14:26 | 28/02/2025

What are the lyrics and chords of the song "Vui Đét" What are the objectives of Music at the educational levels in Vietnam?

What are the lyrics and chords of the song "Vui Đét" What are the objectives of Music at the educational levels in Vietnam?

What are the lyrics and chords of the song "Vui Đét"?

Below are the Lyrics of the song "Vui Đét":

Lyrics of the song "Vui Đét"

Verse 1:

It's again DJ House

Cool kid never sleeps

I'm the one and only

With my jukie jamming day by day

A token is passed to our group

Yeah NSC never forgets the light day

Brothers buy devices to play

But still go to work

We haven't taken a break

But we're working

I play in the club

The sound reverberates loudly

It's stuck in a set, now you're toasted


Get your gang, we’re father

Turn up the music, ok louder

Making hit after another

Making music shaking not for clowns

Bunny, angry chill

Make some deal, brand new Louis Vuitton

Tell me what you want, just call in my phone

Meet me and joy is endless


Baby, just enjoy, just enjoy, just enjoy

Should be all joy, all joy

Brothers we're all joyful, all joyful

Baby, just enjoy, just enjoy, just enjoy

Should be all joy

all joy Brothers we're all joyful

all joy

Beside you is joy

joyful and remembered

Rap Verse 2

Search for the gentle rhythm, on the track

Hello b***, you wanna play like this?

Wanna play like this?

Type *, say frozen hot like

Dirty nip, drop it more

Hands in mind, hands in mind

Over there, in the melancholy, want to wait

Let me into the sky


Get your gang, we’re father

Turn up the music, ok louder

Making it another,

making music yet not for fools

Burn it,

angry chill,

make some deal Brand new Louis Vuitton

Tell me what you want,

just call in my phone Meet me and joy is endless


There’s a quiet foot,

stepping into the club at midnight

There’s a quiet foot,

stepping into the club it’s also when the music goes on

Brothers we’re all happy happy happy


How many peanuts of joy clear,

all joy Brothers we're all joyful,

all joy

Brothers we’re all joyful, all joyful

Brothers we’re all joyful, joyful

Below are the chords of the song "Vui Đét"

Chords of the song "Vui Đét"

Verse 1

[Am] It’s again DJ Hose

[F] Cool kid never sneeze

[C] I'm the one and only

[G] With my jukie jamming day by day

[Am] A token is passed to our group

[F] Yeah NSC never forgets the light day

[C] Brothers buy devices to play

[G] But still go to work


[Am] Get your gang, we’re father

[F] Turn up the music, ok louder

[C] Making hit after another

[G] Making music shaking not for clowns


[Am] Baby, just enjoy, just enjoy

[F] Just enjoy, should be all joy

[C] All joy, brothers we’re all joyful

[G] All joy, brothers we’re all joyful

Rap Verse 2 (Keep the same chord progression)

[Am] Beside you is all joy, joyful and remembered

[F] Search for the gentle rhythm, on the track

[C] Hello b***, you wanna play like this?

[G] Wanna play like this? Type *, say frozen hot like...


[Am] There’s a quiet foot, stepping into the club at midnight

[F] There’s a quiet foot, stepping into the club it’s also when the music goes on

[C] Brothers we’re all happy happy happy

[G] How many peanuts of all joy, all joy

Note: Information is for reference only!

Lyrics of the Song Vui Det? Chords of the Song Vui Det?

What are the lyrics and chords of the song "Vui Đét"? (Image from the Internet)

What are the objectives of Music at the educational levels in Vietnam?

According to the General Education Program for Music issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the objectives of the Music subject are as follows:

1. General objectives

The Music curriculum helps students form and develop musical competence based on general music knowledge and diverse learning activities to experience and explore musical art; nurture aesthetic emotions and a love for music, recognize the diversity of the music world, and the relationship between music and culture, history, society, along with other art forms, form awareness to protect and disseminate traditional music values; possess a rich spiritual life with noble traits, have suitable career orientation, promote potential musical activities and develop general competencies of students.

2. Objectives for Primary Level

The Music curriculum at the primary level helps students initially familiarize themselves with general music knowledge, the diversity of the musical world, and traditional musical values; form some initial musical skills; nurture aesthetic emotions and a love for music, engage in music activities suitable for their age; contribute to shaping and developing essential traits (patriotism, kindness, diligence, honesty, responsibility) and general competencies (self-control and self-study, communication, and cooperation, problem-solving, and creativity).

3. Objectives for Lower Secondary Level

The Music curriculum at the lower secondary level helps students develop musical competence based on general music knowledge and experiential, exploratory music art activities; nurture aesthetic emotions and a love for music; continue forming some basic music skills, promoting potential musical activities; understand the diversity of the musical world and the connection between music with culture, history, society, along with other art forms, form awareness to protect and disseminate traditional music values; contribute to the development of essential traits and general competencies formed at the primary level.

4. Objectives for Upper Secondary Level

The Music curriculum at the upper secondary level helps students develop musical competence, essential traits, and general competencies formed at the lower secondary level; shape aesthetic tastes; expand their understanding of music in correlation with historical, cultural, and social factors, know to appreciate and have the consciousness to preserve, protect, and disseminate traditional music values; promote potential musical activities, apply musical knowledge and skills in life; have career directions suitable to their capabilities.

What are the achievement levels of the required outcomes for Music in Vietnam?

Under subsection 1, section 8 of the General Education Program for the Music subject issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BG/DDT, certain verbs are used to express the achievement levels of the required outcomes of students.

Some verbs are used at different levels, but in each case express a specific action with respective subjects and requirements.

During the teaching process, especially when posing discussion questions, and designing assessment tasks, teachers can use the verbs mentioned below or replace them with equivalent verbs suitable to the pedagogical situation and specific tasks assigned to students.

03 achievement levels of the required outcomes for Music in Vietnam include:

Level Verbs Describing the Level
Acknowledge Naming (performance forms), enumerating (some notable musicians), listing (a variety of musical instruments), recalling (the content of a song), articulating, memorizing (lyrics); recognizing (musical notes, musical notation symbols), identifying, reading accurately (pitch and rhythm of musical notes),...
Comprehension Describing (instrumental playing action), providing examples; summarizing, explaining (the meaning of some musical symbols and terms); comparing (differences between rhythmic types),...
Application Performing (musical acts); adjusting (vocal tone to create harmony); organizing (music activities suitable for age groups); classifying, evaluating (musical performance skills of oneself and others),…
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