institutions in Vietnam?

Specialized furniture in subject rooms of general educational institutions is regulated in Article 8 of the Regulation on subject rooms of general educational institutions issued together with Circular 14/2020/TT-BGDDT as follows:

(1) Specialized furniture includes:

- Desks, chairs, writing boards, cabinets, shelves, and specialized racks;

- Drying cabinets; exhaust hoods; exhaust systems for fumes, odors, and toxic vapors;

- Specialized sink systems, and faucets;

- Specialized electrical systems;

- Medical cabinets;

- Other specialized furniture.

(2) Requirements for specialized furniture:

- Specialized furniture in subject rooms is calculated based on the number of students and the experimental, practical requirements of the course program;

- Subject rooms must be designed and equipped with furniture that is synchronized, scientific, and convenient for use;

- Desks and chairs in subject rooms are arranged to ensure regulations on board viewing angles, spacing between desk rows, rows, boards, and surrounding walls to ensure organizing experimental, practice teaching in groups; Desks and chairs in subject rooms are specialized types, possibly made from various materials to meet the specific requirements of the subject. Additionally, desks and chairs in Science-Technology, Natural Science, Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology rooms must be heat, chemical, mechanical resistant, ensuring easy cleaning and maintenance;

- Cabinets, shelves, specialized racks in subject rooms, preparation rooms, and educational equipment rooms are arranged and organized reasonably for storing and preserving teaching equipment;

- Medical cabinets in subject rooms are equipped with essential medicines and medical supplies for first aid in incidents. They are fixed in place, hygienic, easy to see, easily accessible, and convenient to use;

- The curtain system in subject rooms is arranged to block local or entire room light.

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